Linux Kernel Development Newbies
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- Symmetric multi-processing support.,
Jose Luis Alarcon
- doubt in arch/ppc/8260_io/uart.c,
- specs, Anand Avati
Karl Weigel
- exporting symbol + COMFIG_MODVERSION, Rahul Sahgal
- 2.5.49 can't compile with intermezzo., Jose Luis Alarcon
- help ,regarding init/main.c, Gopakumar
- display controller driver,
shan shan
- kernel hacking- f_pos doubt, pgokul
- intel 56k ham voice fax modem, STUARTBALDRICK
- Regarding mkdep usage, Manjunath B.S.
- Override kernel functions in one module, pclouds
- 404 op website, Sven Vermeulen
- Kernel Preemptible patch,
Sonawane, Rahul (Rahul)
- System hang caused by pci_read_config_dword(),
- Documentation on NFS daemon,
Ahmed A
- Realtime processes with sched_setscheduler,
Michael Svetlik
- [2.5.5(01)]oops when catting info from /proc/bus/pnp/escd, Ruslan U. Zakirov
- hooks and callbacks,
h . vanberkum
- rtl8139 & 2.2.19 problem, hassan
- tmpfs,
Sameer Kamat
- installing a new module?,
Ahmed A
- Accessing process descriptor, Nguyen, NguyenX D
- United Linux 1.0 kernel,
Martin J. Bligh
- Kernel "dash" revision location?,
Allen Curtis
- Low-latency / scheduling latency in 2.5,
Guennadi Liakhovetski
- Doubt on wait_event_interruptible(),
- RedHat 7.3,
Sonawane, Rahul (Rahul)
- Accessing super_blocks from a module?, Everett Anderson
- network block device,
Sameer Kamat
- Adding a debug level in printk,
- Question on set_page_dirty(),
Martin Maletinsky
- Searching for an mmap-HOWTO, Michael Svetlik
- 2.4.19 kernel on dual CPU box sees 4 CPUs,
Liaw, Andy
- info on developing E1/T1 device driver, Omanakuttan
- UMEET 2002 online conference, Rik van Riel
- kgdb & Redhat 8.0, Usman S. Ansari
- Working for ICMP not for TCP!!!,
paridhi bansal
- mk_initrd fails on SuSE 8.0,
Murali Therthala
- waitpid on a thread.,
Amit Nadgar
- More about MOD_INC_USE_COUNT,
Jose Luis Alarcon
Jose Luis Alarcon
- pseudo-useful add-on for the kernelver script, Thomas Cort
- Another question on swapping, Martin Maletinsky
- ESCDInfo and NVRAM access., Ruslan U. Zakirov
- Question on pte bits,
Martin Maletinsky
- /proc,
Jose Luis Alarcon
- Re: /proc, Jan Hudec
- <Possible follow-ups>
- /proc, Harish G. Naik
- RE: /proc, Dhiman, Gaurav
- Re: /proc, matrix reloaded
- RE: /proc, manish regmi
- RE: /proc, manish regmi
- RE: /proc, Dhiman, Gaurav
- RE: /proc, manish regmi
- synchronization between net_bh and user-context, Ronghua Zhang
- netfilter structures, Anand Avati
- block on reading from /proc/[pid], bsf
- Rescue Mode,
Sameer Kamat
- Question on swapping,
Martin Maletinsky
- net_bh() in 2.4, Anand Avati
- TIO bench results for kernel 2.5.50 with mm1 patch, Aniruddha M Marathe
- [yess@xxxxxxxxxxx: Re: Wrong operators for the binary.], Tadeusz Andrzej Kadłubowski
- [yess: Re: Wrong operators for the binary.],
Tadeusz Andrzej Kadłubowski
- Wrong operators for the binary.,
Jose Luis Alarcon
Sonawane, Rahul (Rahul)
- Re:ICMP Protocol Unreachable,
paridhi bansal
- inode->i_ino,
Raghu R. Arur
- ICMP:::Protocol Unreachable Error,
paridhi bansal
- pthread in kernel modules?,
Theodore Kim
- synchronization between bottom half and user context, Ronghua Zhang
- Listar command results: No commands found, Listar
- FW: sk_buff and DMA memory, dqi
- DMA programming, Kirill Messel
- How to trace the inode of the swapfile when all you have is a Buffer head?, lsc lsc
- waking up a single process from the wait queue,
Raghu R. Arur
- Delaying eth0 initialization.RH7.1,
- Initializing PCI device after bootup, Anjaneyulu
- Memory usage of Linux,
Wouter Coppens
- Setup.S query, gopan kumar
- access other process' virtual memory, Sambasivan LokeshKumar
- Missing header files,
paridhi bansal
