mygw---789(prefix)xxxxx(number)------->neighgw1 (priority1) |__789(prefix)xxxxx(number)_______>neighgw2 (priority2) The same neighgw1 and neighgw2 accept prefix 789. How can i send calls to neighgw2 if neighgw1 is busy or for some reason can't keep the call ? In asterisk i know is possible to call all part(neighgw1,neighgw2) in the same time. If neighgw1 is busy the calls go through neighgw2. It is possible to do something similar with gnugk ? ------------------------------------------------------- SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices Agile & Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects & Teams * Testing & QA Security * Process Improvement & Measurement * _______________________________________________________ Posting: mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: Unsubscribe: Homepage: