Fedora Fonts
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- Fedora 42 i18n test week from 4th March,
Parag Nemade via fonts
- Fwd: Post-Mozilla Fira font family,
Mateus Rodrigues Costa
- Fedora 41 i18n test week from 10th September,
Parag Nemade
- [Review-request] rsms-inter-fonts,
Luya Tshimbalanga
- Building Inter fonts,
Luya Tshimbalanga
- Issue with rendering on Comfortaa,
Luya Tshimbalanga
- Lohit vs Noto Indic fonts,
Jens-Ulrik Petersen
- Package names,
Benson Muite
- Reviewing fonts,
Benson Muite
- Discoverability of fonts handling a particular code point: How to improve?,
Robin A. Meade
- PT Astra fonts,
Benson Muite
- Hey there, I'm new here!,
Elliott Tallis
- Font Review Request,
Hedayat Vatankhah
- Sad state of default Persian font in Fedora,
Hedayat Vatankhah
- Few questions about font packaging: variable fonts & font coverage,
Hedayat Vatankhah
- Self Introduction: Benson Muite,
Benson Muite
- How to create fonts metapackage,
Anirban Mitra
- Inclusion of Ol Chiki font Uniol in Fedora,
Anirban Mitra
- Olchiki unicode font new review request,
Anirban Mitra
- What is the successor of fedora-fonts-bugs-list AT redhat DOT com,
Anirban Mitra
- How to include updated version of my fonts in Fedora,
Anirban Mitra
Converting montserrat spec to new version,
Luya Tshimbalanga
dropping pt-sans-fonts (ParaType Cyrillic) from the default @fonts group?,
Jens-Ulrik Petersen
farsi fonts for fedora,
Why my package Not approved,
Muhamad Moghadam
[announce] bugzilla Fonts component,
Jens-Ulrik Petersen
Request to package: HanYang Gothic A1 fonts,
Artur Iwicki
[HEADS UP] Working fontconfig validation in rawhide,
Nicolas Mailhot
Add Persian fonts,
mohamad moghadam
Re: [Rd] Plotmath on Fedora 31 broken with with pango >= 1.44 - workarounds?,
Nicolas Mailhot
Embedded font support for PDFs is lacking; response to: Fonts packaging guidelines change status,
R P Herrold
Re: Qt, GNOME, and fonts,
Nicolas Mailhot
Fontconfig language update proposal,
Nicolas Mailhot
Re: Fontconfig language update proposal,
Nicolas Mailhot
Fonts packaging policy rewrite proposal,
Nicolas Mailhot
Proposal to revise the locale specific overrides rule in font packages tips,
[RFC] target font model on Freedesktop systems,
Nicolas Mailhot
Default variable fonts in Google Noto,
Idea to add defaultfont(:lang=xx) Provides to default font packages,
Peng Wu
fonts status page and comparison,
Intent to relicense fontpackages,
Nicolas Mailhot
Fonts packaging macros rework early peek,
Nicolas Mailhot
fontconfig priority management,
Re: fontconfig priority management,
[RFC] Default rpm macro packaging layout and conventions,
Nicolas Mailhot
Inconsolata no longer available in terminal after F29 beta upgrade?,
Matthew Miller
Jens-Ulrik Petersen
fonts group in comps clean up proposal,
Re: fonts group in comps clean up proposal,
Nicolas Mailhot
Re: fonts group in comps clean up proposal,
Parag Nemade
Subpackaging the Noto CJK fonts,
Jens-Ulrik Petersen
Package review request for emojitwo-fonts - Color emoji font with a flat style,
Peter Oliver
Missing font information at wiki,
Message not available
Re: Missing font information at wiki,
Building Emoji Two,
Peter Oliver
New open source pro font set from IBM,
nicolas . mailhot
Re: Removing ghostscript-fonts package,
nicolas . mailhot
Unicode 10 support across releases,
Alexander Ploumistos
Airbus is open sourcing a cockpit font,
nicolas . mailhot
Grouping - explanation needed,
David Kaspar [Dee'Kej]
urw-base35 fonts - request for exception,
David Kaspar [Dee'Kej]
Re: License for Molot fonts,
Luya Tshimbalanga
Re: License for Molot fonts,
Rex Dieter
DejaVu version 2.36 release,
