Good morning all, System platform: Server with W2K3, IIS6 and PHP 5 Workstation with XP SP3. I make a search into my LDAP. It works but I need to make the bind with a username/password couple Code below: <?php $ldap_user = substr($_SERVER['AUTH_USER'],7).""; $ldap_pass); //here putting the password for ^$ldap_user; $ldap_host = ''; $ldap_domain= 'ldap-domain'; $base_dn='ou=USER,OU=OrgUnit,dc=domain,dc=com'; $filter='(cn=*)'; $connect=ldap_connect($ldap_host,389) or exit('>>Could not connect to LDAP server<<'); $bind=ldap_bind($connect,$ldap_user,$ldap_pass) or exit('<<Could not bind to $ldap_host<<'); $read=ldap_search($connect,$base_dn,$filter); $info=ldap_get_entries($connect,$read); echo $info['count'].' entries returned<p>'; echo "<br>"; for ($i=0;$i<$info['count']; $i++) { $info_cn = $info[$i]['initials'][0]; echo 'cn = '.$info_cn.'<BR>'; } ?> I want use the Windows Integrated Authentication to send to my ldap_bind command the current user/password instead of hardcoded it into the php script. Regards, C.B