Assuming you are doing just one string at a time: <? $str = "[i:abcdef]"; #[i:bcdefg] #[i:xyzab] #[i:priftds]
$regex = "/(\[i:)(\w+)(\])/i"; preg_match($regex, $str, $matches);
print $str;//original string print substr($matches[2], 1, 3);//trimmed string ?>
Gryffyn, Trevor wrote:
If the format is consistantly the same, try this:
$somedata = "[i:aslkdfj]"; $insidedata = substr($somedata,3,strlen($somedata)-4);
-----Original Message-----
From: Student [mailto:coolstudprit@xxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 11:42 PM
To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: i need help
Hi i was hoping if someone can help;
I want to trim the following text
but the inside text is different at time eg abcdef, bcdefg, etc etc
how can i trim [i:(some text here)] so that i can replace them with nothing.
eg these are to be trimmed.
[i:abcdef] [i:bcdefg] [i:xyzab] [i:priftds]
how can i trim them.. thanks
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