Frédéric WANG
Improving fonts spec,
Luya Tshimbalanga
Montserrat fonts landing on Fedora repository,
Luya Tshimbalanga
Packaging Montserrat fonts,
Luya Tshimbalanga
TeX Live OpenType fonts VS Fedora Technical Fonts,
Frédéric WANG
Courier Prime Fonts,
Liam Crabbe
Fonts display problem in Libre Office for Linux,
John Hardcastle
file triggers for updating fontconfig cache in rawhide,
Packaging Hack - A typeface designed for source code,
Shawn Starr
New gdouros greek fonts,
Alexander Ploumistos
Issues with repo-font-audit,
Alexander Ploumistos
help with updating fontpackages,
Parag Nemade
Emoji font in default installation?,
Peter Oliver
Is anyone packaging Comic Neue ?,
Troy Dawson
Reminder meeting:i18n 2014/12/10 06:00:00 UTC,
Reminder meeting:i18n 2014/12/03 06:00:00 UTC,
[Announce] Next improved release of Lohit Devanagari 2.95.0 with Latin and ttfautohinted.,
PT Serif and PT Mono fonts packaging,
Rajeesh K Nambiar
Karel Volný
my font,
Re: Font issues in F21,
Hans de Goede
Showing fonts in GNOME Software,
Richard Hughes
FF doesn't show the pound sign - what component do I file a bug against?,
Ankur Sinha
How to include fonts in Gnome Software?,
Luya Tshimbalanga
Layla font collection,
Mohd Isam
Wine fonts,
Michael Cronenworth
Re: Wine fonts,
New font submission,
Mohd Isam
Review Request: cwtex-q-fonts - a series of modern traditional Chinese fonts,
Cheng-Chia Tseng
about the rename of nhn-* to naver-*,
Daiki Ueno
Change the default Simplified Chinese fonts to WenQuanYi Micro Hei on Fedora 21,
Peng Wu
[Announce] Liberation fonts version 2 now available on github as well,
Released 1.07.4 version of Liberation fonts,
Request to change official Khmer font on Fedora,
Somvannda Kong
Web Interface for Font Compare,
Mayank Jha
Richard Hughes
Release of Lohit Odia 2.5.5 with names change from Oriya to Odia,
Pravin Satpute
Lohit2: Next one is Lohit Assamese and Bengali fonts improvement,
Pravin Satpute
fontconfig config description,
Announcing alpha release 2.91.0 of lohit-gurmukhi from lohit2 project,
Pravin Satpute
[Announce] Released 2.94.0 version of the Lohit Devanagari (Lohit2 project),
Pravin Satpute
Announcing 2.92.0 (Beta-1) release of Lohit Malayalam from lohit2 project,
Pravin Satpute
Q: Trying to package msttcore fonts.,
Alec Leamas
Announcing alpha release of lohit-malayalam 2.91.0 from lohit2 project,
Pravin Satpute
Please help,
Hadal Sandip
Review request for Exo fonts Bug:1053110,
Google emoji fonts,
Peter Oliver
Muli fonts packaging,
Lohit2: Lohit Malayalam development plans,
Pravin Satpute
[Announce] Lohit Devanagari 2.93.0 release (lohit2 project),
Pravin Satpute
Fonts included in packaged themes,
Pete Travis
Local patching of fonts,
Paul Flo Williams
Help required for the application installer,
Richard Hughes
Self Introduction,
Matt Rose
Things improved in fontforge this year.,
Getting font information,
fedora-review: fonts plugin,
Alec Leamas
introducing ttname, the CLI font metadata editor,
T.C. Hollingsworth
Re: fonts Digest, Vol 68, Issue 5,
Fabian Greffrath
Fonts with default Fedora installation,
Released liberation fonts 1.07.3,
Q: fedora-review, fonts and %_font_pkg,
Alec Leamas
Project: Creating standard and reusable Open type tables for Indian script fonts,
f19 default font list,
Re: Error monitoring 'sil-scheherazade-fonts' with Upstream Release Monitoring,
Paul Flo Williams
Announcing campivisivi-titillium-fonts package,
Luya Tshimbalanga
Adding some IPA characters,
Kelvin Song
Re: F20 System Wide Change: Web Assets,
Nicolas Mailhot
current state and future of liberation-fonts,
Fabian Greffrath
Q: webfonts,
Alec Leamas