- Query about ps command,
Sonawane, Rahul (Rahul)
- doubts in setup.S, gopan kumar
- Physical Address Space Map Information,
- routing,
paridhi bansal
- question,
- [Announce] OSDL Scalable Test Platform Release 2.00, Craig Thomas
- Module compilation error (sparc64),
- ipforwarding....,
paridhi bansal
- modversions problem with 2.5.48, Marc
- cleaning up users and users' fil,
tune more
- Waiting for an event with timeout,
- help..,
paridhi bansal
- Creating Custom Library,
- file-id to device mapping,
Raghu R. Arur
- hdparm fails with 2.5.xx, Jose Luis Alarcon
- detecting threads,
- Modules problem with 2.5.49,
Jose Luis Alarcon
- global variables,
paridhi bansal
- rmmod problem,
Raghu R. Arur
Jose Luis Alarcon
- enabling login on the serial console - problems,
Jeffrey Lim
- Defined custom error values, Anjaneyulu
- kernel module: unresolved symbols,
Lukas Ruf
- kernel question,
- Gateway..skbuff,
paridhi bansal
- differentiating char and blk devices, Raghu R. Arur
- Persisting data with pointers,
- signals in kernel modules,
GOKUL krishna
- kernel thread priority??,
Galchin Vasili
- pthread_create creating 2 threads on first call,
Nguyen, NguyenX D
- kernel mod writing for file access profile,
bear . yogi
- checkpointing processes, Benedikt Elser
- Cache Coloring in Linux Kernel,
- buffers and sendto(),
paridhi bansal
- big problem...i need help,
- How to replace an old wake_up_page call?,
Ariel Garcia
- load_elf_interp-->padzero-->clear_user --->hangs, atul srivastava
- Learning c,
David Wilson
- binary form of IP addresses,
paridhi bansal
- Adding driver to kernel sources, Amit Phansalkar
- Call for Submissions to the Freenix Track of the 2003 Usenix Techncial Conference -- Deadline Extended, Ray Bryant
- Insmod Problems << Unresolved symbol ntohl >>,
Dheeraj Reddy
- How to auto load a driver at boot time ?,
Curran, Dominic
- How does OS recognise a driver for a device.,
Pranjal Goswami
- Extension header info for IPv6 TCP sockets, Suvidh . Mathur
- Information abt rotuing and interfaces,
paridhi bansal
- libraries mapping, kernel rakshakudu
- shared memory applications, MAASK Group
- Page size andFS blocksize,
- Benefits of in-kernel services,
Sapan Bhatia
- Asynchronous communication over sockets,
- Kernel panic: VFS unable to mount root fs,
Svetoslav Chingov
- Problem with kernel 2.4.19 and gcc 3.2.1, Jose Luis Alarcon
- Kernel books recommendation,
Eugene Teo
- L1 cache and L2 cahce?,
krishnan charumathi
- Anyone use kgdb for kernel "development",
Hong Hsu
- sysctl question, srinivas rao
- console without rts/cts, Stephane List
- Serial/Parallel,
Danny Angelo Carminati Grein
- kernel mode file operations,
Ury N. Stankevich
- routing info for a packet, paridhi bansal
- Unable to resolve symbols properly !,
Anticipating a Reply
- exporting currently unexported sys_call_table,
- using clone() system call,
Saji Kumar VR
- Cr8ing Daemon Threads,
Prasad S Tummala
- pte Not Present?,
Pedro Nunes da Costa
- Re: Trying to build 2.5.46,
Usman S. Ansari
- Decode oops manually,
Nguyen, NguyenX D
- How to export symbols?,
Liberty Young
- newbie - interrupt handler problems,
Chandan K Shanbhag
- DMA support,
Kirill Messel
- memory barrier ...,
Nishant Sharma
- HELP: kernel_thread,
Galchin Vasili
- waitpid help, Romano Trampus
- memory management,
Steve Miller
- ioremap vs ioremap_nocache, James Stevenson
- About gcc,
Anticipating a Reply
- SMP SCSI not working >6.2 linux?,
Allen Curtis
- IRQ assignment in 2.2 vs. 2.4 kernels,
Jeff Cours
- Kernel code pattern searching,
Pedro Nunes da Costa
- kernel_thread questions, Galchin Vasili
- Kernel Documentation ?,
Curran, Dominic
- RE: building linux kernel problems,
Ed Vance
- CPU utilization,
Pavan Kumar Reddy N.S.
