RPM Discussion
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- Re: Creating RPM Packages
- Creating RPM Packages
- From: "Kaushal Shriyan" <kaushalshriyan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ffmpeg
- From: "Kaushal Shriyan" <kaushalshriyan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ffmpeg
- From: Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists@xxxxxxxxx>
- ffmpeg
- From: "Kaushal Shriyan" <kaushalshriyan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing rpms does not work
- From: Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing rpms does not work
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: installing rpms does not work
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing rpms does not work
- From: Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: installing rpms does not work
- From: "Ronald van Eede" <ronaldve@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing rpms does not work
- From: "Jasper O'neal Hartline" <jasperhartline@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- installing rpms does not work
- From: "Ronald van Eede" <ronaldve@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: specfile & %doc
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- specfile & %doc
- From: "Nathanael D. Noblet" <nathanael@xxxxxxx>
- RE: How to do an echo with a variable?
- From: "James Welch (jimwelc)" <jimwelc@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to do an echo with a variable?
- From: "Murilo Opsfelder Araújo" <mopsfelder@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with rpmsign
- From: "Roggenkamp,Steve" <roggenks@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Jonathan Reed <jdreed@xxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Jonathan Reed <jdreed@xxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Jonathan Reed <jdreed@xxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Jonathan Reed <jdreed@xxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: "Laszlo (Laca) Peter" <Laszlo.Peter@xxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Jonathan Reed <jdreed@xxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- "#include" equivalent in spec files?
- From: Jonathan Reed <jdreed@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Yahoo rpm for FC4
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- meta... where is this list's topic explained?
- From: John Pye <john.pye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Yahoo rpm for FC4
- From: "Salman Siddiqui" <salmansiddiqui1234@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild
- Re: rpmbuild
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild
- Re: rpmbuild
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: rpmbuild
- RE: rpmbuild
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- rpmbuild
- multiple rollbacks with rpm
- From: Johnathan Hegge <Johnathan.Hegge@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: %configure question
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- regrading my user name and password
- From: "raghavendra s" <sraghu_79@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- regrading my user name and password
- From: "raghavendra s" <sraghu_79@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Wesley Leggette <wleggette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Wesley Leggette <wleggette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Wesley Leggette <wleggette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Autoselect kernel-smp-devel or kernel-devel in BuildRequires
- From: Patrick <rpm-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- %files directive with relocation in %install
- From: Wesley Leggette <wleggette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %configure question
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %configure question
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: %configure question
- From: Federico Lucifredi <flucifredi@xxxxxxx>
- %configure question
- From: "Tom Hicks" <headhunter3@xxxxxxxxx>
- One spec for all platforms : Package names
- From: Devrim GUNDUZ <devrim@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: shoehorning rpm onto a stripped system
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: shoehorning rpm onto a stripped system
- From: Matthias Saou <thias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Lalit Kapoor is out of the office.
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Lalit Kapoor is out of the office.
- From: Lalit Kapoor <lalit.kapoor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- shoehorning rpm onto a stripped system
- From: "Jason Dusek" <jason.s.linux@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: automatic dependencies and relocatabel package
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: automatic dependencies and relocatabel package
- From: Andrei Kazarov <Andrei.Kazarov@xxxxxxx>
- Re: automatic dependencies and relocatabel package
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: automatic dependencies and relocatabel package
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: automatic dependencies and relocatabel package
- From: Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: automatic dependencies and relocatabel package
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: automatic dependencies and relocatabel package
- From: Andrei Kazarov <Andrei.Kazarov@xxxxxxx>
- RE: automatic dependencies and relocatabel package
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- automatic dependencies and relocatabel package
- From: Andrei Kazarov <Andrei.Kazarov@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Determining RHEL3 or RHEL4 in a .spec file
- From: "Oliver Schulze L." <oliver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: The rpm elevator speech
- From: John Pye <john.pye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: building i386 RPMs on an x86_64
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: building i386 RPMs on an x86_64
- From: Matthias Saou <thias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: building i386 RPMs on an x86_64
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: The rpm elevator speech
- From: Richard Siddall <cobalt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- building i386 RPMs on an x86_64
- From: Jason Vas Dias <jvdias@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Very simple specfile .. aargh!
- From: Zac Elston <zelston@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Very simple specfile .. aargh!
- From: Jacob <jrhoden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm -e does not remove the package...?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm -e does not remove the package...?
