PHP for Windows
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- Re: Re: [PHP] Problem outputting MySQL Date field, (continued)
- Getting a date to print out,
John Meyer
- newbie : For windows-target of PDO-driverr, CrossCompile or native-compile?,
Sanjeev Kumar
- Re: Getting the size of a file on a windows share [solved], Frank Heyne
- PHP form with upload file, Christian
- Getting the size of a file on a windows share, Frank Heyne
- Determining the exact location of the CLI executing the current script?,
Richard Quadling
- Dated SNMP Extension in Windows, Larry Adams
- Ally Bank (former GMAC Bank) customer form, CustomerCare@xxxxxxxx
- file creation on client machine, rui
- PHPSESSID appended completely wrong with session.use_trans_sid enabled,
klaus triendl
- php_enchant not loadable,
Rene Bartholomay
- Re: php_enchant not loadable, Richard Quadling
- SOLVED :Re: php_enchant not loadable, Rene Bartholomay
Log to Syslog in Windows 2008,
Bradford Plummer
socket_create_pair on windows, Christiaan Baartse
Retrieving URL of webpage etc.,
Jacob Kruger
Relatively simple PHP function to block sql injection,
Jacob Kruger
PHP non Thread/safety mode.,
Azfar Hashmi
php installer for windows 2008 x64,
Azfar Hashmi
PHP 5.3 IIS 5.1 not!,
Fred Silsbee
Problem: direct download of php pages,
John Meyer
Perplexing crash with 5.2.9+ php5ts.dll,
Brad Waite
dbase extension for PHP 5.3.0,
Jeff McKenna
some PHP extensions unable to load with Apache, Murray Eisenberg
Thanks for your suggestion on the topic "is ZendStudio IDE necessary????" in php mailing list, Ravi Joshi
Re: [PHP] 64 bit binary ?,
Daniel Brown
where is php5isapi in the distribution package ?,
Thanks for your suggestion in php mailling list on the topic "Can i run php script using command prompt in any location by typing scriptname.php", Ravi Joshi
Ravi Joshi
is ZendStudio IDE necessary????,
Ravi Joshi
Can i run php script using command prompt in any location by typing scriptname.php,
Ravi Joshi
Unable to run programs in php,
Ravi Joshi
Building an extension on windows,
Re: [PHP-WEBMASTER] PHP Update & PHP Upgrade,
Hannes Magnusson
PHP is using C:\php5\ despite the fact that I have configured the include_path, onemancrew
problem with PEAR , windows platform , php 5.2.9-2 , IIS Version 6,
calling QueryInterface on a COM object, Travis Raybold
MySQL Configuration on Windows Box with Apache and PHP,
MYSQL Configuration on WIn XP,
Using Images in PHP],
Katiyar (GMail)
PHP Not working in Virtual Directory on IIS6.0,
In what package can I find arpa/nameser.h ?,
George Brink
Have 8 questions that need to be answered, Bill Mudry
PHP4 listening host:port, John Fairley
Question: Creating a GUI for Windows with PHP?,
Parham Doustdar
GMP not available in XAMPP and WAMP?, Parham Doustdar
Secure Login PHP Class,
Parham Doustdar
Install PEAR under only specific hosting account - Plesk - windows - php is CGI/CLI,
getting started - need pointers,
Mike Kay
Re: getting started - need pointers, Elizabeth M Smith
Re: getting started - need pointers, Sascha Meyer
Re: getting started - need pointers, Gunawan Wibisono
Counting returned MySQL rows, and possibly storing returned recordset in a session variable,
Jacob Kruger
vbscript not running in php but running as a vbs file,
Looking for code for an alphabetic menu in php,
Bill Mudry
Excel OLE Automation using COM: file access problem,
Faubry, Samuel
