Hi all, Here's my scenario: I have multiple termination carriers on my GnuGK to different countries. Naturally, I have different prefixes, suppose 1111# for the first, and 2222# for the second. When I'm selling traffic, I want to give my client 1 prefix (say 3333#) but then translate it to the appropriate one, depending and the destination. Can anyone tell me how to do it? Thanks, ------------------------------------------------------- SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices Agile & Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects & Teams * Testing & QA Security * Process Improvement & Measurement * http://www.sqe.com/bsce5sf _______________________________________________________ Posting: mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id?49 Unsubscribe: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/openh323gk-users Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/