- From: Evert <evert@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Determining RHEL3 or RHEL4 in a .spec file
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: Creating nVidia graphics driver RPM for RHEL / CentOS 3
- From: "Kayvan A. Sylvan" <kayvan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating nVidia graphics driver RPM for RHEL / CentOS 3
- From: "Joe Van Dyk" <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Determining RHEL3 or RHEL4 in a .spec file
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Determining RHEL3 or RHEL4 in a .spec file
- From: "Oliver Schulze L." <oliver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Determining RHEL3 or RHEL4 in a .spec file
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Determining RHEL3 or RHEL4 in a .spec file
- From: "Oliver Schulze L." <oliver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating nVidia graphics driver RPM for RHEL / CentOS 3
- From: "Kayvan A. Sylvan" <kayvan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating nVidia graphics driver RPM for RHEL / CentOS 3
- From: "Joe Van Dyk" <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating nVidia graphics driver RPM for RHEL / CentOS 3
- From: "Kayvan A. Sylvan" <kayvan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating nVidia graphics driver RPM for RHEL / CentOS 3
- From: "Joe Van Dyk" <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating nVidia graphics driver RPM for RHEL / CentOS 3
- From: "Joe Van Dyk" <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Creating nVidia graphics driver RPM for RHEL / CentOS 3
- From: "Joe Van Dyk" <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: The rpm elevator speech
- From: Federico Lucifredi <flucifredi@xxxxxxx>
- Re: The rpm elevator speech
- From: "Kayvan A. Sylvan" <kayvan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 32 bit library installation
- From: rybkine@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- The rpm elevator speech
- From: Richard Siddall <cobalt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- 32 bit library installation
- From: kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: rpm -e does not remove the package...?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpm -e does not remove the package...?
- From: Evert <evert@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: not finding library
- From: Hayim Shaul <hayim@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: not finding library
- From: "Dor-Shifer Amit" <Amit.Dor-Shifer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- not finding library
- From: Hayim Shaul <hayim@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About rpm database
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: About rpm database
- From: "Chowdhury, Chandan Dutta" <chandan-dutta.chowdhury@xxxxxx>
- sid error on pid
- From: "Theodorus" <theo@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: About rpm database
- From: "Chowdhury, Chandan Dutta" <chandan-dutta.chowdhury@xxxxxx>
- Re: %files section of spec files
- From: "Nathanael D. Noblet" <nathanael@xxxxxxx>
- Re: I manually delete httpd file, please help
- From: "Bojan Alic" <bojanroma@xxxxxxxxx>
- %files section of spec files
- From: azam zare <zare10954@xxxxxxxxx>
- yahoo mesenger woes???
- From: "Salman Siddiqui" <salmansiddiqui1234@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I manually delete httpd file, please help
- From: "Nathanael D. Noblet" <nathanael@xxxxxxx>
- Re: About rpm database
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I manually delete httpd file, please help
- From: "Bojan Alic" <bojanroma@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I manually delete httpd file, please help
- From: "steffen waskaas" <steffwas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I manually delete httpd file, please help
- From: "steffen waskaas" <steffwas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- About rpm database
- From: "Chowdhury, Chandan Dutta" <chandan-dutta.chowdhury@xxxxxx>
- Re: I manually delete httpd file, please help
- From: Prasad J Pandit <prasad@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- I manually delete httpd file, please help
- From: "Bojan Alic" <bojanroma@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i find files not controlled by rpm?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i find files not controlled by rpm?
- From: David Nečas (Yeti) <yeti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How can i find files not controlled by rpm?
- From: "Tom Hicks" <headhunter3@xxxxxxxxx>
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: rpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- From: John Pye <john.pye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: rpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Best way to deliver a dump of files
- From: Dario Alcocer <alcocer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Best way to deliver a dump of files
- From: Zac Elston <zelston@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Steve Juranich <sjuranic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: "K. Richard Pixley" <rich@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Steve Juranich <sjuranic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Aaron Richton <richton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Steve Juranich <sjuranic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Tres Seaver <tseaver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Tres Seaver <tseaver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bootstrapping an RPM area.
