Hi openh323gk-users! how to config gnug throungh cisco pix 525 I had set parent gk ProxyForNAT=1 child gk GKRouted=1 H245Routed=1 , but parent gk only rece GCF message on 1719 port when child gk send RRQ it not to parent gk why? I use gk as ep->child gk->cisco pix525->parent gk <-cisco pix 525<-child gk<-ep now child gk can not regist itself to partent gk. :( Best Regard leon wang giga2@xxxxxxx 2005-08-25 ??????????????????????甸?X????辑?^蹲??联??阀q锬\?z???喏埤从?jqkjw"笔??鳐??意}?rW?????箦j卯+?7?Z)?睃僻j???-臭?k?????赈?袭?猜&?/zgХ?j双zgХ???0????{??????????????????????⑺b??)ms?xw?$?????.??????????膦贶y???哝j)Z?b斤撷沪?i?+?忏?叉??{???X?响㈥????咤?l??)撸?zxw?$?????岫??0螟'???