I'm going to try it out rigth now!
Thanks a lot!
On 10/10/05, Zygmuntowicz Michal <m.zygmuntowicz@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Try to configure DGK to pass-through signaling through itself,
so signaling connections are not established directly between gatekeepers
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andcop2005 Andcop2005" <andcop2005@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 9:02 PM
> I've got the following three scenarios. In all of them the GK don't know
> each other and need to ask DGK in due to establish calls between them.
> All GKs are configured to accept calls originated only from neighbors:
> AcceptNeighborsCalls=1
> AcceptUnregisteredCalls=0
> Scenario A work pretty well. Clients registered on A2 and A3 can establish
> calls one another with no problem.
> A)
> A-1) DirectoryGK (DGK): gnugk 2.0.9 or gnugk 2.2.3 or CISCO
> A-2) GK gnugk 2.0.9
> A-3) GK gnugk 2.0.9
> On scenarios B and C it does not work.
> I've already alternated the option "[RasSrv::Neighbors] / CiscoCompatible"
> to "0" and "1" on gnugk 2.0.9, and the option "[RasSrv::Neighbors] / Type"
> to "CiscoGK" and "GnuGK" on gnugk 2.2.3, but them keep not working.
> I've noticed that LRQ and LCF are performed, but the GK which sends LCF
> refuses the SETUP and the call are not established.
> B)
> B-1) DirectoryGK (DGK): gnugk 2.0.9 or gnugk 2.2.3 or CISCO
> B-2) GK gnugk 2.2.3
> B-3) GK gnugk 2.0.9
> C)
> C-1) DirectoryGK (DGK): gnugk 2.0.9 or gnugk 2.2.3 or CISCO
> C-2) GK gnugk 2.2.3
> C-3) GK gnugk 2.2.3
> Someone knows how can I configure scenarios B and C to work like scenario A
> does?
> Regards,
> P. Anderson
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