Hi again,
I did request for oracle instant client setup and i sent the url
with my request. Just a minute ago i get a mail that they said "setup is
complete" but i still get same error.
As i said i can't reach to the server remotely. I just have ftp password.
This isn't my job (install programs and setting up a server) but there
is too silly management for this. If you can suggest anything else that
can help i'd really glad.
Elizabeth M Smith wrote:
Tim wrote:
My problem is very simple but i can't handle it. I'm LAMP developer by the
way. I have not much knowledge on IIS server with PHP,
Anyway, i can't load php_oci8.dll and some other DLLs. Error message always
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'c:\PHP\ext\php_oci8.dll' - The specified procedure could not be found. in
Unknown on line 0
but location for php_oci8.dll is right and the file exist. Also the file is
not readonly or sys file. Just an archive file like other extensions.
I try to copy the file to winnt folder, system32 folder and adding the
(c:/php and c:/php/ext/) to system envrionment variables.
I must solve this problem til morning. Please help.
P.S. : I'm not the admin of this server. I just request and they will do.
The problem isn't that php_oci8.dll wasn't loading - otherwise you'd be
getting a different error. What the "specified procedure could not be
found" means is that the oci8 PHP extension can't find your oracle
client libraries. If you want to talk to oracle server you have to
install and configure the client libraries on the machine, which is
something I haven't bothered with so I can't help there. Oracle has
good documentation on how to do this.
Elizabeth Smith
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