Re: can't get fsockopen() to work through IIS

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"Elizabeth M Smith" <auroraeosrose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> Take out the @ in front of fsockopen and see what the actual error is
> would be the first step - it's generally a good idea to have E_ALL on
> and all @ operators removed when trying to debug something

Thanks for your reply, Elizabeth. I cobbled my script up from bits of the 
3rd-party application I'm trying to get running. I know little enough about 
PHP that I didn't notice the '@', nor did I know its significance. My 
updated script is below. PHP now reports the following:

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to 
localhost:110 (Unknown error) in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\socket_test.php on line 

errno is still 0. "Unknown error" sounds straight from Windows' 
carefully-crafted assortment of information-free error messages. :)

>From "If the value 
returned in errno  is 0 and the function returned FALSE, it is an indication 
that the error occurred before the connect() call. This is most likely due 
to a problem initializing the socket." Keep in mind that the fsockopen() 
call succeeds when run from the command line. My suspicion is that IIS is 
preventing PHP from opening the socket, but I can't find anything on the Web 
discussing this either in terms of IIS alone or it in conjuction with PHP.

$host = "localhost";
$port = "110";
<h1>Attempting to open socket on host '<?php echo ("$host")?>' at port 
'<?php echo ("$port")?>'</h1>
 $errno = 0;
 $errstr = "<no error reported>";
 $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr);
 if ($fp) {
  echo "Socket connection established";
 else {
    echo "Could not connect to $host at port $port (\$errno=$errno; 

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