- From: Steve Juranich <sjuranic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild command line override spec file %define
- From: "Christian Joensson" <christian.joensson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild command line override spec file %define
- From: Aaron Richton <richton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild command line override spec file %define
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild command line override spec file %define
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild command line override spec file %define
- From: "Christian Joensson" <christian.joensson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild command line override spec file %define
- From: Matthias Saou <thias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild command line override spec file %define
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild command line override spec file %define
- From: "Christian Joensson" <christian.joensson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild command line override spec file %define
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- rpmbuild command line override spec file %define
- From: "Christian Joensson" <christian.joensson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM List
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- RPM List
- From: "M.Vigrem Rajesh" <vigremrajesh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: install rpm within an rpm...continued
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: install rpm within an rpm...continued
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: install rpm within an rpm...continued
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: install rpm within an rpm...continued
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: install rpm within an rpm...continued
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: install rpm within an rpm...continued
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: install rpm within an rpm...continued
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: install rpm within an rpm...continued
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- install rpm within an rpm...continued
- From: Todd Tomaino <ttomaino@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM Spec manual
- From: James Colannino <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM Spec manual
- From: "K. Richard Pixley" <rich@xxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM Spec manual
- From: "Steven W. Orr" <steveo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM Spec manual
- From: "Keegan, Gordon" <Gordon.Keegan@xxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM Spec manual
- From: Digant C Kasundra <digant@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM Spec manual
- From: Digant C Kasundra <digant@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM Spec manual
- From: James Colannino <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM Spec manual
- From: James Colannino <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM Spec manual
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM Spec manual
- From: James Colannino <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM Spec manual
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM Spec manual
- From: "Jasper O'neal Hartline" <jasperhartline@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RPM Spec manual
- From: Digant C Kasundra <digant@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do I generate noarch/i386 from one .src.rpm
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What "target" macros are loaded? (With --target option.)
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: problems with using RPM to install files in /etc/cron.d/
- From: Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: problems with using RPM to install files in /etc/cron.d/
- From: Paolo Campanella <paolo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: problems with using RPM to install files in /etc/cron.d/
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- problems with using RPM to install files in /etc/cron.d/
- From: "Trevor Hills" <Trevor.Hills@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What "target" macros are loaded? (With --target option.)
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Use of rpm --root to build a cross root filesystem: pre/post/preun/postun scripts problem
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Use of rpm --root to build a cross root filesystem: pre/post/preun/postun scripts problem
- From: David Lim <David.Lim@xxxxxxx>
- Re: What "target" macros are loaded? (With --target option.)
- From: Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: change default compiler version to build an rpm
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Convert rpm to MSWin installer? Is there a tool like rpm2pkg?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- What "target" macros are loaded? (With --target option.)
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating an RPM package from sources with paths that vary
- From: <juhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating an RPM package from sources with paths that vary
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Creating an RPM package from sources with paths that vary
- From: Todd Tomaino <ttomaino@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Removing an RPM package from within another RPM package...
- From: "Russell Harrison" <rtlm10@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Removing an RPM package from within another RPM package...
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Removing an RPM package from within another RPM package...
- From: "Russell Harrison" <rtlm10@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Removing an RPM package from within another RPM package...
- From: Federico Lucifredi <flucifredi@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Removing an RPM package from within another RPM package...
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Removing an RPM package from within another RPM package...
- From: "James Welch (jimwelc)" <jimwelc@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Sources?
- From: Oscar Haeger <Oscar.Haeger@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Sources?
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Sources?
- From: Oscar Haeger <Oscar.Haeger@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Sources?
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Off-root building of RPMs
- From: John Pye <john.pye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Sources?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Sources?
- From: Oscar Haeger <Oscar.Haeger@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Off-root building of RPMs
- From: Nigel Metheringham <Nigel.Metheringham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Off-root building of RPMs
- From: John Pye <john.pye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: change default compiler version to build an rpm
- From: "Gianluca Cecchi" <gianluca.cecchi@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: change default compiler version to build an rpm
- From: "Jasper O'neal Hartline" <jasperhartline@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- change default compiler version to build an rpm
- From: "Gianluca Cecchi" <gianluca.cecchi@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to handle config files in rpms [wd-vc]
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to handle config files in rpms [wd-vc]
- From: Rainer.Brunold@xxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Launch location of my rpm package
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Launch location of my rpm package
- From: "James Welch (jimwelc)" <jimwelc@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pairwise dependency script anyone?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- pairwise dependency script anyone?
- From: Christian Goetze <cg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do I generate noarch/i386 from one .src.rpm
- From: "Dimi Paun" <dimi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do I generate noarch/i386 from one .src.rpm
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- How do I generate noarch/i386 from one .src.rpm
- From: "Dimi Paun" <dimi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm error
- From: redhat linux <mangala_amarasekara@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sources with blanks?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sources with blanks?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- sources with blanks?
