PHP for Windows
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- Re: 500 internal PHP errors - custom error reporting, (continued)
- looking for php debugging tips,
Jim MacDiarmid
- IIS 6 and App Pools, Bryan Thoreson
- mail(),
Anthony Ritter
- Why does php exit after 6 minutes?,
Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- Undefined variable issue,
Jim MacDiarmid
- RE: problem after Installing php-4.3.4-installer.exe an d IIS 6.0, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- problem after Installing php-4.3.4-installer.exe and IIS 6.0, Holger Winter
- sql.safe_mode ON/OFF - purpose ?,
Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- Problem with Notices,
Madeleine D.
- Shopping Cart Woes!!,
kaizer boab
- GD2 function issue,
- Re: GD2 function issue, DvDmanDT
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: GD2 function issue, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- RE: Re: GD2 function issue, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- RE: Re: GD2 function issue, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- RE: Re: GD2 function issue, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- RE: Re: GD2 function issue, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- RE: Re: GD2 function issue, Frank M. Kromann
- RE: Re: GD2 function issue, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- RE: Re: GD2 function issue, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- RE: Re: GD2 function issue, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- RE: Re: GD2 function issue, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- RE: Re: GD2 function issue, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- RE: Re: GD2 function issue, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- RE: Re: GD2 function issue, trystano
- php4.3.4 sessions and IIs6 2003 server not working, William D. Wright
- chmod,
Bobo Wieland
- Re: How do I compile the GD2 extension under Windows, Frank M. Kromann
- How do I compile the GD2 extension under Windows, choinet
- Help needed: Why does my web page hang?,
- Has anyone installed AWF 1.10?? I need some help, Student
- Newbie: Apache will not start when I load PHP,
- php_mysql.dll for php 5.0.0b3 not working,
Vincent Jansen
- IIS metabase control, COM/DCOM problems,
Andrew Séguin
- PHP 4.3.4 And Netscape ES 6.1 Eval Version, samlii
- imagecopyresampled question,
Bobo Wieland
- PHP 5 and MySQL..Anyone have a Clue???,
- AW: open directory and read the file, Sven Schnitzke
- Regular Expressions,
Gerardo Rojas
- open directory and read the file,
- configuring sessions, Henrik Niehaus
- Question about general web site layout, Paul Menard
- serialize and unserialize,
- random access, Ahmad Khashan
- Problem with Modules,
Cole Hubbard
- random access file with php,
- copy function,
- uploading books, toby z
- AW: mssql_connect problem, Sven Schnitzke
- mssql_connect problem,
- HTTP header treatment IIS6 & PHP, Erik Finnman
- RE: Inconsistent php sematics witrh trim() ... or can't trim() handle assignment with same variable? - "EXPLAINED!!", Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- AW: [PHP-WIN] Inconsistent php sematics witrh trim() ... or can't trim() handle assignment with same variable?, Sven Schnitzke
- RE: Inconsistent php sematics witrh trim() ... or can't trim() handle assignment with same variable?, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- Re: Inconsistent php sematics witrh trim() ... or can't trim() handle assignment with same variable?, Frank M. Kromann
- Inconsistent php sematics witrh trim() ... or can't trim() handle assignment with same variable?, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- Import Trusted Root Cert,
Bryan Thoreson
- Not returning all text,
Herhuth, Ron
- querying more than one db from a php page?,
George Pitcher
- embedded PHP in HTML,
Ahmad Khashan
- need back up ......., toby z
- Return all Tables,
Gerardo Rojas
- "bug" report - loading non-existing extensions casue CGI-error: t ime out, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- In_array - weird behaviour, Henrik Hornemann
- DB Indexing,
Herhuth, Ron
- OpenSSL Problem, Frédéric HARDY
- Question about $tbuf in php-4.3.4-installer.exe,
Chris Bunting
- page cannot be displayed,
Hayden Kirk
- AW: cUrl, Sven Schnitzke
- I cant run shell command on win2003 with iis6,
- Re: md5 password with javascript, Rolf van de Krol
- cUrl,
Kimberly Tully
- php.ini,
Hayden Kirk
- cookies and sessions...,
Bobo Wieland
- PHP_OpenSSL help needed,
Ralph Nicovich
- how to prevent resend data after press refresh button, TAN HENG CHAN
- md5 password with javascirpt,
- Problem with mail(),
Gerardo Rojas
- mail($To problem,
Alan McDonald
- RE: Problem printing on server side,
Darvin Andrioli
- uploading files to a web server using ftp, Brent
- Trouble loading php_mysql.dll,
- /php-4.3.4-Win32/php.exe/index.php not found,
Miroslav Majdan
- Changing INI information inline,
Herhuth, Ron
- Windows Dll,
Kimberly Tully
- Flash and PHP 4.3.4,
- PHP ftp_put source_file values,
- not run shell command in win2k3 and iis6, s
- Server for PHP and ASP (and MySQL) ??,
Peter Richards
