Start looking for another job.
Andrew Haninger <ahaning@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Andrew Haninger <ahaning@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 8/21/05, charles williamswrote:
> Your server crashed,and you are fucked! you will have to copy all your
> important stuff to a 3.5 diskette, dvd or cd. Then reinstall everything.
> Do yourself a favor, invest in a battery assisted surge protector.
I really hope you're kidding and that his nonreply means that he got it working.
He said that he shut it down cleanly and he just can't start XFree86,
not that he can't boot. While a UPS is never a bad idea, that was not
the problem in this case. Actually, if his company is big enough, they
might have a UPS for the entire building.
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