It seems like an incorrect FreeRADIUS configuration.
Please also consult RadAliasAuth documentation to see
why User-Password is set to "login" in your case.
For GnuGk Auth-Type should be PAP or CHAP.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Simone Cittadini" <mymailforlists@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 12:16 PM
I've installed openh323gnugk on the same machine and configured
RadAliasAuth, it doesn't work, trying to authenticate with :
ohphone -g [gatekeeper ip] -u login -p pwd -l
gives this error on freeradius -X :
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host [gatekeeper ip]:10351, id=217,
User-Name = "login"
NAS-IP-Address = [gatekeeper ip]
NAS-Identifier = "GNU Gatekeeper"
NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
Service-Type = Login-User
Framed-IP-Address = [ohphone machine ip]
Cisco-AVPair = "h323-ivr-out=terminal-alias:login;"
User-Password = "login" <--- ? what ?
[bla bla, I'm doing these and those queries ...]
auth: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) configuration found for the
request: Rejecting the user
auth: Failed to validate the user.
and on gnugk -tt :
2005/08/17 08:03:59.343 2 RasSrv.cxx(168) RAS Read
from [ohphone machine ip]:1060
2005/08/17 08:03:59.350 2 RasSrv.cxx(209) RAS Received
2005/08/17 08:03:59.355 1 RasSrv.cxx(328) RAS GRQ
2005/08/17 08:03:59.360 2 RasSrv.cxx(373) GCF|[ohphone
machine ip]|login:h323_ID|terminal;
2005/08/17 08:03:59.367 2 RasSrv.cxx(221) RAS Send GCF
to [ohphone machine ip]:1060
2005/08/17 08:03:59.376 2 RasSrv.cxx(168) RAS Read
from [ohphone machine ip]:1060
2005/08/17 08:03:59.378 2 RasSrv.cxx(209) RAS Received
2005/08/17 08:03:59.380 1 RasSrv.cxx(328) RAS RRQ
2005/08/17 08:04:01.389 2 RasSrv.cxx(373) RRJ|[ohphone
machine ip]|login:h323_ID|terminal|securityDenial;
2005/08/17 08:04:01.398 2 RasSrv.cxx(221) RAS Send RRJ
to [ohphone machine ip]:1060
The Service-Type for ser is "Sip-Session", and Auth-Type "Digest", so I
understand I need some different configuration for authenticating "gnugk
style", but I can't find indications to do it, can someone give me some
hints or point me to the right direction ?
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