Squirrelmail — Webmail
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- Re: Problem using "localhost" as IMAP server name, (continued)
- user over quota - problem,
Sune Pejtersen
- How to auto display directory in Maildir? such as '.Spam'.,
Michael Bibby
- Re: Global Stylesheet],
Richard Gliebe
- Global Stylesheet,
Richard Gliebe
- Change SQL Password plugin problem,
Alejandro Facultad
- display message file size in InBox,
123 456
- Remote login,
- Auto-creating folders in addition to Sent, Draft, and Trash?,
Lloyd Zusman
- SM v1.4.13 - default changed for Folder Selection List Style?!,
Juergen Edner
- squirrelmail, page cannot be found,
Ebbe Hjorth
- Squirrelmail/Blackberry,
- Limit Max Recipients,
- how to upgrade SM on a FC4 box,
Bazooka Joe
- "message not sent" when there is no FQDN,
Helmut Hullen
- ANNOUNCE: SquirrelMail 1.4.13 Released,
Jon Angliss
- ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server,
Jerry Reininger
- Re: strange behaviour in reply, pal
- Unable to open messages in Inbox.,
Frank DeChellis
- Error Creating Sub folder of Inbox,
Jim Lawrence
- 1.5.1 Package Compromise?,
Bernhard Fröhler
- Re: SECURITY: 1.4.12 Package Compromise ISSUE=9272, PROJ=30,
Chris Paul
- SECURITY: 1.4.12 Package Compromise ISSUE=9272 PROJ=30, supportdb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- SquirrelMail 1.4.2, courier-imap, attachments stop working, generating imap error messages instead. Imap works ok,
- Error when replyring: Connection dropped,
Roland Fritz
- SECURITY: 1.4.12 Package Compromise,
Jon Angliss
- login redirect plugin + squirremal error login page,
- white page,
Oguzhan Kayhan
- is it possible for sm to pass the wrong username and password to cyrus?,
Rafael Mahecha
- Inbox views...,
- bad published md5 for squirrelmail-1.4.12.tar.gz,
Chris Paul
- Squrrelmail 1.4.11a Attachment Problem?,
- HowTo Change Password direct on the Login Page,
Stephen Liu
- Page does not refresh when sending an e-mail...,
Bryan Thompson
- Certain letters disappear in sent mail,
- error when using change_password plugin,
Patrick DUBAU
- image_buttons plugin in SM 1.5.2,
Patrick DUBAU
- Some minor problem on squirrelmail page,
Stephen Liu
- outbind & blank.png,
Greg Schiedler
- possible bug, Monstad, Pal
- date format in row received,
Patrick DUBAU
- resending of e-mail,
- How i can disable "nickname" in addr books?, maximatt
- Upper limit for entries in the To: and Cc: fields?,
Ralf Hildebrandt
- delete attachment from message,
Jukka Salmi
- Filter plugin help nedded,
piyush joshi
- RELEASE: SquirrelMail 1.4.12,
Jon Angliss
- Spam,
PapillonFoundation Information
- Re: Spam, Fredrik Jervfors
- <Possible follow-ups>
- spam, Theo Richel
- Login and Trash problem when over Quota,
Najib Abi Fadel
- HELP! my mail aministrator got fired!!,
josh Reinhardt
- squirrelmail fails to start,
Stephen Liu
- Advice sought on 1st installation of Squirrelmail,
Stephen Liu
- attachment problem,
piyush joshi
- iCal reminder function,
Andreas Reupert
- Unable to read messages,
Len Laulainen
- Filter rules,
piyush joshi
- help needed for change_qldforward,
piyush joshi
- SM 1.4.11 (php 5) memory, and edit attach problems,
Roberto S. G.