- From: Marten Lehmann <lehmann@xxxxxx>
- Re: Facing %Require problem for rpm version 4.3.3 on CentOS
- From: Paolo Campanella <paolo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Facing %Require problem for rpm version 4.3.3 on CentOS
- From: Rahul Chatterjee <Rahul.Chatterjee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmlib functions problem
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpmlib functions problem
- From: Marcin Krzysztof Porwit <mporwit@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Facing %Require problem for rpm version 4.3.3 on CentOS
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Facing %Require problem for rpm version 4.3.3 on CentOS
- From: Paul Nasrat <pnasrat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Can't produce output
- From: "Nicolas Mailhot" <nicolas.mailhot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Facing %Require problem for rpm version 4.3.3 on CentOS
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Facing %Require problem for rpm version 4.3.3 on CentOS
- From: Rahul Chatterjee <Rahul.Chatterjee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Can't produce output
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- reproducible builds (was: Can't produce output)
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Can't produce output
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: "K. Richard Pixley" <rich@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: "David Necas (Yeti)" <yeti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: Howard Johnson <merlin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: Howard Johnson <merlin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: "K. Richard Pixley" <rich@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: "K. Richard Pixley" <rich@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: Howard Johnson <merlin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: "K. Richard Pixley" <rich@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: "K. Richard Pixley" <rich@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: "K. Richard Pixley" <rich@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: packaging perl modules, ownership of top level module directories
- From: Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: "Jasper O'neal Hartline" <jasperhartline@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: "K. Richard Pixley" <rich@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't produce output
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Can't produce output
- From: "K. Richard Pixley" <rich@xxxxxxxx>
- rpmbuild debuginfo strip Qs: how to control, which revs?
- From: Matt England <mengland@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is up with BuildRoot ?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is up with BuildRoot ?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is up with BuildRoot ?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: What is up with BuildRoot ?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is up with BuildRoot ?
- From: "David Necas (Yeti)" <yeti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is up with BuildRoot ?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is up with BuildRoot ?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is up with BuildRoot ?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- %Require not working for CentOS 4.2
- From: Rahul Chatterjee <Rahul.Chatterjee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- building rpm?
- From: "K. Richard Pixley" <rich@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is up with BuildRoot ?
- From: Dinh Tien Tuan Anh <sooth_sayer_84@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is up with BuildRoot ?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- What is up with BuildRoot ?
- From: Dinh Tien Tuan Anh <sooth_sayer_84@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpm upgrade query
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpm upgrade query
- From: shiva varma <shiv_varma47@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpm upgrade query
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Rpm upgrade query
- From: shiva varma <shiv_varma47@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm --root on FC5 and glibc_post_upgrade from RH7.3-RH9
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm --root on FC5 and glibc_post_upgrade from RH7.3-RH9
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm --root on FC5 and glibc_post_upgrade from RH7.3-RH9
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm --root on FC5 and glibc_post_upgrade from RH7.3-RH9
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpm --root on FC5 and glibc_post_upgrade from RH7.3-RH9
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packaging perl modules, ownership of top level module directories
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packaging perl modules, ownership of top level module directories
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packaging perl modules, ownership of top level module directories
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- packaging perl modules, ownership of top level module directories
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Upgrading glibc RPM
- From: "Joe Van Dyk" <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Upgrading glibc RPM
- From: "Joe Van Dyk" <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using a password-protected .zip file as source
- From: "Nicolas Mailhot" <nicolas.mailhot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Disabling SELinux checks in rpm -verify
- From: Max <max-rpmlist@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using a password-protected .zip file as source
- From: Marten Lehmann <lehmann@xxxxxx>
- Re: using a password-protected .zip file as source
- From: "David D. Hagood" <david.hagood@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Jeremy Lyon is out of the office.
- From: Jeremy Lyon <Jeremy.Lyon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using a password-protected .zip file as source
- From: Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using a password-protected .zip file as source
- From: Marten Lehmann <lehmann@xxxxxx>
- Re: using a password-protected .zip file as source
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using a password-protected .zip file as source
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: using a password-protected .zip file as source
- From: Marten Lehmann <lehmann@xxxxxx>
- Re: using a password-protected .zip file as source
- From: Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- using a password-protected .zip file as source
- From: Marten Lehmann <lehmann@xxxxxx>
- Re: Failed Dependencies are installed
- From: James Colannino <james.colannino@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating a dummy RPM
- From: James Colannino <james.colannino@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating a dummy RPM
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating a dummy RPM
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Creating a dummy RPM
- From: James Colannino <james.colannino@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Accessing the payload in memory ?
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files list
- From: Julien Demoor <rpm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Accessing the payload in memory ?
- From: "richard offer" <roffer@xxxxxxxxx>
- SEGV with rpm --rebuilddb
- From: Albert Chin <rpm-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Files list
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Files list
- From: Julien Demoor <rpm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files present in RPM package
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files present in RPM package
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files present in RPM package
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files present in RPM package
- From: Devrim GUNDUZ <devrim@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files present in RPM package
- From: Davide Bolcioni <db-fedora@xxxxxx>
- Files present in RPM package
- From: shiva varma <shiv_varma47@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm from rescue CD
- From: Bob Tennent <rdtennent@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm from rescue CD
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm from rescue CD
- From: Bob Tennent <rdtennent@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm from rescue CD
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm from rescue CD
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm from rescue CD
- From: Bob Tennent <rdtennent@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm from rescue CD
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm from rescue CD
- From: Bob Tennent <rdtennent@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm from rescue CD
- From: Paul Nasrat <pnasrat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm from rescue CD
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm from rescue CD
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpm from rescue CD
- From: Bob Tennent <rdtennent@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- _build_name_fmt for SRPMs?
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building from tar ball without a version string?
- From: Kenneth Porter <shiva@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- can't uninstall wrong compat-db - segmentation fault
- From: "Fitzpatrick, Paul" <pfitzpatrick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building from tar ball without a version string?
- From: "David Necas (Yeti)" <yeti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building from tar ball without a version string?
- From: Igor Jagec <igorm5@xxxxxx>
- Re: Building from tar ball without a version string?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building from tar ball without a version string?
- From: Zac Elston <zelston@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building from tar ball without a version string?
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Building from tar ball without a version string?
- From: Zac Elston <zelston@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rhn traffic shaping
- From: Tim Suter <tsuter@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie rpmbuild question: change directory error
- From: Raman Gupta <rocketraman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie rpmbuild question: change directory error
- From: Raman Gupta <rocketraman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie rpmbuild question: change directory error
- From: "David D. Hagood" <david.hagood@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie rpmbuild question: change directory error
- From: Egmont Koblinger <egmont@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Two questions about making rpms work on multiple OS versions
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Two questions about making rpms work on multiple OS versions
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Two questions about making rpms work on multiple OS versions
- From: "Axel Liljencrantz" <liljencrantz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Two questions about making rpms work on multiple OS versions
- From: "Axel Liljencrantz" <liljencrantz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Two questions about making rpms work on multiple OS versions
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Two questions about making rpms work on multiple OS versions
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Two questions about making rpms work on multiple OS versions
- From: Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Two questions about making rpms work on multiple OS versions
- From: "Axel Liljencrantz" <liljencrantz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Installing rpm in different path
- From: pramod <pramod@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Installing rpm in different path
- From: <srinivasa.ragavan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to remove an i686 pkg without touching x86_64 one?
- From: "Eric B." <ebenze@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [SOLVED] Re: Newbie rpmbuild question: change directory error
- From: Raman Gupta <rocketraman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to remove an i686 pkg without touching x86_64 one?
- From: Matthias Saou <thias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie rpmbuild question: change directory error
- From: Jim Knoble <jmknoble@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to remove an i686 pkg without touching x86_64 one?
- From: "Eric B." <ebenze@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: POP Service
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- POP Service
- From: "Rajnish Singh Padda" <rajnishpadda@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: trying to "echo" vars from the spec file
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- trying to "echo" vars from the spec file
- From: "bruce" <bedouglas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: skip unpackaged files
- From: Paolo Campanella <paolo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: skip unpackaged files
- From: Hasan YAVUZ <hasan.hy.yavuz@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: skip unpackaged files
- From: Devrim GUNDUZ <devrim@xxxxxxxxxx>
- skip unpackaged files
- From: Hasan YAVUZ <hasan.hy.yavuz@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: my software has£t got a RPM installer
- From: Paul Nasrat <pnasrat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- my software has£t got a RPM installer
- From: "can comert" <cancomert@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Receiving warning: user test does not exist - using root
- From: Paul Nasrat <pnasrat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Receiving warning: user test does not exist - using root
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Receiving warning: user test does not exist - using root
- From: shiva varma <shiv_varma47@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie rpmbuild question: change directory error
- From: Raman Gupta <rocketraman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie rpmbuild question: change directory error
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie rpmbuild question: change directory error
- From: Raman Gupta <rocketraman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie rpmbuild question: change directory error
- From: Jim Knoble <jmknoble@xxxxxxxxx>
- Newbie rpmbuild question: change directory error
- From: Raman Gupta <rocketraman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I want to install rpm
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- I want to install rpm
- From: "Can CÖMERT" <mcancomert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Jeremy Lyon is out of the office.
