Linux usage as it relates to the blind and visually impaired community
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- Re: Gentoo, (continued)
- New member with a speakup/emacspeak question,
Krister Ekstrom
- speakup,
- patch to solve the accessibility problem in links bookmark manager,
- blind teaching?,
- Using gOCRR,
John J. Boyer
- Re: [Jocr-devels] Command-line Version of GOCR (fwd),
John J. Boyer
- Using PHP to Query an Oracle Server,
Martin McCormick
- Any OCR programs for Linux that output ASCII Text?,
Martin McCormick
- Oralux, where to download it,
Michael Weaver
Some questions about Oralux,
Michael Weaver
Oralux installation,
Jaffar Sidek
Oralux problem,
Hanif Kruger
[OT]: Sysadmin Cartoon with support for the blind,
Mario Lang
Fedora or Debian?,
David Renström
[links] personalizing keybindings,
Xandros Desktop OS v2.0 with speakup?,
hank smith
Is anyone using cursed gtk?,
John J. Boyer
Using a new Printer with OpenOffice,
John J. Boyer
[Gnus help] How to save attachments ?,
Anybody know whether there is a DECtalk software upgrade?,
Luke Yelavich
Locale settings,
Tore Johnny Bråtveit
[OT] contact,
copy&paste - multiline,
Knoppix with braille support (fwd),
John J. Boyer
Re: Knoppix with braille support (fwd),
Dietmar Segbert
Yasr and DoubleTalk LT,
Gilles Casse
wrong URL for Wedit,
Sound editors for Linux?,
Christian Moller
[OT] trplayer,
Sound volume in Fedora,
Christian Moller
alsa help,
Tom Masterson
how to manage volume with alsamixer & new notebooks.,
Re: how to manage volume with alsamixer & new notebooks.,
Jude DaShiell
can I trust debian testing?,
changing doc to txt,
Scott Berry
Re: having trouble with abcde,
Lorenzo Prince
attn Dave,
Scott Berry
Replacing Readit with lynx (fwd),
questions about setting up hardware synthesizers to work with linux,
Alexandre Alves Tôco
gnome and gnopernicus,
Rafi Cohen
lynx, frames and javascripts,
Rafi Cohen
where to find grade 2 translater?,
French-speaking blinux list, new location,
Problems with CenterIcq and Debian stable,
Karl Dahlke
a question about chmod and chown and chgrp,
Scott Berry
anyone else using apache 2,
Scott Berry
simple calculator,
Scott Berry,
Karl Dahlke
re: cdrecord,
Jude DaShiell
programming project, better browser,
Karl Dahlke
Looking for a Programming Project which would really benefit blind people,
John J. Boyer
What has happened to the Blinux file archive?,
Tore Johnny Bråtveit
blinux-music list,
Scott Berry
eflite 0.3.8 released (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
Hi there,,
Scott Berry
Pine question,
Tom Masterson
Fw: [pro_tech] Study: Safest OS isn't Windows--or Linux,
The Man With His Guide Dog At The Tent Store
a viavoice license consortium?,
emacspeak on RH AS with DECtalk howto,
John Heim
Fwd: Via-voice,
Lloyd Rasmussen
readline library entire line read while typing,
Terry Klarich
how to dist-upgrade except package mmm?,
how to load a different release of w3m on Emacs/Debian,
having trouble with cvsblinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx,
Scott Berry
Braille with RedHat aned Fedora installers.,
Dave Mielke
compiling Real Player,
Scott Berry
question about cdw,
Scott Berry
how to read pdf documents,
Scott Berry
Peer to peer Networking,
The Man With His Guide Dog At The Tent Store
Re: sounds including music?,
L. C. Robinson
Networking in Fedora,
Christian Moller
Postscript Viewer for Text Mode,
John J. Boyer
Viavoice and Gnopernicus,
Christian Moller
Jim Stevenson
best version?,
Jim Stevenson
who selling laptops?,
Jim Stevenson
help with vi help,
michael malver
Re: alsa with second sound card,
Ari Moisio
Re: question about logging kernel problems when kernel blows up,
Sébastien FRANÇOIS
help about X,
how to set up a braille lite for linux,
Alexandre Alves Tôco
Re: gentoo installation and brltty,
Mike Gorse
Installing Fedora with Speakup,
Christian Moller
Re: trouble setting up linux with emacspeak,
gumnos (Tim Chase)
Re: Damaged Knoppics with Speakup,
John covici
BRLTTY 3.4.1,
Dave Mielke inaccessible,
Jude DaShiell
Re: pine and dial up configuration,
Jude DaShiell
Mounting a flash drive?,
Guy Abandon.
