Gnu Open H.323 Gatekeeper User Discussion Archive
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- Re: GK Behind Router, (continued)
- Changing H323IDs, Ramón Montoya Benito
- Problem with LRQ and LCF (GK 2.2.3-2),
Andcop2005 Andcop2005
- status port / disengage reason, Marc Michot
- ForwardOnFacility not working, senvin gam
- Overcome problems about Quintum & thanks to Bahram, Voip Support
- Setup Auth, Marc Michot
- Problems to reach a Gateway, Eduardo Monteiro
- change error code, gnugk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Mysql Schemes,
Lucas Nishimura
- Two Gnugk having single tenor quintum,
Voip Support
- About GnuGK with tenor quintum A800,
Voip Support
- neighbor gatekeepers interoperate, -Luca-
- gnugk on 64 bit,
- status port,
Marc Michot
- can I change CLI that only apply to specific Endpoints/gateways?,
- Re: No more Failure Meeddicat ions, Joord Thoms
- Calling Party Number (type of number field in Q931 IE),
Muhammad Atif Sheikh
- sqlbill:The default tariff(have no group and seletor) get the priority than the group selector.,
- TimeToLive problem, Daniel García García
- number assigned by gnugk,
Antonio Pinizzotto
- LRQ with Quintum behind NAT, Daniel Gradzikiewicz
- Re: Openh323gk-users digest, Vol 1 #2022 - 3 msgs, Dani Popa
- question!!!,
Dani Popa
- AW: Please help regarding calls drop,
Munir Hossain
- Authenticating of tenor quintum with GnuGK is failed,
Voip Support
- Please help regarding calls drop,
Munir Hossain
- changes to debug trc command?,
Mark Frater
- H235RAS H235AuthSimpleMD5 problem,
Daniel García García
- EP Autoswitch,
don pobre
- Telnet fails,
Voip Support
- About password protected telnet,
Voip Support
- Prefix translation,
Marc Khayat
- Child-Parent scenario,
Kamran Bukhari
- How can I make password protected to telnet my GnuGK?,
Voip Support
- Subject: Re: Help, Muhammad Asif Ali
- Quintum behind nat,
Daniel Gradzikiewicz
- Maximum simultaneous calls on proxy mode,
- Re: Routing H.323 calls to the first open machine,
Zygmuntowicz Michal
- Re: bp8 70% to you MèDICATIONS, Tolga Emert
- gnuGK + fast busy, Jose Divino de Lima
- authentication problem with [SQLPasswordAuth],
Antonio Pinizzotto
- crash after reload,
- Why by default SendReleaseCompleteOnDRQ is set to 0?,
senvin gam
- Call was dropped after a certain time,
Voip Expert
- GnuGk User Survey,
Jan Willamowius
- It is someone at FC3 , use gcc3.4 it last 2.2.x Gnugks. compile,
- add second IP address and run start antoher GNUGK.., Fu
- auto-route,
Bassem Kattan
- Multiple GWRewriteE164 entries,
- My network interface (Igor Prokhorov),
- Who can help me!(GNUGK2.2.3 compile problem ), Mac Liu
- Dialer having DHCP PC now have a new turn,
- gnugk after DHCP client-server start, Farhan
- Re: help (Zygmuntowicz Michal),
Muhammad Asif Ali
- Answer to Stewart Nelson,
- failure notice, MAILER-DAEMON
- GNUGK2.2.3 compile problem,
- About Status telnetSocket!, cn_zhx
- asterisk behind nat, can't hear rtp streams, Simone Cittadini
- To Nyamul Hassaan,
- To Igor Prokhorov and 6th level log, Farhan
- Thanks to Stewart Nelson and Nyamul Hassaan, Farhan
- how to config gnug throungh cisco pix 525,
leon wang
- To Stewart Nelson about endpoint not in real IP address,
- Who use gnugk 2.2.2 through symmetric NAT?,
leon wang
- Does any one use gnugk through symmetric NAT ?,
leon wang
- call duration,
Marc Michot