- Simple query,
Anticipating a Reply
- Manipulate local_table, bdev
- ifconfig,
Venkat Raghu
- querying mm's from a module, dhess-kn
- Specialized TCP/IP stack,
Sapan Bhatia
- Linux Kernel Debugging, Usman S. Ansari
- Signal 8,
Usman S. Ansari
- bootsect help !!,
gopan kumar
- Updated,
Keith Owens
- Closing a socket in kernel space..., Paolo Perego
- RE: Kernel Panic: INIT not found, Patwardhan, Aniruddha
- When is /etc/fstab called?,
Allen Curtis
- MSR question,
Hai Huang
- any fb subsystem pointer ?,
Christophe Lucas
- PCI IRQ Handler getting called twice!, David Hawkins
- masking interrupts from devices permanently?, anton wilson
- syndicated #kernelnewbies fortunes, Pierre-Paul Lavoie
- swapin_readahead,
- swapping,
Nishant Sharma
- understanding bootsect.S,
gopan kumar
- VMA,
- real-time schedulers,
Osman Çınar Eren
- kernel network programming,
devdas devdas
- Wake_up_process() in interrupt handler,
Virtual to Physical in kdb, gdb, without page walk?, Nguyen D. Nguyen
Linux Kernel Network Programming,
niraj shah
DMA Vs Programmed IO,
Anand Tiwari
signalling a user process from interrupt handler,
Re: pcmcia, Lukas Ruf
RE: unregister_netdevice,
nitin panjwani
Unexpected behaviour with create_module, T.L.Madhu
Why is literal concatenation of __FUNCTION__ deprecated?,
Nat Ersoz
CPU information.,
information about oops,
rp_filter doubt, Krishnakumar. R
remap_page_range(), mmap(), and /proc, Ray Strode
Ports and derivatives addition,
M. R. Brown
const modifier,
tune more
create process,
file buffer memory allocation, K.R. Foley
sequence number in ipc structure,
tq_timer question,
Geert Fannes
Interrupt Handling and Scheduler,
kmod & initrd,
Ed V. Bartosh
TCP stream reassembly,
Krishnakumar. R
Using Select() for both sockets and Queues,
Monear Jalal
RE: delaying eth0 initialization,
Patwardhan, Aniruddha
kernel 2.6 summary?,
Mark Drummond
Question about the ipc structure,
using munmap, Frederic Dumoulin
ext3 File System Debugger,
Mani Mahadevan
RE: kernel compilation,
Patwardhan, Aniruddha
Kernel compilation, Sandeep Kumar
Kernel compilation, scott
Linux Version Number Description,
Linux Scheduler,
Sonawane, Rahul (Rahul)
mmap() problem - segmentation fault, Anjaneyulu
understanding follow_dotdot() in namei.c, Shaya Potter
Other kernels?,
Creative Minds
Compilation error of Dynamic Module,
Murali Therthala
setting quota on cpu usage,
Osman Çınar Eren
where do i find the POSIX standards,
usage of vm_area_struct in shared memory,
SMP basics ?,
Anticipating a Reply
leader, session, tty_old_pgrp fields, R!SC
open file table,
tune more
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