Linux usage as it relates to the blind and visually impaired community
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- knoppix and brltty question,
Cheryl Homiak
- Listening to Sirius in Linux?,
Hart Larry
- Project from NY Talking Book and Braille Library (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
- Fw: CURR: Project from NY Talking Book and Braille Library,
david poehlman
- asterisk config iva aixtel.conf brdige and SIP-lines,
Andor Demarteau
- Open Source Daisy Renderer,
John J. Boyer
- rsync question,
Jude DaShiell
- skype for linux,
Shaun Oliver
- Fw: June 21, 2004 - Skype launches Skype for Linux!,
david poehlman
- running asterisk on sigwin?,
hank smith
- fedora running and talking,
Jude DaShiell
- emacspeak server,
Sergio Rodriguez Ezquerra
- Gnopernicus and Slackware 9.1.,
Sergei Fleytin
- fedora core 1 mkinitrd problem,
Jude DaShiell
- Perfectly accessible Audio production solution for Linux,
Mario Lang
- asterisk and free world dialup,
Andor Demarteau
- Lots of Trouble Extracting .rar Files?,
Hart Larry
- Testing a Steno keyboard,
John J. Boyer
- looking for VoIP software, console,
Andor Demarteau
- Extracting Binaries from MIME-Encoded messages,
Martin McCormick
- mad.pc,
Lee Maschmeyer
Jan and Bertil Smark Nilsson
Dave Mielke
- <Possible follow-ups>
- brlapi,
Jan and Bertil Smark Nilsson
- sharing files between BrailleNote and a Linux box,
Ben van Poppel
- Mad?,
Lee Maschmeyer
- BRLTTY 3.5 has been released.,
Dave Mielke
- about yatm,
- ANNOUNCE: yatm-0.2 [Ogg Vorbis support] (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
- ANNOUNCE: yatm-0.2 [Ogg Vorbis support],
Mario Lang
- Power Point files,
Michela Botti
- Playing Audiobooks at a faster speed than usual,
Mario Lang
- Message not available
playing cds,
Cheryl Homiak
cepstral upgrades,
Cheryl Homiak
Requested: Tips for Getting Started With Linux,
Jeremiah Z. Rogers
Test; please ignore,
Playing a CD,
Lee Maschmeyer
francophone systems,
Charles McCathieNevile
slackware 9.1 and Belkin router problem,
Jude DaShiell
email crash,
Jim Stevenson
an article worthy of our attention.,
Shaun Oliver
Question: configuring a sound card,
John Mattioli
Question: seeking an SSH client for Windows,
John Mattioli
e-mail address for sa-learn,
Jude DaShiell
open source accessibility software oppinion enquirey,
TR: very big proble to reach url for downloading trplayer,
emacspeak on slackware 9.1?,
Jude DaShiell
scanner usability,
Cheryl Homiak
An evening filled with success!,
John Mattioli
Emacs speak and games?,
miriam wanting to unsubscribe,
dectalk software with yasr?,
power braille on brltty?,
multispeech tts engine?,
linux mixer?,
braillified Fedora core 2 installation,
Cheryl Homiak
TomsRtBt and Fedora CD?,
Announcing Updates at the Speakup Modified,
Janina Sajka
Braillified Fedora Core 2 installer image now available.,
Dave Mielke
debian sarge with braille and/or speech,
Cheryl Homiak
braille display mode with qwerty elba,
Thomas Stivers
Speech for Graphical Flavour of Linux,
Info about gnopernicus,
Sauro Cesaretti
yasr with double talk lt?,
Mozilla and .Xdefaults,
Iain Morgan
yasr sluggish on dibian?,
Info about editor with macros,
Sauro Cesaretti
How to open a TCP/IP port?,
David Renström
Redhat rpm in Text Mode,
Martin McCormick
turtle beach sound card under linux?,
OT: MySQL problem - msg 2,
David Renström
OT: MySQL problem,
David Renström
SuSe 9.1?,
Creating an INITRD on fedora?,
speakup on fedora?,
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
Roy Nickelson
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
Stephen Clower
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
- RE: speakup on fedora?,
Fred Carter
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
- RE: speakup on fedora?,
Stephen Clower
- RE: speakup on fedora?,
Fred Carter
- RE: speakup on fedora?,
Stephen Clower
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
Janina Sajka
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
Janina Sajka
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
Stephen Clower
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
Janina Sajka
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
Stephen Clower
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
