My problem is very simple but i can't handle it. I'm LAMP developer by the
way. I have not much knowledge on IIS server with PHP,
Anyway, i can't load php_oci8.dll and some other DLLs. Error message always
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'c:\PHP\ext\php_oci8.dll' - The specified procedure could not be found. in
Unknown on line 0
but location for php_oci8.dll is right and the file exist. Also the file is
not readonly or sys file. Just an archive file like other extensions.
I try to copy the file to winnt folder, system32 folder and adding the
(c:/php and c:/php/ext/) to system envrionment variables.
I must solve this problem til morning. Please help.
P.S. : I'm not the admin of this server. I just request and they will do.
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