In order to uses random access, you should, indeed, use fseek(). But then you need to know how how your file looks like, that is, each record must be of either fixed lenght, or each record should store a "pointer" about how long they are. Any file polated with lumps wont do here. Why is this needed? Simply becuase fseek() moves the read head to a certain position in your file, and if you don't know what position you like to go to then fseek() is kind of useless. Anyhow, there are tutorial on how to do random access reading: The two first hit I had on google when searching on "turotial random access fseek" was: .doc and they seams to be oki - spent 5 second checking them out thouhg - so you might like to check out the other +400 hits to. Oki, just start read, and then have happy hacking. Have fun! -----Original Message----- From: Idur To: Sent: 2003-12-20 07:19 Subject: random access file with php Hi there, I have a big file txt to read(about 40 Mb), and i have script to read this file, suddenly i realise that my methode to read file is using "sequential access" mode, but this process take time to long(max_time_execution = 90) and i need the methode to read in "random access" with php, i heared that random access is more fastest than sequential access, where i can get the tutorial about file operations (random access mode) using php. Because it's very little informations that i can get from php manual about random access mode(they told to use fseek) or i don't the right place or right site to get this informations. thanx __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing. -- PHP Windows Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: -- PHP Windows Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: