I hope someone has an answer to what has been a thorny problem for
me. I am still junior to using PHP.
I have a script that displays a bunch of woody botanical orders out
of a MySQL file nicely in columns.
That part works fine.
Next what is wanted is for a user to be able to click on one of them,
the result being that it would open up
a new page that would get details on the woody order the person chose
out of another MySQL table.
Well .... I got it to link to a page that opens up ok ---- except
after numerous attempts and ways I cannot
get the name of the chosen woody order to transfer to this next page.
- the examples I have seen on the Internet and book use static
information for the better part while the
very parameter that needs to be passed is derived dynamically. I
am fairly sure that is complicating
things more.
- Cookies would be an overkill and have too much persistence. I
believe using "session" would be overkill,
too, even if it might work. All I need is to make the choice the
reader makes go global enough to use it
in the very page that it calls. It is then also used both for
titles on that page (dynamic) and to do a
query for information to display on that chosen order. Writing to
a file seems to be an inefficient way if
there is only a way to just make it be memory resident instead.
The running copy can be seen and tried (to the degree it is working so far) at:
The files used are viewallorders.php and the response page of
showorder.php. I will add these as attachments.
What *will* work? Hope someone can help.
Bill Mudry
MIssissauga, ON
include ("connecttotaxa.php");
Echo "<html>";
Echo "<head>";
Echo "<title>Information on ordername . $ordername"; //actual order name still not
// transfering properly yet. Different attempts made.
Echo "</title>";
echo "<body bgcolor='ivory' border='1'>";
echo "Debug statement: Chosen order is . $ordername . $name"; // debig statement only. Remove later.
echo "<h2 align='center'>Woody Order $ordername</h2>";
// Can't seem to get the order name to transfer properly yet. Erase these lines once it is
// working fine.
// Once the reporting function above for each woody order is working properly,
// a query has to be run to display all woody families of that order and, as with the
// woody order list, set as links to be chosen to go further down the botanicaal tree.
echo "<H4 align='center'>This area will expand to show details on this order<br>
(after the order chosen parameter transfers properly)</h4>";
Echo "<br><br>";
echo "<hr>";
echo "<H2 align = 'center'>Woody Families of this Order</H2>";
echo "<H4 align = 'center'>(As above, the order name has to transfer properly first<br>
before a query can bring forth all woody families that belong to the chosen order)</H4>";
echo "</body>";
echo "</html>";
<title>Link List of All Woody Orders</title>
<?php include ("connecttotaxa.php"); ?>
mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) OR DIE ('Unable to connect to database! Please try again later.');
$query = "SELECT * FROM sci_order";
$result = mysql_query($query);
//Echo "Got as far as \$result line<br>"; // debug statment only.
echo "<h2 align='center'>All Woody Orders</h2>";
echo "<H4 align='center'>Each link leads to more information on the chosen botanical order</h4>";
//Global $name, $ordername; // One of many vain efforts to make the order name chosen
// go global so it can be retrieved on the following page.
// Set up a table for displaying all the woody orders
echo "<table border='3' bgcolor='ivory' align='center'><tr><td valign='top'>";
//$name ="";
if($result) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
extract ($row);
$j++; // counter to set maximum columns lengths
$k++; // counter to increment for the next order
echo $j." - ";
//Global $name, $ordername; // stabbing in the dark to make the name stay in memory.
$ordername = $name; // stabbing in the dark to make the name stay in memory.
// Here is where each order is listed and as a link to the next page.
echo "<a href='showorder.php?$name '>";
echo $name;
if ($k>23)
echo "</td><td>";
else echo "No result value";
$name ="";
echo "<br><br><br></td></tr></table><br>";
// End of display table.
Echo "<br><hr>";
// essentially another debug statement of some use to users.
If ($name !="") {
Echo "<div align='center>'";
Echo "<h3 align='center'>You chose order named $name</h3>\n";
Echo "</div>";
else {
echo "the order name is null";
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