Scuse it's an other question but, Do you use php_win.exe to launch your script ? If it's the case try with the regular php/cli to see what happend please.
At 14:15 07/11/2003, Simon Wheeler wrote:
"Eric Colinet" <> wrote in message"> > Does it freeze or it crashes ?
Crashes , gtk::events-pending stops the freeze associated with opening a new process , the crash is nasty as well with a Win 'do you want to send an error report' type dialog , MSVCC gives a dump but what use that is I don't know ?
"Ignatius Reilly" <> wrote in message 055601c3a527$68a83eb0$0100a8c0@server">news:055601c3a527$68a83eb0$0100a8c0@server... > Wild guess: > > 'c:\phpdev\php\php-4.3.2\php.exe -q -f ' looks risky > > better > 'c:\\phpdev\\php\\... > or 'c:/phpdev/php/...
fair point but the behaviour should be the same accross versions ? IME PHP handles this internally , it also seems happy with forward or backslashes. regardless the exact same code works with 4.3.2 but not 4.3.3 , trying to compile php-gtk against 4.3.4 now but having issues with that ;) , if it works in that I will be happy , but would like to submit a bug if thats what it is.
Regards. Simon
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