Linux usage as it relates to the blind and visually impaired community
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- Re: showing a GIF or JPG to a sighted friend, from the console?, (continued)
- Device for parallel port zip drive?,
Lee Maschmeyer
- 0 Byte Files?,
Hart Larry
- Emacspeak 21.0 --PlayDog-- Unleashed!,
T. V. Raman
- Emacspeak 21.0 --PlayDog-- Unleashed! (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
- OT: info about italian project for blind+linux.,
- eci.h,
Sergei Fleytin
- Playing .m4b Files?,
Hart Larry
- A FreeBSD Question about Putting a Beep in the CSH Prompt,
Martin McCormick
- help with better speech,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Sound in Debian Woody - how to get without kernel recompile,
Ari Moisio
- Information about brltty with slackware distribution,
Sauro Cesaretti
- software speech under linux,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- viavoice questions,
Halgeir Holthe
- Open Source Developer Contest - Sponsored by IBM (fwd),
Mike Gorse
- A lot of questions.(dectalk, emacspeak, viavoice...),
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
- SANCB Request (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
- changing language,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
- ZipSpeak with YASR or Vocal-Eyes?,
Hart Larry
- Fw: T1 Service,
david poehlman
- Mounting a USB flash drive on Debian Sarge,
John J. Boyer
- bootdisk forgotten,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
- bootdisk for fedora,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- dectalk installation problem,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
- bootdisks with brltty,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
- kernel and braille displays,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
- dectalk question,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
- sound in red hat 9,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
- linux manual program question,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
- speech-dispatcher and gnopernicus - problems,
Artur Rutkowski
- A Periodic Check on Software Speech Possibilities,
Martin McCormick
- gnopernicus and festival voices,
Artur Rutkowski
- How similar is commercial Linux?,
Lee Maschmeyer
- Re: Speak up and Braille lite 40,
Cj Sampson
- Speakup and Braaille Lite 40,
John J. Boyer
- shaving mp3's,
Mike Gorse
- Y-windows,
Mike Gorse
- Installing gnopernicus in Mandrake 9.2,
Sauro Cesaretti
- brltty neeeded,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
- sound,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
- Questions about installing Gnopernicus.,
Darrell Shandrow
- Dual-boot Mailing List,
John J. Boyer
- BRLTTY-3.6 is now available.,
Dave Mielke
- emacspeak and speech-dispatcher,
Artur Rutkowski
- running linux on telnet from another computer,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
- emacspeak,
Artur Rutkowski
- tsl info,
Andor Demarteau
- problem with finding rpm files,
Artur Rutkowski
- Iptables and Logins at boot-up,
John J. Boyer
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Iptables and Logins at boot-up,
John J. Boyer
- Re: Iptables and Logins at boot-up,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Iptables and Logins at boot-up,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Iptables and Logins at boot-up,
Andor Demarteau
- Re: Iptables and Logins at boot-up,
John J. Boyer
- Re: Iptables and Logins at boot-up,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Dave Mielke
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Cheryl Homiak
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Cheryl Homiak
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Cheryl Homiak
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Cheryl Homiak
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Cheryl Homiak
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Cheryl Homiak
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Cheryl Homiak
- Re: Installing FC2 with BRLTTY.,
Janina Sajka
problem with xserver,
Tom Masterson
Fw: Web Conference on Accessible Distance Education Oct. 14,
david poehlman
Connection Refused on ssh,
John J. Boyer
- Re: Connection Refused on ssh,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Connection Refused on ssh,
Mike Gorse
- Re: Connection Refused on ssh,
Janina Sajka
- iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
John Heim
- Re: iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
John J. Boyer
- Re: iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
Janina Sajka
- Re: iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
John J. Boyer
- Re: iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
Janina Sajka
- Re: iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
John J. Boyer
- Re: iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
Janina Sajka
- Re: iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
Janina Sajka
- Re: iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
Cheryl Homiak
- Re: iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
John J. Boyer
- Re: iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
Cheryl Homiak
- Re: iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
John J. Boyer
- Re: iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
John J. Boyer
- Re: iptables (Re: Connection Refused on ssh),
- Re: Connection Refused on ssh,
John J. Boyer
- Re: Connection Refused on ssh,
Rafael Skodlar
Shaving mp3s?,
Hart Larry
Narrow font?,
Re: Narrow font?,
Cheryl Homiak
Tinkering with Compressed Speech,
Martin McCormick
Fw: Calling non Windows users,
david poehlman
New Event in Italy - Exposcuola 2004,
Matteo Settenvini
Creating Swap Areas,
John J. Boyer
Handling Mail on Debian,
John J. Boyer
How to add new man pages?,
Guy Abandon.
Last post did not appear,
Nigel Stoppard
audio chat client,
Guy Abandon.