- To Igor Prokhorov about 6th level log,
- Invalid call signalling address,
- SQLAuth and CallQuery,
Marc Michot
- VQ and regex,
Marc Michot
- ConnectTimeout not work in 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 but work in 2.2.1,
Munir Hossain
- How can I support DHCP endpoints ?,
- My gnugk.ini file, Z.Farhan
- Caller heard nothing,
- Endpoint prefix and GatewayPriority,
Lucian Gheorghe
- Endless registration of CallManager on gatekeeper,
Denis Fokin
- Enum server,
- Is Possible Call Capacity Control Using PREFIX matching at same GW ??,
- restrict the access endpoint in gnugk, Daniel García García
- crash of gnugk,
- Cannot call to Cisco CallManager,
Denis Fokin
- SQLAuth and ARQ/Setup auth,
Marc Michot
- automatic starting GnuGK with Linux system,
- "error" in log, Marc Michot
- Gnugk and Openmcu:, danielgg
- Conncurrnt Calls, Inam
- authentication with radius, mysql backend,
simone cittadini
- Fw: FileIPAuth in gnugk 2.2.3,
- gnugk v 2.2.3 and status port,
Marc Michot
- GNU Gatekeeper 2.2.3 released,
Jan Willamowius
- Question on AcceptUnregisteredCalls,
- media proxy mode ?,
- Still one-way voice tarnsfer problem,
- Codec dialect ?,
- No sound in sender end,
- SqlPasswordAuth: authentication problem,
Daniel García García
- Billing for origination, Marc Khayat
- Routing calls between pooled videoconference devices, Nachman Yaakov Ziskind
- Billing software, Marc Khayat
- Virture q and failover,
- Gatekeeper restarts,
Guaina Montoya Alejandro
- gnugk version 2.2.x - "DIDN'T ACCEPT THE CALL" PROBLEM, BILIC Guillaume
- NATted endpoint,
Marc Khayat
routing based on called number, Jose
g729 question,
Philip Villamin
use of TCPkeepalive on FreeBSD, Aivis Olsteins
AudioCodes VoIP solutions, Simon Gelfand
RAI and RAC,
Anderson Alves de Albuquerque
Authenticate unregistred GW with Setup, Marc Michot
support for MSSQL,
Limitations of concurrent calls when proxy is enabled., Ronald Rosenberg
proxy mode does not work with fax,
forward blocked,
How to read the e164 value from RRQ to authenticate it?,
Antonio Pinizzotto
Hey Openh323gk-users ;), Michel Zhang
Fw: child gk in proxy mode didnīt forward "busy",
Help me configuring my VoIp network,please!!, Francesco Lilley
SQL query query,
SQLBILL roadmap,
Deepak Singhal
Failover routing,
Steve Smith
problem with disconnecting calls,
Call is not disconnected,
Nour Omar
CallRec does not clear if non-registered endpoint initiates a call to a registered endpoint,
Gatekeeper that supports IPv6,
Surya Santosh
Max load with GKrouted=1; Proxy=0, Martin Iozev
GNUGK opening TCP H245 connections with the same endpoint in H245 routed mode,
senvin gam
gnu gatekeeper 2.2.2 compile problem,
Multiple Authenthication module with GK,
idowu akindipe
status port CDR output format?,
Prefix auth,
Marc Khayat
Problem of Gnugk with proxy model.,
gnugkmail gnugkmail
COPS (Common Open Protocol service), Anderson Alves de Albuquerque
one endpoint terminate to different countries with different capacity, Fu
measure conversation duration adding with it the ringing time,
After debug trc 5,
Help! Performance issues..,
Alex Rubenstein
multiple sqlconfig,
proxymode problem,
Philip Villamin
Gk 2.0.8 Linux Version,
Kamran Bukhari
gnugk-2.2.2 make: *** [configure] Error 127 in Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3,
Rafael J. Risco G.V.
gnugk-2.2.2 make: *** [configure] Error 127, Rafael J. Risco G.V.
