Dani asked: >mygw---789(prefix)xxxxx(number)------->neighgw1 (priority1) |__789(prefix)xxxxx(number)_______>neighgw2 (priority2) >The same neighgw1 and neighgw2 accept prefix 789. How can i send calls to >neighgw2 if neighgw1 is busy or for some reason can't keep the call ? In >asterisk i know is possible to call all part(neighgw1,neighgw2) in the same >time. If neighgw1 is busy the calls go through neighgw2. It is possible to >do something similar with gnugk ? The GNUGK does not "roll-over" to another endpoint if it receives a failure on the 1st endpoint. So, once an endpoint has been selected the call will either work or not to that endpoint and that's the end of the call processing. Other posters suggest work-arounds using external applications and Virtual queues, but for my network the below setup works fine. The best I've been able to accomplish is to: Define a MAX capacity for an endpoint, when that # of calls are up the GNUGK will then look for another endpoint to use. If you have multiple endpoints for the same destination, then if you assign those endpoints a capacity, and the same priority it will spread the traffic out across the possible endpoints, since it will know when a given endpoint is full. This, however, is done on a Gateway basis, not a prefix basis. So, you can't specify Capacity=10 calls with prefix 789, and 50 calls with prefix 987. (If the Gateways are another company's, you may not know when it's actually full - since you won't know about traffic from other companies, so then I omit the capacity to alternate amongst all their endpoints to mitigate the times that 1 endpoint may be full at any moment) [EP::neighgw1] Capacity=60 GatewayPriority=1 [EP::neighgw2] Capacity=60 GatewayPriority=1 The first call will go to endpoint #1, the 2nd to endpoint #2, etc. The above example ensures call attempts will alternate amongst the endpoints, and if one is already 'full' the GNUGK will not choose it, thus it would pick an endpoint with capacity available (if one exists). If #1 fails (or you want to do maintenance), you can adjust the priority (manually) of #1 to be 2 and then all traffic will go to #2 until you repair #1 and then adjust the priority again. (lower number priorities are chosen first) (You have to reload, from the status port for the file to be re-read for the changes to take effect) Steve Miskowitz Planet Telecom This email was scanned by: Mcafee GroupShield ---------------- CONFIDENTIAL DISCLAMER ---------------- All information provided in this email is considered confidential and proprietary of Planet Telecom, Inc. and Telecenter Inc. Use of this information by anyone other than the recipient or sender will be considered in breach of agreement. ------------------------------------------------------- SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices Agile & Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects & Teams * Testing & QA Security * Process Improvement & Measurement * http://www.sqe.com/bsce5sf _______________________________________________________ Posting: mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id?49 Unsubscribe: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/openh323gk-users Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/