XFree86 Debugging & Support
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Top half of screen doubles in interlaced mode, David Seidman
Kdrive i810 add Xv extension, Oliveiros Peixoto
my Linux crashed,
Salman Ahmed
Dual cards. Dual Monitors. Device Problems!,
Tony VanScoy
Problem with video.,
Start X server without leaving current terminal,
Michael Wichmann
ATI All-In-Wonder 9700, Ted Huntington
Fatal Server Crash, Michael Pendleton
Problem In X Configuration, swapnil shukla
Dual independant screens with Pundit, Fredrik Högberg
suggestions?: 1 machine with 2 different X builds, ahechmer
MATROX G400 and XFree86,
Problem on X,
bug ? - Module load failure: bitmapmod.o,
K. Posern
ask solution,
GUI problem,
shameem ahamed
Possible to run TinyX on 1bpp monochromatic Framebuffer?, Samuel Teng
New Apple 20" Cinema Display DVI with Radeon 9600XT, Brent Ledvina
problems setting up dual devices/monitors, Tony VanScoy
Re: Re: Old photos, acerezalp
Problems starting Xfce4, Jochen
Troubles with Matrox P750, Giandomenico Piermarini
Problem of installation Mandrake Linux 10.0, lowpricecooler
Setting refresh to 75 Hz 800x600,
Patrick Dunford
Uninstalling 4.4,
Ian Carter White
least believe that the, Jerold
X problem...please help,
Casper Caspy
startx Fatal server error: no screens found!, Samuel Teng
Recall: Can not start x windows after upgraded kernel to version 2.6.x, Chantarabunta, Kritsakorn (GE Consumer Finance)
Can not start x windows after upgraded kernel to version 2.6.x,
Chantarabunta, Kritsakorn (GE Consumer Finance)
Please Assist,
Vincent Gan
intel i830,
Bryan Klofas
XFree version,
Lukasz Michal Rak
I Need help!,
Help me??,
Noman Siddiqui
Problem with hardware installation in Linux, N.S.Soni
Continued : Xfree 4.4 make install failure on ppc system - scaled fonts problem with mkfonts, axel . azerty
Xfree 4.4 make install failure on ppc system - scaled fonts problem with mkfontscale, axel . azerty
On my web server, Dwarika Prasad Tripathy
Flashing graphics with TrueColor visual,
Phil Roets
Policy Violation,
ELF RelocateEntry Error, root
Error recieved on an AlphaPC 164SX,
X server problem on Dell C600 laptop, narayan . sharma
Xfree 3.3.6 Trio64 support, happyclappy
Just want my xwindows system to work!, Huu Tho Nguyen
Compiling Error XFCVS, Sandro Weiser
how does X find modelines?,
Warren Paul
Re: how does X find modelines?, Warren Paul
Re: how does X find modelines?, Warren Paul
Re: how does X find modelines?, Warren Paul
Re: how does X find modelines?, Warren Paul
Re: how does X find modelines?, Warren Paul
Re: how does X find modelines?, Warren Paul
Re: how does X find modelines?, Warren Paul
Re: how does X find modelines?, Warren Paul
Re: how does X find modelines?, Warren Paul
Re: how does X find modelines?, Warren Paul
Re: how does X find modelines?, Warren Paul
problem with radeon 9800se, sonib
X11 on HP PA750,
M. Berthold
X server crashing-please help-new to linux, selva manoharan
mga, Philips 170B2, RHEL3, XF4.3.0: Can't get higher resolutions,
Guy Waugh
radeon IGP 345M DRI help,
Carlos Figueiredo
Jumpy mouse,
Cameron Villers
error in running in tightvnc(Xvnc),
mode problems., Warren Paul
Laptop display confusion with thinkpad and external monitor., Paul Hands
Problem when I type : "startx",
ruchi nag
XFree86 verion 4.4 / Shared Libraries,
EXT-Holvenstot, Christopher
Blank LCD display,
Miller, Marlena
- Re: Blank LCD display, Andrew Haninger
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Blank LCD display, Benstead, Kevin
- RE: Blank LCD display, Benstead, Kevin
- RE: Blank LCD display, Miller, Marlena
- RE: Blank LCD display, Benstead, Kevin
- RE: Blank LCD display, Miller, Marlena
- RE: Blank LCD display, Benstead, Kevin
keyboard on diskless and read-only filesystem, Walter C. Pelissero
dual head with i855GM,
Testing a driver using the Xtest,
Marcela Schreiber Geva
problem with displaying X on eOne,
Eric Franz
Error running xf86config,
John Raven
bug in 4.4.0 i865 driver, Steve Bellovin
Error in I830WaitLpRing(),
Cory Meisch
XFree86 4.3.0 with ATI Radeon 9100 IGP,
colin higgs
Trio card, GLX missing, Arthur Butler
How to zoom xrandr with Xkb?, Daniel Pfeiffer
Error init kde-desktop Linux RedHat 8.0,
Abel Zárate Avendaño
Problemas para reiniciar KDE desde RedHat, Abel Zárate Avendaño
Why is the Install script so complicated, Benstead, Kevin
failure with ProMotion and XFree86 4.3/4.4 (apm), Andrew Pimlott
no keyboard events w/o windowmanager?, Joerg Schmitz-Linneweber
ee Windows 2003 Server, Roslyn Weiss
X config problems, Salvador Blasco Llopis
real256e ? sis embedded video, Sam
error loading,
Carlos Morota Jr.
ximage shrinking, ANGELESCU Florin
bug from Vitaly, Vitaly
ATI Radeon VE / Radeon 7000 (Split connector dongle edition), . .
xshmcreatepixmap xcreatepixmap,
Xfree crashes, Vadim Beregovsky
DMX without Xinerama,
Frédéric L. W. Meunier
lock at startup, Ko:rte
help-usuario de linux pide ayuda,
Claudio Lombardo
XVideo support problem., Daniel W
Please help me,
Vadim Beregovsky
Please help me, agung widiyanto
Problem with screen, Salgado Herrera Juan
kdrive vs. tinyX,
Hinko Kocevar
My Voodoo3 2000 eats my characters!, DervishD
Keyboard only works on one screen, Eric Bridgwater
X host -client without X server present on machine.,
John Chatelle
Cannot run X on a ia64,
De Leeuw Guy
settings for 4.3.0,
jack kinnon
Problemas con XDM, Pedro Malave
XFree86 error when I open a second display, Ferruccio Zamuner
Reporting a problem related to a server crash,
Angel Luis Aparicio Gómez
Trident and XF86, Alex Campbell
Mouse problems with SuSe 9.1 Personal, Mike Miller
Dvorak and non-US-ASCII characters/keyboards, Simon Hosie
window spawning, Eric Walker
need help setting up xdm,
Brian Hechinger
problems with i865 on HP dc5000 (NetBSD, XFree86 4.4.0), Steve Bellovin
Problem with XServer, i830_wait_ring lockup after installing gaim-0.79,
Vinayak Belamkar
Q: Regarding configuration an performance of a Radeon 9200 PCI at 4.3.0, Torsten Zirzlaff
x Server will not start after rebuilding kernel with source from kernel.org,
James Macon
X Object Tracer,
Alexander Darovsky
ati rage 128 pro - help, Paczko
How to verify the installation and configure XFree86 4.4.0 ?, Nicolas Bique
XFree86 I2C bus does not initialise, Marc Bourgeois
File XF86Config.0.log,
Juan Pablo Illera Aristizábal
I can' t start X Window. Please help!, (7B20) 曾凱華
X server crash at reboot,
Ray Chen
Server crash (log included), Ronald F. Guilmette
pixel format in Xvfb, Andreas Schiffler
two mice and different button mappings, BlinkEye
Error logfile xfree86.0.log,
roberto cencioni
x doesn't always come up in high-resolution mode, Norman woo
PCI Radeon 7500, DRI, and 4.4.0,
Andy Goth
select/copy/paste issue on FC2, Bob Marcan
error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1:cannot open shared object file:,
sdgesa gaeharth
IO error, ayub pasha
Dual Heading Xfbdev, Manav
changing the resolution by a script,
x not working,
kris shna
Local Multi Users, Alexandre P. Teixeira
startx won't work, Charlie ROOT
problem with nvidia drivers, durgam
IBM P200, Nvidia TNT,
Mads Reck
XTerminal problem, Daniel Łaś
Not a bug as such?, Andy Carver
An Error,
How to turn on TVout with i810 driver?,
Module Load Failure, Axel Rosenski
Newbie with graphics problem under VirtualPC2004,
BUG: mga driver crashes X when changing resolutions while moving within virtual screen,
Velko Petrov
Raul . Ramos
Cirrus GS543x problems,
Scott Kiesling
Using Knoppix to check a screen rez on ancient monitor,
keyboard input - application development, Saravanan
i810 / 855G driver and Tv-out, Germán Rodríguez Herrera
help me Xserver once gain crashed, Muhammad Usman
Problems Report...., Elvio (Tutopia)
XFree86 RedHat 9 Dell Lattitude C600, ted . western
Problems with deadkeys, Eliassen Einar (ErgoGroup)
IBM ThinkPad 760XL and 4.3.0, Brian Hechinger
Problem with symbols, Andrea Pretto
Core pointer, ChinChilla
Andrzej Popielewicz
- <Possible follow-ups>
- vgabase, Andrzej Popielewicz
RES: Vertical refresh with VESA driver, Paulo Mauricio Paes Barretto
RE: X hangs, Cynthia Grossen
"caught signal 11. Server aborting" on XFree86 -configure,
Settings for DPI and Virtual Size, Jianan
need help w/ resolution issue, logs inside, Kevin L.
