sqlbill (change log 13 Dec 2004)

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Dear All,

  I have some problem about new sqlbill, 
table voipuser id and accountid is links ? ( i think is error )
voipdb=> select * from voipaccount;
 id |        created         | closed | disabled | balance |
balancelimit | currencysym
  1 | 2005-06-10 12:36:41+07 |        | f        | 10.0000 |       0.0000 | USD
  2 | 2005-06-10 12:37:08+07 |        | f        | 10.0000 |       0.0000 | USD
  3 | 2005-06-10 12:37:09+07 |        | f        | 10.0000 |       0.0000 | USD
  4 | 2005-06-10 12:37:10+07 |        | f        | 10.0000 |       0.0000 | USD
(4 rows)

voipdb=> select id,h323id,accountid,firstname,surname from voipuser;
 id | h323id | accountid | firstname | surname
  1 | voip1  |         1 | John      | Smith
  2 | voip2  |         1 | Joe       | Smith
(2 rows)

if i add new user to use account id 4 will show error 

voipdb=> INSERT INTO voipuser (h323id, accountid, chappassword,
firstname, surname)  VALUES ('voip4', 4, 'secret', '4444', '4444');
ERROR:  insert or update on table "voipuser" violates foreign key
constraint "voipuser_account_exists"
DETAIL:  Key (accountid)=(4) is not present in table "voipuser".

i think forignkey is wrong link
it not link to table voipaccount


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