Debug PHP , Write Every Action (and not just errors debug related) into a file,
Problem with DOM,
Bellemo Maurizio
snmpapp.conf is broken and php cant work, Andrey Wolk
Win32 snapshot builds.,
Richard Quadling
Non blocking file i/o support for win32.,
Richard Quadling
printing on IIS7,
Paul Giesberts
Re: printing on IIS7, James Crow
Re: printing on IIS7, Richard Quadling
PHP and Crystal Reports,
John Messam
Re: PHP and Crystal Reports, sunnylife
<Possible follow-ups>
PHP and Crystal Reports, findatanet
{** SPAM **} Re: [PHP-WIN] How to access MySQL through PHP in windows 2K.,
Jacob Kruger
Win32 PECL pre-built binaries.,
Richard Quadling
How to access MySQL through PHP in windows 2K.,
Katiyar (GMail)
First PHP program not working,
Vinay Nagrik
Compiling PHP on Windows, Jeff McKenna
Developing PHP extensions on Windows with VC++, linking problems, Eugenio Tacchini
Oracle OCI and characterset issue, Sascha Meyer
{** SPAM **} Free PHP scripts, Jacob Kruger
{** SPAM **} Re: [PHP-WIN] How do you segregate MP3 player so it keeps playing when changing pages, Jacob Kruger
Dont hesitate, privacy is above all., Lessie Cruz
How do you segregate MP3 player so it keeps playing when changing pages,
Can PHP determine if the STDOUT for a CLI script is being redirected?,
Richard Quadling
Re: php-win-which-orm-tool-for-windows-with.html,
Richard Quadling
Which ORM tool for Windows with Microsoft SQL Server 7/2000/2005.,
Richard Quadling
Need help updating a whole column in one table from another table,
Bill Mudry
Memcache Non Thread Safe on Windows, Marien den Besten
Installing community PHP on Windows through WebPI, Mai-lan Tomsen Bukovec
About PHP and Apache 1.3.xx,
Alejandro Esteban Galvez
Does a spreadsheet-like front end exist for MySQL?,
Bill Mudry
QDBM on Windows,
Harold Fuchs
relative path in extension_dir php.ini directive,
Ferenc Kovacs
curl options constants have duplicated INTEGER values, Todd Keup
Missing DLLs - PHP 5.2.9-1, Harold Fuchs
PHP connecting to MSSQL,
Alf Stockton
php pages not appearing,
Ariel Kastanova
Where to put class files?,
John Hughes
Can't seem to transfer a dynamically chosen parameter to next page,
Bill Mudry
Using php5ts.lib in 5.3.0beta2-dev snapshot,
Jeff McKenna
Re: Using php5ts.lib in 5.3.0beta2-dev snapshot, Jeff McKenna
php 5.3 namespace issue ..., Eric Lee
Re: drop down menu to a table,
sam rumaizan
Where can I find a working version of php_sqlite3.dll, ZeWaren / Erwan Martin
Echo is buffered despite ob_implicit_flush(1)! Help please, Pontus Edvardsson
php_apc for windows, Justin Wright
PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 010AD087, Andrew
Old version,
XDEBUG with 5.2.6, IIS 5.1, CGI,
Herb Munson
Information on function caller?, Sascha Meyer
Using the power of the PC to find new species in lists, Bill Mudry
PHP4 source doesn't build on Windows...?,
Jason Cipriani
PHP 4.4.9, Windows: php_openssl.dll is loaded, but https wrapper not found.,
Jason Cipriani
Windows Server 2003 Installation Problems,
Shaun Thornburgh
Math Operator Problem?,
Alice Wei
Mail Function Error,
Alice Wei
Re: [PHP] Question about version control.. sorta..,
VC6 vs VC9,
Louis Solomon [SteelBytes]
Building a botanical tree of wood,
Bill Mudry
PHP COM encoding problem, Carl-Fredrik Gustafsson
PHP COM encoding problems,
Carl-Fredrik Gustafsson
PHP COM encoding issues, Carl-Fredrik Gustafsson
display_errors=ON --> 500 error, Herb Munson
Missing extensions from windows installer of PHP 5.2.8,
Ambrish Bhargava
Executing .exe files Issues,
Alice Wei
Anyone running Winword on Windows 2003 Server?,
Sascha Meyer
Simply not working,
Edward W. Rouse
Path length for files on NTFS, Karsten Dambekalns
problem getting the list of mailboxes, Putu Agus
Compiling error on WinXP,
Marco Schuster
Problems compiling 5.3.0alpha3 with extensions,
M. Bolton
Re: [PHP-DB] ntwdblib.dll not found in any of the 5.2.8 zip files,
Fred Silsbee
ntwdblib.dll not found in any of the 5.2.8 zip files,
Fred Silsbee
just downloaded 5.2.8 for Windows and no php5isapi.dll file,
Fred Silsbee
Word instance not closing after call to $word->Quit(),
Sascha Meyer
there must be better way to handle "Null" undefined variables,
Fred Silsbee
Problem with consuming .NET web service with NuSOAP.., Anirudh
Problem with GD2 & PHP,
IE Explorer Problems.,
Allen Wayne Best
PHP not passing CLI script arguments, Darren
PHP and Imagick Installation Issue, Sanjay Shah
return C++ string to PHP var?,
Albus Dumbledore
PHP6 binary snapshot is missing dlls,
Todd Keup
PHP4 strangeness with SQL Server 2005,
Weaver Hickerson
COM and com_safearray_proxy objects, Alex Bovey
Re: [PHP-INSTALL] RE: first request, Daniel Brown
An Unhandled Win32 Exception Occurred When Executing PHP From Windows,
Alice Wei
Executing Exe File From PHP Errors, Alice Wei
can't get fsockopen() to work through IIS,
Evan Burkitt
How the some values end up in the SuperGlobal Arrays?,
Varuna Seneviratna
SuperGlobals, Varuna Seneviratna
I don't know what I'm doing wrong,
Daniel Wagner
RE: I don't know what I'm doing wrong, George Pitcher
PHP, LDAP and Windows Integrated Authentication, Break
Why is the $todaydatestring data type displayed as boolean?,
Varuna Seneviratna
LoadModule statement can not be included,
Varuna Seneviratna
I Spoke Too Soon..., Tim
MySQL and PHP5,
【PHP 5.2.6】Can't Dynamic load php_pdo_pgsql.dll/php_pgsql.dll,
ini_set Problem,
passing data will not display,
Executing a batch file on Windows from Linux using a PHP or a Shell-Script, Parag Kalra
XML-RPC Windows, Bolle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Variables variables and the Object Factory, Jerome Hollon
SVN PECL extension on Windows, Pranav Negandhi
big files download with php - configuration problem, Giulio Mastrosanti
php on w2k3 server with IIS6, Eric Lee
Trouble connecting to MySQL using mysqli extension on XP,
Compiling PHP on Windows as static lib produces a dynamic lib,
Bernhard Schulz
John Jairo Vega Angulo
COM-problem: Uninitializing COM-Objects <-> runtime error,
Mario Trojan
Executing Shell Scripts in PHP, Wei, Alice J.
Remove End of Line Characters,
Wei, Alice J.
php-config script is missing from the installer,
Zoltan Boszormenyi
Problem with Oracle and some other extensions on IIS Server,
Fwd: php-windows Digest 25 Jun 2008 00:22:47 -0000 Issue 3494,
sandeep khokher
IE/ IIS / PHP - Form posted twice in case of redirection,
Sukhwinder Singh
PHP Mail 501 error,
Dan Mashal
Execute PHP Upload From VB.NET, Wei, Alice J.
MySQL on Windows,
S. Buffn
How to go more precise ?, Eric Lee
Get PHP Errors To Display,
Wei, Alice J.
MSSQL and ODBC Connections with PHP on Windows,
Wei, Alice J.
Re: MSSQL and ODBC Connections with PHP on Windows, Sascha Meyer
PHP and MSSQL Connection on IIS 5.1,
Wei, Alice J.
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