Janina Sajka
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
Janina Sajka
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
Janina Sajka
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
Janina Sajka
- Re: speakup on fedora?,
gumnos (Tim Chase)
Installation attempt doesn't resemble documented procedure ... HELP PLEASE.,
John Mattioli
fedora text mode software recommendations?,
is this normal?,
Stephen Clower
speakup for kernel 2.6.5?,
wht version of fedora has speakup?,
slackware and security,
Jude DaShiell
accessing windows files eg mp3s from a linux box?,
updating kirnel help,
No way to make BRLTTY read while checking fs?,
still trying to transfer files to and from braillelite,
Cheryl Homiak
[ojschmidt@xxxxxxx: Invitation - Unix Accessibility Forum 2004],
Shaun Oliver
Braille install on suse,
Tom Masterson
[OT] someone using jabber with yahoo transport?,
slowing down speak up?,
I couldn't start gnopernicus, help!,
ssh behind routers?,
OT: Linux List for The Deaf,
John J. Boyer
[crisekstrom@xxxxxxxxxxxx: Compiling a kernel for the first time -- stupid newbie questions],
Krister ekstrom
good terminal program for windows,
Attila Konietzka
emacs and .lit files,
Jude DaShiell
Where Do I get Matlab for Linux?,
John J. Boyer
alsa question,
Cheryl Homiak
Spreadsheet program,
Tom Masterson
Brian Tew
Re: What's a braille display that _works_?,
Mario Lang
Flite Binaries for Slackware now Available (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
brltty and ipcop,
Attila Konietzka
Cepstral Speech Server for Emacspeak 20. (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
religious propaganda,
Jim Stevenson
Permissions for ssh and scp,
John J. Boyer
How Does a Program Know Where it is Running?,
John J. Boyer
elba users manual,
Linux and Fax Utilities,
Emacspeak-20.0 (LeapDog) Unleashed! (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
apt-get update?,
Getting Started,
Fred Carter
New Software for Download,
John J. Boyer
Rescue CDROM,
Martin McCormick
gnopernicus more to add.,
Shaun Oliver
announce: 8-dot braille key emulator,
David Renström
After Fedora installation?,
Jan and Bertil Smark Nilsson
stardict command-line version,
Newby to Linux, pre-installed Linux or not,
Michael Weaver
Anyone having trouble with Courier and Fetchmail?,
Krister Ekstrom
Gnopernicus and Spanish,
Sergio Rodriguez Ezquerra
Elba Question,
UTF-8 to UTF-32 Conversion,
John J. Boyer
Fedora installation,
Jan and Bertil Smark Nilsson
what distro can I install with braille lite 18?,
Alexandre Alves Tôco
Gentoo + Voyager,
David Renström
oralux 0.5?,
Shaun Oliver
Links2, what directory am i after?,
Krister Ekstrom
Converge/mix 2 audio streams?,
Guy Abandon.
[links2] new package with TAB support,
Re: [links2] new package with TAB support,
Matlab on Linux,
John J. Boyer
Fedora Core installer...?,
David Renström
braille key simulation,
what should be used with nopernicus?,
Krishnakant Mane
[links 2] Very great improvements for blind people !,
Fedora installation corrupt?,
David Renström
Installing the 2.6.5 Kernel and Sound Issues,
Martin McCormick
nopernicus related inquiry,
Krishnakant Mane
Braillified Fedora Core 1 installer CD image.,
Dave Mielke
starting brltty at bootup,
Roy Nickelson
Braille during installation of Fedora,
Jan and Bertil Smark Nilsson
Download tool for multiple files or wildcards in http,
Cheryl Homiak
Filling out PDF forms?,
Mario Lang
Gentoo installation,
David Renström
Looking for Better Ways to Configure Kernels.,
Martin McCormick
running windows under linux?,
brltty 3.5 pre2 and tieman voyager 44,
Dietmar Segbert
Most speech friendly linux?,
Jim Stevenson
math, octave, raman?,
Jim Stevenson
English SUSE-Blinux sites online,
Christian Schoepplein
Strange webmin installation problem on Debian Sarge,
Krister Ekstrom
A linux distro for newbys,
Michael Weaver
worth a read,
Shaun Oliver
Introduction to linux,
Hanif Kruger
[Jocr-devels] gocr and the blind (fwd),
John J. Boyer
Jim Stevenson
Apollo, emacspeak and Speakup,
Krister Ekstrom
New to linux and need guidance with redhat 9 installation,
Jaffar Sidek
Lee Maschmeyer
IRC client and sounds.,
David Renström
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