Squirrelmail — Webmail
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- Re: change password plugin, (continued)
- Squirrelmail pointing to Zimbra,
Daniel Henninger
- Re: Attachments broken in Squirrelmail 1.4.11 ?,
Olivier MOULIN
- Email Log File Decoding,
Gadway, David
- Deleting username,
Linda Durrenberg
- Attachments broken in Squirrelmail 1.4.11 ?,
- How to force UTF-8 charset for all languages,
- Re: [SM-ANNOUNCE] ANNOUNCE: SquirrelMail 1.4.11 Released,
Olivier MOULIN
- Maik Hastenpflug/BBDO-InterOne/DE is out of the office.,
Maik Hastenpflug
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Maik Hastenpflug/BBDO-InterOne/DE is out of the office., Maik Hastenpflug
sent confirmation plugin addressbook relation,
Re: Delete/Move Messages on spam_buttons plugins, Paul Lesniewski
ANNOUNCE: SquirrelMail 1.4.11 Released,
Thijs Kinkhorst
Re: Sudden problem with "Bad Request" on just one account.,
Bay Saw & Tool
Configure squirrelmail for DKIM via postfix / dkimproxy,
M. Fioretti
Unable to load Inbox,
Kenny Lee
Sudden problem with "Bad Request" on just one account.,
Fore users to change password when they login,
Sandeep Agarwal
logs me out when sending mail.,
Roland Corrigal
New Message Alert firing before Filters,
Anjul Srivastava
Attaching documents made with Apples iWork Pages program,
Chris Katz
upgrade from PHP4 to PHP 5 for SM, David Silsbee
Can't attach file when composing message.,
Robert S
folder problem,
Jannetta S Steyn
Re: change passwd and check_quota plugins is not,
Sudhir Rao
SM Relay Authentication Question,
Bill Landry
change passwd and check_quota plugins is not coming in the main screen of squirrelmail,
Sudhir Rao
problem with gb2312 email, ACL
Error: 110 Can't open SMTP stream,
Using a relay server with Squirrelmail,
Can not email out,
Andrew Reed
html_mail plugin - can't switch back to plain text in compose window,
Ken A
Problems using GPG plugin with Nutsmail,
eric ehlers
SquirrelMail and fail2ban,
Bill Landry
Problem with special characters,
Unusual Problem,
Scott Moseman
server replied 354,
please get back,
Beke Marwa
Link directly to compose, but not logged in,
GnuPG Plugin (v2.1) signing problem,
Ralf Hildebrandt
default On Read and On Delivery to be ticked,
Jannetta S Steyn
1.4x vs 1.5.1,
Ken A
GPG keyring from userdir?, Dominik George
As I am installing squirrelmail, How can I add a default junkmail folder for all webmail users ?,
Halid Faith
arabic language dispaly problem,
Benedict simon
Incorrect time provided by SM,
David Silsbee
Regarding loss of email,
Poonam J Prasad
Problem with newmail plugin after upgrading to Debian Etch,
Oliver Kötter
cant view messages in Inbox for large spool files,
Martin Moriarty
Change in this mailing list's behaviour, Fredrik Jervfors
Multiple Messages in inbox emails and occasional SQL Query Errors,
Folders do not exist but are in folder list., matthewst
Folder list errors,
arabic interface probems, Benedict simon
Spam Auto-Delete?,
Spam Sent From WebMail,
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Spam Sent from WebMail, nick-tech
problem with received date,
Squirrelmail Performance Tuning.,
Tom riddle
High priority symbol doesn't appear in message list,
Serverside Filter doesn´t work properly,
Gonzalo Carmona Martinez
Re: [SM-PLUGINS] change_ldappass problem, Tomas Kuliavas
Pluggin Change_Passwd,
Andrew Reed
Re: Pluggin Change_Passwd, Tomas Kuliavas
Bizarre trouble with attachement,
Olivier MOULIN
ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server. Query: EXPUNGE,
