On 14 Nov 2008, at 01:51, Albus Dumbledore wrote:
I have to create a data access layer (DAL) to be used in PHP. It
looks like
writing a COM object and loading it from PHP would be the best bet.
Question 1: Is COM the best solution here?
COM would be one way to go, or you could write it as a PHP extension.
Question 2: if I had an interface "char* query("Blah")" How would
I return
the result set into a PHP var?
If using COM just return it from the COM method as a bstr. COM/PHP
will do what it needs to in order to give that to the caller as a PHP
Question 3: Anyone know of a good tutorial that creates a COM object
accesses it via PHP?
Never seen one, it's not what you might call a "normal" thing to do.
My friend Google knows a lot of stuff, it might know about this too.
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