Anyone interested in packaging Google Noto fonts?,
Behdad Esfahbod
Announcing release of lohit in web fonts format from upstream,
Pravin Satpute
Re: How to handle CJK ExtB, C, D?,
texlive and fedora fonts,
Jens Petersen
someone packaging on courier prime,
Released version 2.5.3 of Lohit fonts,
Pravin Satpute
Embedded bitmap font,
Re: Strange Build problem....,
Nicolas Mailhot
Planning to drop Reserved Font Name (RFN) from OFL.txt,
Pravin Satpute
Re: [Fedora-packaging] Packaging webfonts,
Nicolas Mailhot
sponsor for Tobias Florek for adobe-source-code-pro fonts?,
Matthew Miller
Overpass Fonts licensing,
Richard Fontana
Liberation 2.0 Vs Liberation 1.0 (Need comments),
"infinality" patches?,
Ankur Sinha
"High-DPI, Subpixel Text Positioning, Hinting",
Behdad Esfahbod
source code pro packaging (needs sponsor),
Matthew Miller
Announcing release of Liberation fonts 2.00.1,
Pravin Satpute
Re: [pkgdb] google-lato-fonts (un)retirement,
Subsetting fonts,
Michael Ekstrand
Re: [pkgdb] google-lato-fonts (un)retirement,
Paul Flo Williams
FontForge upstream has moved,
Paul Flo Williams
foundry name,
Parag N(पराग़)
wiki pages need update,
Daiki Ueno
review request: adobe-sourcesanspro-fonts,
Review Request: adobe-sourcecodepro,
font proposal for new installation,
Bill Nottingham
Git access to Liberation fonts is forbidden,
Deron Meranda
Fonts Packaging,
Sourav Basu
Required suggestions for adding Latin characters into Lohit fonts,
Pravin Satpute
another proposal to correct @fonts and @legacy-fonts,
Heads up: Droid fonts update in Rawhide,
Nicolas Mailhot
Droid updates ?,
Nicolas Mailhot
Heads up: STIX fonts update in Rawhide,
Nicolas Mailhot
STIX fonts updates,
Nicolas Mailhot
Firefox: Font packages for MathML,
Frédéric WANG
feature proposal in f18,
conky-colors fonts included in package,
Bersam K
fontconfig template updates,
Released 2.5.1 version of the Lohit Tamil and Lohit Tamil Classical,
Pravin Satpute
Re: Liberation 2.0 font development plan based on croscore, fonts.,
Liberation 2.0 font development plan based on croscore fonts.,
should we install google croscore font as a default in fedora 18?,
Parag N(पराग़)
Maintainer searched,
Paul Lange
feature proposal for handwriting font realism,
Nick Levinson
autohinter in f18,
Corey Richardson
Re: Hello!,
Nicolas Mailhot
Package Review needed for croscore-fonts,
Parag N(पराग़)
Supplemental punctuation, specifically half brackets.,
Peter Easthope
Questions about bundled fonts,
Bruno Wolff III
default font list for f17,
[Announce] Released 2.5.1 version of the Lohit fonts,
Pravin Satpute
handling of fonts in the langpack plugin,
Bill Nottingham
Fw: Re: handling of fonts in the langpack plugin,
Nicolas Mailhot
Re: handling of fonts in the langpack plugin,
Nicolas Mailhot
Re: handling of fonts in the langpack plugin,
[PATCH 0/6] Liberation: more flexible Makefile incl. formats for web,
Jan Pokorny
missing in comps,
[Announce] Released Liberation fonts 1.07.2,
Pravin Satpute
[announcement] Code2000 font switched license from shareware to GPLv3+FE || OFL,
Paul Wise
Korean default font change (un-core-*-fonts -> nanum-*-fonts),
Daiki Ueno
[Fwd: Orphaned packages],
Nicolas Mailhot
Need to rebuild fonts packages,
Request for feedbacks: fc-xmlgen,
Advice: tightening line spacing on my font?,
Re: VL Gothic odd characters (Mark Alford),
Masahiro Sekiguchi
VL Gothic odd characters,
Mark Alford
Released lohit fonts 2.5.0 with OFL 1.1 License,
Pravin Satpute
[Announce] Released 1.07.1 version of Liberation fonts,
Pravin Satpute
DroidSans aliasing,
Behdad Esfahbod
Update on forcing autohinting per font,
Kevin Kofler
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