Running Spinrite from Linux?,
Hart Larry
Links idea?,
Nigel Stoppard
copy and paste using speakup?,
Brent Harding
Success with root:,
david poehlman
darwin and root:,
david poehlman
no subject,
Brian Tew
quick reference guide,
Karl Dahlke
oracle linux installation bad news,
Jude DaShiell
missing shared libraries,
Karl Dahlke
avoiding line numbers,
Karl Dahlke
msn/irc/icq/yahoo/iam console client, suggestion,
Andor Demarteau
what is edbrowse,
Karl Dahlke
odd janina messages,
Brian Tew
mp3rename Doesn't Always Work?,
Hart Larry
Installing Debian with Cygwin,
John J. Boyer
linux for blind student (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
X emulators?,
John Heim
Fw: Mozilla content keyboard navigation proposal - feedback sought ASAP!,
david poehlman
echo external synth with speakup?,
hank smith
Yannick's DaisyReader 0.3 pl script released,
offtopic: win+serial protocol cracking,
Andor Demarteau
running windows on linux with speech?,
hank smith
BRLTTY for Cygwin?,
Lars Bjørndal
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
Command line guitar tuner,
Mario Lang
colinux on windows?,
hank smith
Display card info,
B. Alan Mattison
md5sum command to check FC2 isos?,
Jude DaShiell
cd burner partly working,
Jude DaShiell
freebsd. is there a way to make it talk?,
Shaun Oliver
Off-list help request,
B. Alan Mattison
Knoppix and USB and Repartitioning,
John J. Boyer
RTF to xml progeam,
John J. Boyer
Trplayer doesn't installs under Debian Testing, help!,
raid, bios,
Karl Dahlke
New xml To Braille Translator,
John J. Boyer
still working on transfering files to and from braillelite,
Cheryl Homiak
- correction: still working on transfering files to and from braillelite,
Cheryl Homiak
- RE: correction: still working on transfering files to and frombraillelite,
B. Alan Mattison
- RE: correction: still working on transfering files to and frombraillelite,
Cheryl Homiak
- salvaging laptop files,
Stephen Clower
- Re: salvaging laptop files,
Tim Chase
- Re: salvaging laptop files,
Stephen Clower
- Linux to the rescue, was Re: salvaging laptop files,
Stephen Clower
- Re: Linux to the rescue, was Re: salvaging laptop files,
ronald henri smith
- Install problem, RAID,
John Heim
- Re: Install problem, RAID,
Christian Schoepplein
- Re: Linux to the rescue, was Re: salvaging laptop files,
Stephen Clower
- Re: salvaging laptop files,
Willem van der Walt<willem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Fetchmail and mail retrieval problem,
David Renström
the linux cook book?,
David Renström
looking for some FREE (gratis) POP/mail redirect provider in the FREE (freedom) world?,
debian going in to maintenance mode?,
my own ls program,
Karl Dahlke
Changing the behaviour of ls, possibly via a script,
Lorenzo Prince
Screen can't get descriptor of console,
Lee Maschmeyer
Great days to come!!,
Marian Selea
finding out what packages their are,
library dependencies,
Jude DaShiell
david poehlman
Show cursor in mutt,
Lars Bjørndal
Starting Debian Woody install from CD with brltty?,
Lars Bjørndal
Making a Windows-XP Pachine Dual-boot,
John J. Boyer
Operating Mac OSX with ssh,
John J. Boyer
Reading files in one username From Another,
John J. Boyer
Laptops For Linux?,
Luke Davis
Editor recommen dations?,
Guy Abandon.
Guy Abandon.
Screen appearance - Colour,
Dave Delaney
T Masterson
[OT] Oracle Portal site redesign...,
Mario Lang
msnlib download?,
Guy Abandon.
BR{TTY JamdyTecj Mews,
Mario Lang
extracting .rar files in Linux?,
Hart Larry
msn and centericq,
Cheryl Homiak
braille printing using stereocopier,
Public Domain Zmodem Code,
John J. Boyer
Fw: Wizzard Software Offers new addition of IBM TTS for Linux,
david poehlman
Red Hat 9 users?,
B. Alan Mattison
french translation table for nfbtr,
Updated [Emacspeak] Drivers (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
Counting Words in an Article,
John J. Boyer
frames setting in links2,
Cheryl Homiak
Microsoft ebooks in Linux?,
Brltty through USB ?,
Mike Keithley
math and stat packages again?,
Jim Stevenson
telling how much hard drive space I have left on my linux box?,
hank smith
IBM outloud,
Re: Open Source Daisy Renderer (fwd),
John J. Boyer
MSN Messenger?,
Guy Abandon.
daisy reader?,
cvs in Fedora-core-1,
Jude DaShiell
Replacement for Bluepin,
Lars Bjørndal
Boot process.,
Dan Rossi
mp3 key,
sharp zaurus,
Andor Demarteau
asterisk configuration tool with x windows screen reader?,
hank smith
initrd problem solved!,
Jude DaShiell
Bootable CD versions?,
Guy Abandon.
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