- Exporting - changing folder location?,
Michael Borchers
- error when passby login.php,
Patrick DUBAU
- Using a Webpage as a Mailer!,
- Unable to read mail messages,
Len Laulainen
- unable to open messages,
Len Laulainen
- quota help needed,
piyush joshi
- Unable to attach more than one file in a email,
- reply header getting rewritten,
Bryan Irvine
- Fatal error opening mail sent from root,
Leon Kolchinsky
- No input file specified,
- blue panel flashes,
- md5sum mismatches of latest squirrelmail-1.4.11.tar.gz , .tar.bz2 and .zip files,
Brett Kislin
- user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
- Mails in GroupWise mail server through squirrel mail?,
- Frames will not Refresh on Network,
Stuart Hunter
- Login Bug,
- Timezone,
Napoleao Borges
- Customising the Login Page,
Chris Bird
- Compromised Accounts,
Vernon A. Fort
- Send from compose losses email,
- spam button plugin and locale,
Lenny Shovsky
- Squirrelmail in greek,
Alexandros G. Fragkiadakis
- Errors when upgrading...,
Bryan Thompson
- Squirellmail /var/www/webmail/data directory piling up,
Ankur Mohan
- Spamming Through Squirrelmail,
Zack Odell
- Read Confirmation - Squirrelmail (Webmail),
Edson Luiz Avanzi
- I can attach a file, but wen sending... it's not there,
Matias Lopez Bergero
- Username plugin translation,
Jevos, Peter
- i have squirrelmail account & connot send mail,
piper carter
- relay_domain ( restrict mails to be sent to only one domain),
Siva Prasad
- Attachments not going through Squirrel 1.4.11,
Frank DeChellis
- attachments disappear when forwarding to abook,
Martin Zuziak
- Lockout plugin - how to reset data?,
- Pending 1.4.12 Release, Jon Angliss
- How do you install the just the theme/skin of Squirrelmail Outlook but not the whole server.,
- Problem with translation,
- Blank Squirrelmail Pages,
Adam Egan
SASL authentication?,
Hadmut Danisch
Problem with change password,
Alexandros G. Fragkiadakis
Is it possible to access local directories?,
Andrew Sarangan
making calender appear for all users,
Barry Cisna
Plugin installation,
Can I log all sent mail,
Re: error during configtest,
Daminto Lie
Bug Squirrelmail 1.4.11 config/config.php not available,
Patch from 1.4.10a -> 1.4.11?,
Ralf Hildebrandt
Message can't be displayed,
Pascal Maes
Simon Dick
SquirrelSpell not working,
Steve G
ERROR: You have enabled the <plugin name> plugin but I cannot read its setup.php file.,
Problem with 'All Folders' search in v1.4.11 ?,
Mathew J. Newton
Login to SM ONLY with username,
How to increase inbox limit in squirrelmail,
Do Hai An
Squirrelmail attachment throws an error randomly, Bhavesh
ERROR: Unable to Bind to LDAP Server,
How can I provide that informations of password not to be plaintext between webclient user and squirrelmail web server?,
Halid Faith
lost attachments when forwarding via addressbook,
squirrelmail header showing www-data, Paul Bucens
Problem sending large attchements,
Help with squirrelmail for squirrelmail Redesign...,
filtering e-mails (to get rid of spam e-mails),
To use cram-md5, what do courier-imap and squirrelmail settings have to be ?,
Halid Faith
Cyrus imap prefix configuration?,
Address Book Search, Patrick DUBAU
Unable to send to local users,
file upload bug in 1.4.11 (not in 1.4.10),
Re: Auto-sort possibility,
Wm Mussatto
The Squirrel In A Pod, Paul Lesniewski
authentication for external calendars,
Cory Coager
Server authentication,
Steve Moyes
Unable to Send Mail from https,
Zsuzsanna Ratkay
Message filtering: What to scan - extra option, Henry - Zen Search SA
LDAP address book - per-user BaseDN?,
Problems acessing Files, Nuno Parreira
404 after sending mail,
Jürgen Knelangen
default_user settings in file manager - thoughts?,
Ken A
cannot send mail - Server replied: 0 Can't open SMTP stream,
Ashley Moore
Spell checking says I'm not logged in?,
Tim Hogan
Squirrel Mail 1.4.11,
Gerry Lieberwirth
I can't create subfolder(s) of INBOX,
Default email program,
get server couldn't find the message you requested error when reading mail for a specific user, chris goldsmith
change password plugin,
- Kone Bakenon -
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