Yesterday I burned the current knoppix cd and was able to boot it with
brltty. However, I got 3 startup errors which were aggravating although
they didn't seem to affect the functioning of brltty. all of these errors
appeared to stem from the fact that the /etc/brltty.conf has everything
set to the alva by default, including the speech for which there is no
cheatcode as far as I know. so when brltty starts up, even though it uses
the parameters I passed to it for driver, port and table, it tries to load
speech support for the Alva and then gives me all sorts of complaints
because that doesn't work. My only recourse if I want speech or just don't
want to think about the startup problems, is to kill brltty once I'm in a
console and restart it again with the correct indication under -s. I can't
apparently change /etc/brltty.conf as it's read-only and I don't know
whether or not there's another way to save my settings. Has anybody else
seen this problem and/or found a solution for it?
By the way, I also am experimenting with the oralux 0.6 alpha, which
allows you to set up your braille display as part of it's audio menu. The
alva is the default there also, but I don't think I'm getting errors due
to speech after I've set the other factors, or maybe I'm just not seeing
those errors? also, oralux does have a script which allows you to save
those settings to your hard drive, anyway, not necessarily trying to
compare the two; just saying that it apparently isn't a problem in oralux
but it is in knoppix.
any suggestions would be appreciated.
"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."