- ereg-replace removing whitespace...,
Bobo Wieland
- Cannot find ODBC32.dll,
Miroslav Majdan
- printer extension problems, Chris Pecor
- compiling extensions,
Piotr Pluciennik
- Upload and Download from local to server tools!( like w3Upload in asp),
- Help with submit,
- Change ENV via putenv() during script execution, Paul Menard
- HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error,
Peter Richards
- Webpath vs Absolute Path,
Tony Devlin
- Search and Replace with WinWord and COM Objects?, jon
- PHP 4.3.4 and Sessions,
Sascha Kaufmann
- streams not available, Michael
- How to find out if PC is online,
Jan Hrebenar
- Class question, Alex
- Newbie Error Logging Question, Jeff Anderson
- Accesing Windows Pipes with PHP, Jorge E Pasarell
- Getting printer_draw_bmp to work, wibbles
- Need help with printer_draw_bmp(), paul-phpwin
- Help getting printer_draw_bmp() to work,
- Need help with session problem,
Alan Leff
- i need help,
Hasan Barış Karayel
- Code to splite page,
- Redirection,
- Add user to Active Directory,
- I keep getting parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE,
Stephen Knight
- Time out a session,
- syntax for remove column,
Rinku Shivnani
- DFD for website,
Rinku Shivnani
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: DFD for website, Croskerry, Dan
- RE: DFD for website, Croskerry, Dan
- RE: DFD for website, Croskerry, Dan
- RE: DFD for website, Croskerry, Dan
- RE: DFD for website, Trystano
- RE: DFD for website, Croskerry, Dan
- RE: DFD for website, Vail, Warren
- Selecting date/time from an Access database, Metin Kale
- Encryption Decryption Help Needed,
Herhuth, Ron
- insert syntax,
Rinku Shivnani
- Error opening files sent via PHP script with IE on XP,
Jarl E. Gjessing
- Win98 - PWS 4.0 - PHP, wknit
- domxml_xmltree crashes , any suggestions?,
Conrad Strydom
- Online Polls,
- Changing URL,
- filepaths in a db, Anthony Ritter
- Help with split page, Lawrence
- setting cookie problem,
Muhammad Imran
- Password Protecting,
- PEAR: Console Color problem!, Alex
- Error parse regular expression for Multi-Edit 9, Vladimir Iahnenco
- Regular Expression Question,
Gerardo Rojas
- Compiling,
Alexandre Trevisani
- Using PHP to reload a page w/variable.,
Roderick Martin
- Help with xslt on windows,
Myles Parker
- Reading files from different user's,
Gerardo Rojas
- loading php_gd2.dll,
- =sessions= [J. Meloni Textbook], Anthony Ritter
- PHP and MySQL problem, Alex
- mkdir with PHP 4.3.4 and IIS 5.0 on Windows 2000,
Dang Nguyen
- Permission PHP IIS5.0,
Luiz Miguel Axcar
- caching headers, Donatas
- help with header on UNIX server,
- capturing the output to a file rather than the browser,
Rocco CAstoro
- PHP in general,
Rocco CAstoro
- Object Oriented,
Rocco CAstoro
- GD Lib,
S F Alim
- NewComer Code,
Rocco CAstoro
- script to update file names,
- Plugin error for JP Graph, Rinku Shivnani
- MS-SQL / FreeTDS - charsets ?,
Lars V. Nielsen
- WIN-IIS File Upload error,
Vladimir Iahnenco
- COM Hangs Script if another Script is doing something at the same time, Scott Carr
- Fatal error, but include_path seems correct?,
Roderick Martin
- JPgraph,
Rinku Shivnani
- attachment with pdf files,
- PHP mkdir with IIS and network share,
Dang Nguyen
- Please help !,
- Problem with Socket and CPU usage!,
S F Alim
- Session configuration,
- php manual in pdf format?,
Rick Owen
- error [warn] getsockname and localhost not recognized, Dan McFall
- Browser detection w text version on the fly,
C-omputerSolutions Webmaster
- What should I learn,
Rocco CAstoro
- Win32 API,
Nathan Perkins
- Html Code required-Cyrus, S F Alim
- gallery,
Paul Fritzsche
- popen behaviour 4.3.2 & 4.3.3 bug ? (cli/php-gtk),
Simon Wheeler
- include() problem,
- Sending Mail with Outlook express, Sukanthi Ganesh
- talking to flash,
Bobo Wieland
- String Help,
Herhuth, Ron
- PDFlib text format, Disko_kex
- RE: Two Dimm. Arrays,
Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- using result of function in same line,
Igor Belagorudsky
- Changing the format of a date,
Herhuth, Ron
- Why is phpinfo giving me these version numbers?,
Roderick Martin
- w2k3 and userdir, Probst Robert
- vars from page to page,
- Pear ::DB,
Muhammad Imran
- prob in qmailadmin,
Rinku Shivnani
- [Fwd: Re: PHP4 + windows 2003 server], karthikeyan
- R: [PHP-WIN] best php editor?,
Francesco . Marsan
- best php editor?,
Bobo Wieland
- Advanced debuggin in IIS, Herhuth, Ron
- problems installing php4,
Paul Fritzsche
- get and post in a form,
Michel De Belder
- Vb usergroup,
Rinku Shivnani
- PHP4 + windows 2003 server,
- Re: PHP4 + windows 2003 server, karthikeyan
2 attachments,
query error,
Rinku Shivnani
Rinku Shivnani
Help about Pear, Muhammad Imran
POST and GET form,
Patrick Dufresne
equivalence to global.asa, Alan McDonald
Huib Bakker
- <Possible follow-ups>
- CGI Error, Thomas Vanhal
CGI-ERROR BUG, Huib Bakker
PHP 5.0.0 Beta 2 released!, Andi Gutmans
Trouble connecting to ms sql with ODBC on Windows,
Stoner, David M.
wddx problem,
Helke Schröder
PHP not outputting HTML,
Steve Sobol
output caching,
RE: recommendations - php/mysql discussion board / foru m, Croskerry, Dan
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