To try and understand why netBeans 6.5 (Build 200811100001) spins its wheels trying to connect to xdebug, I ran sysinternals process monitor and included only events wherein the "process name" included "php". Rationale: I assume that if I run a project from netBeans, or use Mozilla to open http://localhost/phpinfo.php?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=mysession, then php will try to load xdebug, and that event will show up in procmon. (btw, iwbn if procmon would make it easier to filter out anything outside the time of the first and last events in the current display.) The expected xdebug events do not happen. 1. Experiment 1. Initially, procmon shows no events. Start the netBeans debugger. Procmon is populated with 2781 events for which the process name contains php. "find" finds 2 instances of the string "xdebug" in those events, both in the "detail" field of a directory query. There are 40 instances of "php5ts.dll", including a successful "load image"! I thought CGI was non-ts; why is php-cgi.exe loading this? 2. Experiment 2. Procmon again cleared of events. Mozilla opens /localhost/phpinfo.php?xdebug_session_start=yada Populated with 5685 events Finds 2 instance of "xdebug", both in "detail" of directory query. So it looks to me as though php is not <trying> to load "xdebug". Why not? Is my approach nuts? (at this point.I am!) Suggestions? Is there some other way to figure out what's going on? Herb BTW, my php.ini settings: zend_extension = C:\php\ext\php_xdebug-2.0.4-5.2.8-nts.dll ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Module Settings ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;[Xdebug] xdebug.remote_enable = on xdebug.remote_handler = dbgp xdebug.remote_host=localhost xdebug.remote_port = 9000