Re: RPM that modifies /etc/sysctl.conf

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Seems like a sane idea to me. You get revision control of your
configuration, which is a good thing.

You could do it as a patch, or write a pre-install handler script
to make the changes for you...

Joe Van Dyk wrote:
Say I want to add the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf and do it via a RPM:

kernel.shmmax = 200000000
kernel.shmall = 20000000

Would my RPM just contain a patch?  Or would I not want to do this
kind of thing through an RPM?

Our software requires a bunch of changes to a linux box in order to
run (modified kernel, the above change, a new compiler, etc).  RPMs
are a sane way of pushing out the changes to the machines, right?


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Marcin Krzysztof Porwit

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