Has anyone ever encountered this same problem? I submitted a bug report as a continuation of another rather misguided report (linked to in this report), and things became rather heated, as the stubborn developer refused to listen to me, so I want to see if any of you could perhaps test it out and help get this issue fixed once and for all. http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=26764 Basically, the bug is that spaces cannot be used in the font pathnames because they actually denote multiple fonts. sniper at php net emphasizes that such things cannot be done, but I just proved him wrong by doing it in the test code. Furthermore, I suspect that he probably only checked the source code and did not actually test it out as I instructed him to, hence the "there is no bug here" rhetoric. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Find out what made the Top Yahoo! Searches of 2003