I have a cable modem account set up and the company uses dhcp so that's no
problem. The cable technician says my cable modem is working and active.
I have a Belkin router hooked up between the computer and cable modem as
instructed in the Belkin manual. When I run ifconfig eth0, the IP address
I get is which is the router's firewall address. Is there
something I can do on the slackware system to get the cable company's ip
address and finish up getting the router working so it will provide
firewall services but also allow an internet connection? The technician
over at Belkin does not know linux. A consolation, windows 98 can't get
out on the router either. The cable modem technician doesn't know linux
either but he did try the router on windows and told me the connected
light is blinking. The Belkin technician told me the connected light
blinks when there's a good outside connection to the router.