// $_SESSION["cart_m"] includes these values : flower01 fruit01 cake01 When I echo $_SESSION["cart_m"] , it look like this $i = 1 ; while ( $i <= $_SESSION["productlist"] ) ( echo $_SESSION["cart_m$i"] ; $i = $i + 1 ; } Result is : flower01 fruit01 cake01 I want to use these values with 2checkout $i = 1 ; while ( $i <= $_SESSION["productlist"] ) ( header(" location : www.2checkout.com/cgibin/sbuyers/cart_order_id=".$_SESSION["cart_m$i"]."") $i = $i + 1 ; } But result is I just receive the last result : www.2checkout.com/cgibin/sbuyers/cart_order_id=cake01 I want to get all values like this , but I do not know how to do , anyone can help me , thank you . www.2checkout.com/cgibin/sbuyers/cart_order_id=cake01fruit01flower01 -- PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php