Hubo wrote:
Well, you must change your php.ini file to indicate that you do want to use the module php_xslt.
"Myles Parker" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag">
an someone help me out with xslt on windows? I have copied the 3 dll's in to the c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory (sablot.dll, expat.dll, iconv.dll) I have a very simple php page.. <?php
$xh = xslt_create(); // Process the document, returning the result into the $sDXML variable $sDXML = xslt_process($xh, 'TOC.xml', '/www/Common/TOC/TOC.xsl');
I continue to get this error when I try and run.. Fatal error: Call to undefined function: xslt_create() in C:\www\PHP\toc.php on line 3
Thanks Myles
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