good sounding board for linux,
Alexandre Alves Tôco
Old Braille displays in newest notebooks,
best way to install Debian,
Lorenzo Prince
Re: Software speech?,
Kenny Hitt
festival and sound questions,
Michael Pedersen
new blinux-music list,
Scott Berry
Re: tcl?,
Jude DaShiell
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: tcl?,
Andor Demarteau
BRLTTY 3.4 has been released.,
Dave Mielke
re: email notification,
Jude DaShiell
javascriptable text borwser, some nice news,
Andor Demarteau
Compiling kernel with Speakup,
Tony Baechler
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Compiling kernel with Speakup,
Bjoern Appel
control code problems,
Brian Tew
Re: To install Java on RedHAt Linux 8.0,
Simon Waters
notification of mail,
Lorenzo Prince
having trouble mounting music cds in Debian,
Scott Berry
running bastille-linux with speakup,
Jude DaShiell
two redhat 8.0 questions,
Jude DaShiell
bastille-linux redhat 8.0 notes,
Jude DaShiell
Alsa question once again,
Tom Masterson
No Localhost on new Woody Installation.,
Dave Hunt
Automatic More:,
Lee Maschmeyer
Re: Control code problems (was: Re: need 1 stripper,
Brian Tew
Re: Control code problems (was: Re: need 1 stripper,
Jude DaShiell
alsa problem,
Tom Masterson
Suggestions using links with yasr,
Luke Yelavich
Holiday Blessings,
The Man With His Guide Dog At The Tent Store
ViaVoice for Linux Kiosks,
mayank tyagi
Want Creationtime of file,
Bhanu Prasad
FW New fuel Cell (fwd),
Jude DaShiell
Boot disk for installing Fedora Linux,
Christian Moller
RE: looking for electric tester,
rick watson
need 1 stripper,
Brian Tew
wma converter ?,
Mike Keithley
RE: next elba version,
Tommy Craig
Rafael Skodlar - Contact info,
Gary Wynn
centericq and abcde slackware packages.,
Shaun Oliver
Probably stupid question,
Tom Masterson
want to buy,
Jim Stevenson
versions compared?,
Jim Stevenson
USB floppy,
Lorenzo Prince
sppech work only on x86 hw?,
Re: Emacs in X,
Jude DaShiell
Re: AFB Celebrates DMCA Exemption,
Janina Sajka
xwindows question,
Tom Masterson
debian install issue solved,
Dave Hunt
Re: micq?,
Re: Frebsd.,
Ivan Fetch
Rock Bazzle
Installing From ISO Images on an NTFS volume?,
Dave Hunt
Re: URGENT: Oralux.,
Willem van der Walt<willem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: Suse Screen reader,
Christian Schoepplein
Re: YASR & Festival,
Mario Lang
Lorenzo Prince
redhat unable to probe video monitor,
Jude DaShiell
Another attempt at eliminating the need for BrlStatX,
Mario Lang
Message not available
Lorenzo Prince
[mpalmer@xxxxxxxxxx: Re: [SLUG] What's up with the Debian Mirrors?],
Shaun Oliver
OT. Centericq and MSN,
setting volume for trplayer?,
Dave Hunt
Apple is looking for a Screen Reader Engineer,
Lloyd G. Rasmussen
getting rid of windows viruses,
michael malver
Re: Segmentation fault installing ViaVoice,
Mike Keithley
Re: this isn't about your website,
Mike Gorse
how to control bbrass with keybboard command?,
bastille linux project,
Jude DaShiell
Re: More Extensive Screen Reader,
Ivan Fetch,
Brian Tew
Re: [OT] cygwin + emacspeak on MsWindows : do you think it's possible ?,
Re: creating a bootable cd,
Tom Masterson
how to keyin high ascii characters?,
Re: AUDIODATA Braillezeile,
Dave Mielke
Problem to make boot floppies with BRLTTY to install Mandrake,
Re: YASR and multiple ysers,
Mike Gorse
brltty with elba,
Re: brltty with elba?,
Re: yasr with Dectalk express locksup,
Mike Gorse
Re: GettingStarted,
Cj Sampson
Re: Speech synth for linux and W2k/XP on the same box?,
Ron Marriage
Re: Update: Linux Accessibility Event -19 November 2003 - Birmingham,
Lee Maschmeyer
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Update: Linux Accessibility Event -19 November 2003 - Birmingham,
Re: Update: Linux Accessibility Event -19 November 2003 - Birmingham,
Janina Sajka
Re: Emacspeak symbel's function is void puthash what is this?,
Willem van der Walt<willem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: Command list.,
L. C. Robinson
Re: Urgent test with LINKS,
Nicolas Pitre
Re: Does links 2.1pre12 support http authenticationssl correctly?,
David Csercsics
Braillex 2d-screen question.,
Anders holmberg
Re: [UACCESS-L] Apple to Create Screen Reader for the Blind,
David Poehlman
Re: testing,
Kenny Hitt
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: testing,
David Renström
- Testing,
Linux for blind general discussion
Software reader for DAISY (my first beta tests),
Fredrik Larsson
daisy2 or daisy3,
Johan Knol
a bit off topic:Fw: [Beta Testers] Request for testers AccVerify ASP.NET Interface,
David Poehlman
Re: flite compilation,
A. R. Vener
yasr and non ascii characters,
Sergey Fleytin
formant synthesis for linux?,
attila konietzka
Re: Fw: Any need for another sw/hw Daisy reader (linux, embedded, wi ndows; in that order) ?,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Fw: Any need for another sw/hw Daisy reader (linux, embedded, wi ndows; in that order) ?,
Lorenzo Prince
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Any need for another sw/hw Daisy reader (linux, embedded, wi ndows; in that order) ?,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Any need for another sw/hw Daisy reader (linux, embedded, wi ndows; in that order) ?,
Johan Knol
- Re: Any need for another sw/hw Daisy reader (linux, embedded, wi ndows; in that order) ?,
Janina Sajka
Re: text to mp3 Recording from computer,
Mike Gorse
Slight problem with Emacspeak TTS server for DecTalk,
Luke Yelavich
Re: More Microsoft nonsense--MSN Messenger,
Shaun Oliver
Configuring yasr to use emacspeak servers,
Luke Yelavich
perennial nfl access question,
Cheryl Homiak
pine 4.58,
teaching Linux to blind users,
A. R. Vener
help with vmlinuz,
attila konietzka
Utility for Viewing Grade 2 Braille Files,
John J. Boyer
which is the most popular braille display?,
knoppix in hd?,
links (the chain) 2 hacked,
Cheryl Homiak
where is elba-list?,
installing brltty with apt-get,
attila konietzka
BTV, the Braille/Text Viewer,
Lee Maschmeyer
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