- From: Jeremy Lyon <Jeremy.Lyon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I find out the relocated path within rpm spec file
- From: Paul Nasrat <pnasrat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm installer
- From: "Can CÖMERT" <mcancomert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- How can I find out the relocated path within rpm spec file
- From: shiva varma <shiv_varma47@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing ppc and ppc64 packages together
- From: Marvin Heffler <heffler@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing ppc and ppc64 packages together
- From: Paul Nasrat <pnasrat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing ppc and ppc64 packages together
- From: Marvin Heffler <heffler@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: __db files not recreated after rpm --rebuilddb
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- __db files not recreated after rpm --rebuilddb
- From: "Russell Harrison" <rtlm10@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing ppc and ppc64 packages together
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing ppc and ppc64 packages together
- From: Marvin Heffler <heffler@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing ppc and ppc64 packages together
- From: Paul Nasrat <pnasrat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- installing ppc and ppc64 packages together
- From: Marvin Heffler <heffler@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rebuild complete package from --repackage option
- From: Nigel Metheringham <nigel.metheringham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rebuild complete package from --repackage option
- From: "nattapon viroonsri" <nattaponv@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: querying for i386 versus x86_64 versions
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: querying for i386 versus x86_64 versions
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: querying for i386 versus x86_64 versions
- From: Dan Hollis <reg4079825@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: querying for i386 versus x86_64 versions
- From: Dan Hollis <reg4079825@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: querying for i386 versus x86_64 versions
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: querying for i386 versus x86_64 versions
- From: Paul Nasrat <pnasrat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: querying for i386 versus x86_64 versions
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: querying for i386 versus x86_64 versions
- From: Dan Hollis <reg4079825@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: querying for i386 versus x86_64 versions
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: querying for i386 versus x86_64 versions
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: querying for i386 versus x86_64 versions
- From: Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha <strange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: querying for i386 versus x86_64 versions
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- querying for i386 versus x86_64 versions
- From: Marcin Krzysztof Porwit <mporwit@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How to upgrade packages
- From: "Murali Krishnan" <murali.krishnan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to upgrade packages
- From: shiva varma <shiv_varma47@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Use of rpm --root to build a cross root filesystem: pre/post/preun/postun scripts problem
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Use of rpm --root to build a cross root filesystem: pre/post/preun/postun scripts problem
- From: "Patrick Monnerat" <Patrick.Monnerat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic version & release numbers
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic version & release numbers
- From: Kenneth Porter <shiva@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to interactively obtain user input in %post
- From: Nigel Metheringham <nigel.metheringham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to interactively obtain user input in %post
- From: shiva varma <shiv_varma47@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- python nosignatures/digests in rpm 4.4.1?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IA32e target in RHEL 4 64 AS distro
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IA32e target in RHEL 4 64 AS distro
- From: "richard offer" <roffer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic version & release numbers
- From: Erez Zilber <erezz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic version & release numbers
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Dynamic version & release numbers
- From: Erez Zilber <erezz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IA32e target in RHEL 4 64 AS distro
- From: Federico Lucifredi <flucifredi@xxxxxxx>
- IA32e target in RHEL 4 64 AS distro
- From: Federico Lucifredi <flucifredi@xxxxxxx>
- How to translate the custom error messages in the spec file?
- From: "shekhar vaggu" <vaggushekhar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: patches not applying
- From: "Joe Van Dyk" <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: patches not applying
- From: Devrim GUNDUZ <devrim@xxxxxxxxxx>
- patches not applying
- From: "Joe Van Dyk" <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Doesn't "rpm -e" erase in reverse dependency order?
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Doesn't "rpm -e" erase in reverse dependency order?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: Doesn't "rpm -e" erase in reverse dependency order?
- From: Christian Goetze <cg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Doesn't "rpm -e" erase in reverse dependency order?
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Doesn't "rpm -e" erase in reverse dependency order?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: Doesn't "rpm -e" erase in reverse dependency order?
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using RPM as non-root
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Doesn't "rpm -e" erase in reverse dependency order?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Doesn't "rpm -e" erase in reverse dependency order?
- From: Christian Goetze <cg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Using RPM as non-root
- From: Christian Goetze <cg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Knowing the location of a created binary rpm
- From: Erez Zilber <erezz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Knowing the location of a created binary rpm
- From: Erez Zilber <erezz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Strange abort of rpm-build with exit code 1 in brp-nobuildrootpath
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Strange abort of rpm-build with exit code 1 in brp-nobuildrootpath
- From: Andreas Baumann <Andreas.Baumann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Strange abort of rpm-build with exit code 1 in brp-nobuildrootpath
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Strange abort of rpm-build with exit code 1 in brp-nobuildrootpath
- From: Andreas Baumann <Andreas.Baumann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: graphical installer
- From: "richard offer" <roffer@xxxxxxxxx>
- FC4 spec file problem: %define doesn't work
- From: Robinson Tiemuqinke <hahaha_30k@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Knowing the location of a created binary rpm
- From: James Olin Oden <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Knowing the location of a created binary rpm
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Knowing the location of a created binary rpm
- From: James Olin Oden <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Knowing the location of a created binary rpm
- From: Erez Zilber <erezz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: graphical installer
- From: Marcin Krzysztof Porwit <mporwit@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- graphical installer
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Rebuilding Without Dependencies
- From: Chuck Wolber <chuckw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Rebuilding Without Dependencies
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rebuilding Without Dependencies
- From: Chuck Wolber <chuckw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Rebuilding Without Dependencies
- From: Chuck Wolber <chuckw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Expanding a Macro during install ???
- From: Tom Hicks <headhunter3@xxxxxxxxx>
- Expanding a Macro during install ???
- From: Lakshmi V <lakshmi.granger@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Frank Cusack <fcusack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- scriptlet failed errors when trying to install RPMs
- From: "James Colannino" <james.colannino@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM transactions
- From: James Olin Oden <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Igor Jagec <igorm5@xxxxxx>
- Re: RPM transactions
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- installing RPMs over NFS
- From: Igor Pasemnik <ipasemnik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Jeremy Lyon <Jeremy.Lyon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [OT?] Installing all RPMs via Kickstart
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting a dynamic Release number for a spec file.
- From: richard offer <roffer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: repackaged rpm (relocated on non default path) when installed again gives cpio archive error : cpio Archive file not in header
- From: rishi kumar <mail2rishi@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: repackaged rpm (relocated on non default path) when installed again gives cpio archive error : cpio Archive file not in header
- From: rishi kumar <mail2rishi@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting a dynamic Release number for a spec file.
- From: James Olin Oden <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting a dynamic Release number for a spec file.
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Getting a dynamic Release number for a spec file.
- From: Jeff Parker <JEFFREY.H.PARKER@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: Rob Riggs <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: taking control of another package's file
- From: James Olin Oden <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: taking control of another package's file
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: taking control of another package's file
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM 4.4.4 compile problems on Mac OS X
- From: "Otto Maddox" <ottomaddox@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: repackaged rpm (relocated on non default path) when installed again gives cpio archive error : cpio Archive file not in header
- From: James Olin Oden <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM 4.4.4 compile problems on Mac OS X
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- RPM 4.4.4 compile problems on Mac OS X
- From: "Otto Maddox" <ottomaddox@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: repackaged rpm (relocated on non default path) when installed again gives cpio archive error : cpio Archive file not in header
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: taking control of another package's file
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: taking control of another package's file
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: taking control of another package's file
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- taking control of another package's file
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: Rob Riggs <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- repackaged rpm (relocated on non default path) when installed again gives cpio archive error : cpio Archive file not in header
- From: rishi kumar <mail2rishi@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Kickstart
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Clearcase RPM
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Clearcase RPM
- From: Tom Hicks <headhunter3@xxxxxxxxx>
- Clearcase RPM
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that installs a slightly modified Redhat kernel
- From: "Nathanael D. Noblet" <nathanael@xxxxxxx>
- RE: packaging up a bunch of files
- From: "Lisa Alfieri" <lalfieri@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that installs a slightly modified Redhat kernel
- From: Jim Wildman <jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that installs a slightly modified Redhat kernel
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that installs a slightly modified Redhat kernel
- From: Jim Wildman <jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that installs a slightly modified Redhat kernel
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hi
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Hi
- From: Rohit Yadav <rohit.yadav@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM that installs a slightly modified Redhat kernel
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that installs a slightly modified Redhat kernel
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: packaging up a bunch of files
- From: Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that installs a slightly modified Redhat kernel
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: packaging up a bunch of files
- From: "Lisa Alfieri" <lalfieri@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM that installs a slightly modified Redhat kernel
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that installs a slightly modified Redhat kernel
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm query output format question ...
- From: Dhananjay Bhandari <bhandari_dhananjay@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm query output format question ...
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpm query output format question ...
- From: Dhananjay Bhandari <bhandari_dhananjay@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Question on default umask
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Question on default umask
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: Dax Kelson <dax@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: "Nathanael D. Noblet" <nathanael@xxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: Rob Riggs <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: Pim van Riezen <pi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packaging up a bunch of files
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: Rob Riggs <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packaging up a bunch of files
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that installs a slightly modified Redhat kernel
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packaging up a bunch of files
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packaging up a bunch of files
- From: Tom Hicks <headhunter3@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packaging up a bunch of files
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: Marcin Krzysztof Porwit <mporwit@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- packaging up a bunch of files
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question on spec file snippet
- From: James Olin Oden <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why does it always break?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- why does it always break?
- From: Christian Goetze <cg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- question on spec file snippet
- From: Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: when does rpm create the md5 signatures of the installed files
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- when does rpm create the md5 signatures of the installed files
- From: Christian Goetze <cg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm 4.1 - spec file, filenames with blanks [wd-vc]
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpm 4.1 - spec file, filenames with blanks [wd-vc]
- From: Rainer.Brunold@xxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Prefix tag ?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Prefix tag ?
- From: Hasan YAVUZ <hasan.hy.yavuz@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: is rpmbuild --target=noarch the only way for platform independent rpms?
