What is line 19?
Please show the coding
On 23/12/2011 01:26, luhana wrote:
Dear Sir
I am getting error
Fatal error: Class 'registryDatabaseLocations' not found in
C:\wamp\www\cc3.php on line 19
please guide
Richard Quadling wrote:
2009/4/30 John Messam<johnmess@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
I am trying to write a php program that opens a number of reports written
in Crystal 11. From research on the internet, I found that CR would have
to be called using COM. So I did that. From the command line it triggers
a dialog box saying that the version of Crystal the reports was written
in was later than the one that is being used to open it via the php
program. The other problem is that when it is run from the browser the
program hangs on the openReport command
Can anyone assist me on resolving the hanging issue or the entire thing
for that matter.
Show them the way! Add maps and directions to your party invites.
I use Crystal all day and via PHP also.
Here is the code I use (edited). It might not be perfect, but it works
// Create an Crystal Object Factory.
$o_CrObjectFactory = new COM('CrystalReports11.ObjectFactory.1');
// Create the Crystal Reports Runtime Application.
$o_CrApplication =
// Register the typelibrary.
// Load the report.
$o_CrReport = $o_CrApplication->OpenReport('C:\Report.rpt', 1); // 1
== crOpenReportByTempCopy.
// Logon to the database.
// Don't tell anyone what is going on when running live.
$o_CrReport->DisplayProgressDialog = False;
$s_ExportedReport = 'C:\Report.pdf';
// Run the report and save the PDF to disk.
$o_CrReport->ExportOptions->DiskFileName = $s_ExportedReport;
$o_CrReport->ExportOptions->PDFExportAllPages = True;
$o_CrReport->ExportOptions->DestinationType = 1; // Export to File
$o_CrReport->ExportOptions->FormatType = 31; // 31 = PDF, 36 = XLS, 14 =
// Assign the parameters to the report.
$m_Stuff = new Variant();
$o_CrPeriodsParam =
$o_CrReport->ParameterFields->GetItemByName('PeriodIDs', $m_Stuff);
foreach($_SESSION['tabRG_PeriodIDs'] as $i_Period)
Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer :
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"
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