Can Anyone tell my why this error is produced: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: addrow() in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\Hour8-7MainExample.php on line 63 >From this code: <?php // Defining the Class's Properties ------- class Table { var $table_array = array(); var $headers = array(); var $cols; } //Creating a Constructor ------ function Table( $headers ) { $this->headers = $headers; $this->cols = count ( $headers ); } //The addROw() Method ------ function addRow( $row ) { if ( count ($row) != $this->cols ) return false; array_push($this->table_array, $row); return true; } //The addRowAssocArray() Method function addRowAssocArray( $row_assoc ) { $row = array(); foreach ( $this->headers as $header ) { if ( ! isset( $row_assoc[$header] )) $row_assoc[$header] = ""; $row[] = $row_assoc[$header]; } array_push($this->table_array, $row); return true; } // function output() { print "<pre>"; foreach ( $this->headers as $header ) print "<B>$header</B> "; print "\n"; foreach ( $this->table_array as $y ) { foreach ( $y as $xcell ) print "$xcell "; print "\n"; } print "</pre>"; } $test = new table( array("a", "b", "c") ); $test->addRow( array(1,2,3) ); $test->addRow( array(4,5,6) ); $test->addRowAssocArray (array ( b=>0, a=>6, c=>3 ) ); $test->output(); ?> Thanks Alot guys your MUCHos HHelpos -- PHP Windows Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: