Using mysql, php, apache on win98 The following code is from "PHP, mySQL and Apache" (SAMS) by Julie Meloni. Page 338-339 (hour 16). After choosing my selections in the form box and hitting submit I get: ............... Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in c:\apache\htdocs\listing16.5.php on line 13 .................. I checked her errata at but there was nothing for this chapter. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. TR ------------------------------------------- // script 16.4.php <?php session_start(); ?> <html> <head> <title>Listing 16.4 Storing an array with a session</title> </head> <body> <h1>Product Choice Page</h1> <?php if (isset($_POST[form_products])) { if (!empty($_SESSION[products])) { $products = array_unique( array_merge(unserialize($_SESSION[products]), $_POST[form_products])); } $_SESSION[products] = serialize($products); print "<p>Your products have been registered!</p>"; } ?> <form method="POST" action="<?php $_SERVER[PHP_SELF] ?>"> <P>Select some products:<br> <select name="form_products[]" multiple size=3> <option>Sonic Screwdriver</option> <option>Hal 2000</option> <option>Tardis</option> <option>ORAC</option> <option>Transporter bracelet</option> </select> <br><br> <input type="submit" value="choose"> </form> <br><br> <a href="listing16.5.php">content page</a> </body> </html> .............. // script 16.5.php <? session_start(); ?> <html> <head> <title>Listing 16.5 Accessing session variables</title> </head> <body> <h1> Content Page</h1> <?php if (isset($_SESSION[products])) { print "<b>Your cart:</b><ol>\n"; foreach (unserialize($_SESSION[products]) as $p) { print "<li>$p"; } print "</ol>"; } ?> <a href="listing16.4.php">Back to product choice page</a> </body> </html> ........... Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in c:\apache\htdocs\listing16.5.php on line 13 -- PHP Windows Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: