Re: Can't seem to transfer a dynamically chosen parameter to next page

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2009/3/17 Joao Gomes Madeira <jpcg.mad@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hello Bill
> I mixed up names and ended up answering the wrong message. Sorry.
> Actually it is quite easy...
> In viewallorders.php you should replace:
> echo "<a href='showorder.php?$name '>";
> with
> echo '<a href="showorder.php?&name=' . $name . '">';
> and then, in showorder.php
> <?php
> parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $qs);
> $name = $qs['name'];
> and that's it!

What have you been smoking? This is already done for you, and the
results are in $_GET. Why duplicate the work?



> Now, the strings passed through this method are insecure. You should use
> a parser function to clean or sanitize them (like urlencode/urldecode).
> Cheers
> JP
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Mudry <billmudry@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject:  Can't seem to transfer a dynamically chosen parameter
> to next page
> Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 11:39:08 -0500
> I hope someone has an answer to what has been a thorny problem for
> me. I am still junior to using PHP.
> I have a script that displays a bunch of woody botanical orders out
> of a MySQL file nicely in columns.
> That part works fine.
> Next what is wanted is for a user to be able to click on one of them,
> the result being that it would open up
> a new page that would get details on the woody order the person chose
> out of another MySQL table.
> Well .... I got it to link to a page that opens up ok ---- except
> after numerous attempts and ways I cannot
> get the name of the chosen woody order to transfer to this next page.
>        - the examples I have seen on the Internet and book use static
> information for the better part while the
>          very parameter that needs to be passed is derived dynamically. I
> am fairly sure that is complicating
>          things more.
>        - Cookies would be an overkill and have too much persistence. I
> believe using "session" would be overkill,
>          too, even if it might work. All I need is to make the choice the
> reader makes go global enough to use it
>          in the very page that it calls. It is then also used both for
> titles on that page (dynamic) and to do a
>          query for information to display on that chosen order. Writing to
> a file seems to be an inefficient way if
>          there is only a way to just make it be memory resident instead.
> The running copy can be seen and tried (to the degree it is working so far) at:
> The files used are viewallorders.php and the response page of
> showorder.php. I will add these as attachments.
> What *will* work? Hope someone can help.
> Bill Mudry
> MIssissauga, ON
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