problem with startx in linux 7.2 as virtualPC running in windows2000,
Agustín Sánchez
Error message logs,
Bill Wise
Display driver installation in Redhat 2.1AS,
chakravarthi s viswanadh
X Server Error,
Farhad Tarahhom
ATI Rage Mobility & XFree86 4.3.0 - Screen found, but none have a usable configuration,
Vertical refresh with VESA driver,
Paulo Mauricio Paes Barretto
ATI Rage Mobility & XFree86 4.3.0 - Screen found, but none have a usable configuration., Rajat
ATI Rage Mobility & XFree86 4.3.0, Rajat
weird i830 startup problem,
sage weil
4.3->4.4 ATI Mach64 regression,
Amitai Schlair
Backporting the nv driver?, Charles Bacon
System Crash log file, abhijit jawalkar
Modules description,
Jørn Villesen Christensen
RE: Re: Your document, Supportcentre
Problem with Starting X-Server,
Akki Nitsch
cvs: i810 dualhead, Roy M.
Error in starting X with LCD and intel chipset, Stephen Chung
makekeys problem,
Peng Hongbo
LCD Monitor Bug,
[distro maintainer] sources packages, build and shared libraries,
Help ??, ted . western
My XF86Config-4, John Shackell
Re: Mouse problem under linux, John Shackell
Error : Unable to open socket for inet6,
Waleed Mansoor
Error while extracting files in Solaris 9,
prabir sarkar
Configure no mouse,
Greg Vickers
How to lock student's operation?, Mitsuaki Uehara
How to build a Xserver driver and how to submit it?, Ge Wang
XServer Crash - 4.3.0 - Gentoo Linux, Joseph Roback
Please help me...,
Julio Zúñiga Méndez
Could not init font path element, JCA
Can't Entre X Windows, Amice
Setting Linux 7.2,
nn mm
XRecordQueryVersion Error,
Sachin Shah
backingstore in 4.4.0,
x disappeared after change vt,
Mike Xu
Error initializing xterm,
Tom Close
Problem setting up XFree86 in Debian,
Edward Hammerbeck
Linux Mandrake 9.1 Consulta,
Nicolas Escribal
XFree86 server crash problem,
Mo Morsi
Ying He
- <Possible follow-ups>
- GB18030, Ying He
Multiple touchscreens, Jeremy
Dual View,
xterm, xclock and others,
James M. Watson
Double buffering under Cygwin, FerrayeR
A proble about xtrap, yanyaqin97
support-request, Angelo.c
Report of XFree86 4.4.0 on NEC PC98 (2), Satosi Kimura
Report of XFree86 4.4.0 on NEC PC98 (3), Satosi Kimura
Report of XFree86 4.4.0 on NEC PC98 (1),
Satoshi Kimura
bsd-drm-4.3.0-kernelsource.tar.gz problem,
luca sguerri
Problem with framebuffer dualhead on matrox g450 pci next to an nvidia agp card, Matthijs Bomhoff
clicking on x to close xwindow,
rotate functionality in i810?, Sebastian Wagner
Re: Xterm issue,
Greg Fossheim
Screen flash and flicker problem when resizing windows, David Penton
Problem: no BadLength returned,
Peng Hongbo
Fix (Workaround?) for : Problems using Xfree4.4 with Solaris 8 and a Silicon Motion SM722 graphics device, Simon Egerton
Problem: Xvfb set wrong default depth,
Peng Hongbo
Linux kernel reports a bug; PAM compiled in?, Luben Tuikov
tty text screen distorted after starting X,
Sascha Ternes
perhaps a silly question,
Matthew McGraw
via drivers on FreeBSD, Eric Osterweil
unable to display 1600x1200,
Norman woo
Consulta por problemas con el video. Ayuda pliss,
Carlos Z
problem with display configuration,
kokit . w
Problem with XWindow, Tomasz Jasnos
NVidia 5336 on mandrake 10.0, Lars Kortsen
Cannot export display from linux, jayesh.madhava
ATI Radeon 7500LE, Don Kuzenko
Installation Problems on OS X,
Alex Stork
[xterm] Tek 4014 graphics cursor, Joel Konkle-Parker
can't find keymapping file, Timothy D. Johnson
Bouthillier, David
Can't run X,
Angela Burrell
SOLUTION: could not open default font 'fixed', Cynthia Grossen
report problems,
Touch Screen on XF86 4.1.0, Angelo Della Verità
fatal error - no screen found,
Lawrence Ha
XFree86, FreeBSD, and Radeon, Don Kuzenko
spurious 8259A, interrupt IRQ-7, Sachin Tomar
Help! Logon screen doesn't show, Randy Nussli
No Xserver with Debian 3.0r2,
Morrison Hoyle
vectorlinux XIO fatal error 104, oijenvandijk
How to install two xfree, Armando C. Escalera
compiling kdrive , need some help :) [ thanks], ANGELESCU Florin
i810 regression?, David Shochat
Can't boot in Graphical Interface,
Tan Seng Kock
Fwd: Installed true type fonts and now X will not start, Peter Duus
xf_4_4_99_3 + radeon9200 problem,
Stefan Lucke
Problem with XFree86.. say "could not open default font 'fixed' ", Andrés Moreira
Hyperpen, Kevin Boergens
Multiple X connections for multithreaded rendering?, ks
repairing a bad .xinitrc file, Dawilsons
Low frequency vertical ripples and blurry screen using Radeon 9000, Pieter Hulshoff
X crashes when playing movie, Tim Kemna
troubleshooting, Paul Vasos
Problem SIS Card,
Question about windows,
Problem with video card,
Carlo Corbetta
clone mode with 4 heads, jason
please kindly help to solve, VISHNURAM K R
Erratic Intellimouse using Belkin KVM (a proposed fix), S W
Dual head issue,
Nathaniel Bevins
will not work,
Randall Rex Sexton
xfree86 quit working, Doug Angell
Optional tarballs of version 4.4.0, Paulo Mauricio Paes Barretto
Dell Inspiron 8200 X11 multihead-ache,
Shawn Wilson
S-video out, Bean, Jeffrey
XFree86: PCI device limited to 64 for xf86scanpci,
Busacker, Dale L
X Server failure,
Patrik Petersson
problem: No Screens Found, max
Xfree86 sis driver problem,
srinivas g
10-BIT on Quadro nVidia:,
Charly Vidal
Optimizing X for size and memory footprint.,
Damian Gatabria
Kdrive/Tiny-X support, Dean Adamson
silicon motion driver and int10 crash, NZG
SyncOnGreen for Sun 1662b fixed resolution monitor?,
Greg Stark
Re: SyncOnGreen for Sun 1662b fixed resolution monitor?, Marc Aurele La France
Help on a crash, Steven J. Backus
Why am I getting this error,
Aaron . Miranov
I Need help on error "No Screens found",
Lourenzo Dias
Please Help me!,
tran duc doanh
frame buffer, Rychkov, Alexey
ATTN: James Anchell RE: Need help on error "No Screens found", Cynthia Grossen
Need help with hyperpen driver, Berny Agthe
Need help on error "No Screens found",
Lourenzo Dias
(pas de sujet),
sebastien serre
ATI IGP340, James Anderson
can't startx from user after upgrade, hoe-waa
Trying to use tvout on a nvidia geforce3,
server troubles ver 4.4,
Perojo F.
xfree failed, Jirka Neumann
Re: can't startx after upgrade,
i855 tweaking, Marcelo Coelho
can start x server, Medhat Rezk
problem with XFree86,
Problems using Xfree4.4 with Solaris 8 and a Silicon Motion SM722 graphics device,
Simon Egerton
Xserver crash: no screen found, Michael Blum
i810/i815/i845BV and also a keyboard question,
Server confusion over Primary display device.,
Tim Lynch
ATI Rage2C PCI (ATI-264VT4) driver problem?,
RAdeon 9200, ibook and XFree86 (Please HELPPP),
S C Cheran
Mandrake 9.1 and VIA KM400,
Paulo Mauricio Paes Barretto
<Possible follow-ups>
Mandrake 9.1 and VIA KM400, Paulo Mauricio Paes Barretto
server x doesn't load up all of a sudden. attached log file,
marco zuniga
Dual Head on i810 Driver,
Supakit Charnvanichborikarn
Howto move mouse cursor,
Jaroslav Vozab
Monitor has stuck resolution, Bob Snider
installing X Windows Server question,
a propos d une ATI radeon 7500....,
elie lagin
xev and keycodes greater than 255, Shaun Jackman
connection to ":0.0" refused by server,
Chris Bruyere
cannot start x on debian, SportsPuck
Problems using G450 dualhead (mga) and onboard S3 (Savage) drivers under SUSE 9.1, Simon Bazley
xfree opens port 6000/tcp X11 how to close it,
Zbigniew Łuszpiński
RE: [xfree86] RedHat Linux login problems, Cynthia Grossen
install red hat 9,
Vainer Tosi
Xfree86 and EloTouch USB Touchscreen, Gerhard Hintermayer
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