I should work as you expect. Do you use the latest version?
If it does not work like this, then probably there is a bug.
I'll check it. The ORDER BY clause should move NULLs to the end
in case of Postgres, I guess.
----- Original Message -----
From: "victorguo" <victorguo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 10:21 AM
I use the default tariff and also need to assign an tariff to an account.
here is the account:
id | created | closed | disabled | balance | balancelimit | currencysym
8 | 2005-08-27 09:50:57+08 | | f | 79.6000 | 0.0000 | RMB
assign one prefix for long distance call.
id | active | prefix | description | exactmatch
2 | t | 0 | longdistance | f
create two tariff for the above destination:
id | dstid | grpid | price | currencysym | initialincrement | regularincrement | graceperiod | description | active | terminating
5 | 2 | 1 | 0.2000 | RMB | 60 | 60 | 0 | zhongchang | t | f
1 | 2 | | 0.3000 | RMB | 60 | 60 | 0 | 60/60 | t | f
here is the tariff group:
id | priority | description
1 | 1 | zhong
and the assign the account with id=8 to group 1.
id | grpid | accountid
1 | 1 | 8
I want: the default tariff is 0.30/60s, and for account with id=8, it use the tariff with 0.20/60s. but the result is not right,
the user of account id 8 use the default tariff 0.30/60s. and i check the sql in match_tariff.
SELECT INTO dst.id, dst.active, trf.id D.id, D.active, T.id
FROM voiptariffdst D LEFT JOIN voiptariff T ON T.dstid = D.id
LEFT JOIN voiptariffgrp G ON T.grpid = G.id
LEFT JOIN voiptariffsel S ON S.grpid = G.id
WHERE NOT D.exactmatch AND (e164 LIKE (D.prefix || ''%''))
AND NOT T.terminating AND T.currencysym = curr
AND (T.grpid IS NULL OR S.accountid = accid)
ORDER BY length(D.prefix) DESC, G.priority DESC
the default tariff (0.3) with G.priority= null and the tariff (0.2) with G.priority=1,so the default tariff will be used, but in
the readme, there are one sentence:
If two or more tariffs are found for the same destination, a one that belongs to a group associated with the particular account
is selected (priority over a default tariff).
Is there any wrong to create the data.
thx in advanced.
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