vlogin problem,
Spellchecker: Error While Writing to Pipe,
Patrick - South Valley Internet
Can't view mail in Inbox,
John Hinton
TO DO plugin - DONE option?,
Aernout Schmidt
How does squirrelmail get the User's name?,
How to implement the quota,
Gonzalo Carmona Martinez
Left nav panel doesn't load,
Parker Dubberke
Translations...and moving from mbox to Maildir...,
Cassandra Apelqvist
ServerSideFilter plugin doesn´t work properly,
Gonzalo Carmona Martinez
problem with calender pluggin,
Benedict Simon dcunha
Multiple identities: SM matching is case-sensitive,
Alan in Toronto
Message Highlighting: can "To or CC" be enhanced to "To or CC or BCC" ?,
Alan in Toronto
problem with shared calander pluggin,
Benedict Simon dcunha
apprecite ur reply guys,
Benedict Simon dcunha
Spanish Translation for ServerSideFilter plugin,
Gonzalo Carmona Martinez
calender and todo list plugins query,
Benedict Simon dcunha
LogingInQuicker problem, S. Mannem
Plugin 'Address Take' : Checkdnsrr doesn't work with windows, S. Mannem
Custom CSS per theme,
Michael L Griffin
problem with shared todo pluggin,
Benedict Simon dcunha
problem with todo pluggin, Benedict Simon dcunha
HTML Emails with internal anchors, Colin Ogilvie
HTML Mail,
Douglas Araujo
Squirrelmail images are broken,
Hannes H.
Folder Options,
gpg plugin options page blank?,
David Guntner
Serversidefilter language,
Gonzalo Carmona Martinez
Personnal Information change itself,
- Kone Bakenon -
Re: Personnal Information change itself, - Kone Bakenon -
Information personnelles,
- Kone Bakenon -
Compatibility and ServerSideFilter Plugins,
Gonzalo Carmona Martinez
Any tool to Stress Test Squirrelmail.,
Tom riddle
Autocomplete, sgmayo
Problem receiving emails in base64,
Lord Viperz
Folder size,
Search feature,
Archive not working,
Problem with SMTP AUTH to Postfix,
Marco De Vitis
bayesspam error,
Theo Richel
call to undefined function getPref,
Helmut Hullen
Can't send mail with attachments,
Patrick Marquetecken
Default preferences in Squirrelmail,
Gonzalo Carmona Martinez
Wanted: SquirrelMail Demos, Paul Lesniewski
Tiny lay-out issues in squirreloutlook theme,
Aernout Schmidt
Problem decoding base64, Lord Viperz
Trash and Sent not working,
Problem with change_passwd plugin,
Bo Lynch
IMAP very slow,
revathi ganesh
Re: extending the search time,
Daminto Lie
sThreadResponse error with SVN trunk, James Pooton
I cannot write to data dir (/var/local/squirrelmail/data/)!,
Alfredo Chinchilla
Time Zone Problems,
Alden, Christopher
Clicking Send causes Apache to use wrong URL,
David Ford
Assistance in upgrade...,
Bryan Thompson
IMAP Error,
Andrew Reed
Re: Block attachment,
Daminto Lie
general problems with squirrelmail behind ssl-proxy / unable to login,
ERROR issue,
David Carroll
Questions before installing,
Chris Arnold
Problems with hotmail dropping mail sent via Squirrelmail,
Ian Evans
Remove SM Version Info From Splash Page?,
concurrent SM sessions on a single client box - different browsers?,
Alan in Toronto
mb_stristr() errors showing up in the Apache log...,
Jon Harrell
Squirrelmail attaching previously sent emails to new emails (and session_register(), require_once(), fread(), and fclose() errors),
Shawn Hargan
Troubleshooting a login problem,
Tom Matthews
Problems with Squirrelmail on Mac OS X Server,
Sigurður E. Vilhelmsson
inline image attachment, supervisor
Squirrelmail not recognising UNIX users,
Richard Ellis
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