- From: Christian Goetze <cg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: is rpmbuild --target=noarch the only way for platform independent rpms?
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- is rpmbuild --target=noarch the only way for platform independent rpms?
- From: Christian Goetze <cg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Interactive installation of rpm package
- From: James Olin Oden <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Interactive installation of rpm package
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Interactive installation of rpm package
- From: Hasan YAVUZ <hasan.hy.yavuz@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpm-list Digest, Vol 23, Issue 29
- From: Rainer Seyerlein <rs@xxxxxx>
- Re: Interactive installation of rpm package
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Interactive installation of rpm package
- From: Hasan YAVUZ <hasan.hy.yavuz@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: multilang questions
- From: Egmont Koblinger <egmont@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: multilang questions
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: multilang questions
- From: Egmont Koblinger <egmont@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: multilang questions
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- multilang questions
- From: Egmont Koblinger <egmont@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild on itanium
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild on itanium
- From: Joe Landman <landman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild on itanium
- From: Christian Goetze <cg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild on itanium
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild on itanium
- From: Christian Goetze <cg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild on itanium
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild on itanium
- From: Christian Goetze <cg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild on itanium
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: compiling rpm 4.4.4 on Solaris 2.9
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpmbuild on itanium
- From: Christian Goetze <cg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: compiling rpm 4.4.4 on Solaris 2.9
- From: Aleksandar Milivojevic <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Layers of triggers
- From: James Olin Oden <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Layers of triggers
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Layers of triggers
- From: James Olin Oden <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM-4.4.4 and libtool deps
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Layers of triggers
- From: Pim van Riezen <pi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Layers of triggers
- From: Brian Long <brilong@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to recreate /var/lib/rpm/Packages
- From: Igor Schein <igor@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Layers of triggers
- From: Pim van Riezen <pi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Layers of triggers
- From: Brian Long <brilong@xxxxxxxxx>
- RPM-4.4.4 and libtool deps
- From: Mihai Barbos <mihai.barbos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: AutoReqProv or AutoReq/AutoProv?
- From: "Dor-Shifer Amit" <Amit.Dor-Shifer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: AutoReqProv or AutoReq/AutoProv?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: AutoReqProv or AutoReq/AutoProv?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem in executables in a rpm package generated on RH7.3 (rpm 4.0.4)
- From: Edgard Pineda <epineda.contact@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building RPM 4.4.4 package
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Building RPM 4.4.4 package
- From: Mihai Barbos <mihai.barbos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RPM transactions
- From: Ritesh Raj Sarraf <rrs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building RPM 4.4.4 package
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Building RPM 4.4.4 package
- From: Mihai Barbos <mihai.barbos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: compiling rpm 4.4.4 on Solaris 2.9
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: compiling rpm 4.4.4 on Solaris 2.9
- From: Aleksandar Milivojevic <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Dependencies: RHEL2.1+3 and RHEL3+4
- From: Lars Heill <Lars.Heill@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Building RPMs for different distributions
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Building RPMs for different distributions
- From: Simon J Mudd <sjmudd@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Building RPMs for different distributions
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Building RPMs for different distributions
- From: Aleksandar Milivojevic <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: A way to use and update a variable through the different building scriptlets ?
- From: James Olin Oden <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bypass strip part when build a package
- From: James Olin Oden <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- AutoReqProv or AutoReq/AutoProv?
- From: "Dor-Shifer Amit" <Amit.Dor-Shifer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- A way to use and update a variable through the different building scriptlets ?
- From: ELASRI Patrice SOFRECOM <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bypass strip part when build a package
- From: Hasan YAVUZ <hasan.hy.yavuz@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Executing make commands on files in install area
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Executing make commands on files in install area
- From: Lakshmi V <lakshmi.granger@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Executing make commands on files in install area
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Building RPMs for different distributions
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Executing make commands on files in install area
- From: Lakshmi V <lakshmi.granger@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: When is ~/.rpmmacros read?
- From: "Steven W. Orr" <steveo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: When is ~/.rpmmacros read?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building RPMs for different distributions
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: compiling rpm 4.4.4 on Solaris 2.9
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- compiling rpm 4.4.4 on Solaris 2.9
- From: Aleksandar Milivojevic <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Disabling MMAP
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- When is ~/.rpmmacros read?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- why the graphics-devel is dependent with graphics?
- From: "chionite" <chionite@xxxxxxx>
- why the graphics-devel.xxx.rpm is dependent with the graphics?
- From: "chionite" <chionite@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Query that returns spec header in canonical format
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building RPMs for different distributions
- From: Aleksandar Milivojevic <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Query that returns spec header in canonical format
- From: Kenneth Porter <shiva@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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