RRJ and the cause is 'InvalidCallSignals',
Thanks to Zygmuntowicz Michal and attach gnugk.ini for all of you to check, Z.Farhan
RTP proxy, Alexander Basunov
RasSrv::GWRewriteE164 with SQLConfig problem,
Dimitar Dragoev
Radius for set of gateways,
Martin Iozev
clid, Dani Popa
gnugk wrapper,
Valts Mazurs
Basic Config needed,
Fahad Aziz
LRQ from ClarentGK is always rejected.,
Nour Omar
allow any endpoints behind any or all NAT,
yate as a h323-sip signalling proxy, Diana Cionoiu
Re: failure make 2.2.3 cvs, raschel
Fail to support local IP when enable [SQLAuth] section, Z.Farhan
Re: Call Route Failover (ASAP) (Ali Koyuncu (Intelicom)),
Calling from local IP address,
How can allow private or local IP,
logging RRJ,
Philip Villamin
Take ring time as calling time,
"protocol error"?, Fu
Anderson Alves de Albuquerque
Support, City Bell
Mikhail Kravchuk
RE: Openh323gk-users digest, Vol 1 #1935 - 6 msgs, City Bell
Register on GnuGk without RAS.,
Mikhail Kravchuk
Multi GNU,
City Bell
quintum shows RESOURCE UNAVAILABLE, Z.Farhan
Sqlbill example report query,
Deepak Singhal
Authentication Query,
Call tranfer problem - Part 3,
Call transfer problem - Part 2, Z.Farhan
voicemaster and gnugk,
Mark Anthony C. Delfin
call transfer problem,
GkGUI 0.10 is out, Jan Willamowius
Again: PBX,
Ramón Montoya Benito
about dynamic_cast, cn_zhx
I want to use GNUGK to manage endpoints distributed in two subnet whether I must run GNUGK on win server or Linux?,
gnugkmail gnugkmail
Ramón Montoya Benito
Vqueue : Again,
Marc Michot
Feature Request: Reset call counters., Alasdair Ramsay
Marc Michot
interconnecting SIP and H323, Megan Willigs
administration interface blocked : GnuGK 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, Marc Michot
question about gnugk-2.2 and routing,
User Roman220
SIP and H323,
Megan Willigs
H323 and SIP, Miguel Willigs
GWRewriteE164 Bug ??,
Steve Smith
GNUGK config question,
Forwarded LRQ problem,
Chisanga, Evans
Forwarded LRQ rejected from a third part GK,
Antonio Pinizzotto
Connection to GK,
VoIP Newbie
static route problem, ozgur tuncel
Re: SQLBILL ANI Based Authentication, thanh
addpasswd how to?, Hugo Chavez
Problem with Dir-GK and Neighbors,
Anderson Alves de Albuquerque
error on closed port 7000,
Marc Michot
prefix match in [RasSrv::GWPrefixes],
Marc Michot
Prepaid termination and Routing policy questions,
Called party h232_ID to dialedDigits (E.164) conversion,
Rewrite sends original dialed number to gateway, not rewritten version,
Tcp keepalive,
Aivis Olsteins
Timeout & MFC,
Kamran Bukhari
PIN + Code solution,
Gather information from CDR,
Zamshed Farhan
Howto accept LRQ from ANY GK,
Chad Attermann
How to hold a call in a specific GK, Chris
Problem with Neighbor, Anderson Alves de Albuquerque
Re : _endp values..,
Santosh Rao
Permenant Endpoint prefix problem,
Steve Smith
_endp values...,
Santosh Rao
Proxy Mode,
Kamran Bukhari
SQLpasswordAuth SELECT / INSERT, Mr Greg Plater
gnugk and used ports, David Vrtin
Wrong interface,
Boris Pavacic
Promiscuous Neighbor, Chad Attermann
Re: v2.09 TimeStamp MySQL correction of my prev posting, Ap.Muthu
MySQL CDR Time Format workaround in v2.09, Ap.Muthu
Fwd: [tanahkaro] LOMBA MEWARNAI & MENGGAMBAR, Dana Lingga
Fwd: Re: [tanahkaro] LOMBA MEWARNAI & MENGGAMBAR (((info tambahan!))), Dana Lingga
GNUGK port 7000,
Anderson Alves de Albuquerque
gnugk 2.0.7 crash,
David Vrtin
DTMF, Marc Khayat
Stability report,
Glushenko Vladimir
Variable for as dialled,
Radius Authentication,
Glushenko Vladimir
problem with rewrite cid!!,
Dani Popa
Re: Openh323gk-users digest, Vol 1 #1898 - 9 msgs, Dani Popa
Call routing policy,
Marc Khayat
RAS port.,
Santosh Rao
msvc6chk notes, Ap.Muthu
Rollback success on 2.07 without msvc6chk, Ap.Muthu
script for restart the gnugk,
Jeff Chen
EP communication through GateKeeper, Rafał Bielec
sqlbill (change log 13 Dec 2004),
Klim W
Re: Alternate GK Info not sent by GNUGK in RRJ, senvin gam
cisco as5300,
ozgur tuncel
Successful and thanks to Michal and Sikkema,
Problem with MySQL at compiling GnuGK on Linux 9.0 step by step - on response to Andreas Sikkema, Z.Farhan
GNUgk v2.0.10cvs compile errors and other fixes, Ap.Muthu
Utilizing Virtual Queue,
Bahram S. Biria
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