Trying to install php/apache/mysql again after buying a new computer... I have Apache runing as a service in WinXP (Home)... I think it works as it should... The server is set to In my webservers rootdir I have a file named index.php that contains the code: <?php phpinfo(); ?> Pointing IE to http://localhost/ and selecting the file index.php just outputs: <?php phpinfo(); ?> I have installed php in D:\PHP. php.ini is in C:\windows . the php4apache.dll and the php4ts.dll are both in the windows/system32 dir and the first also in d:\php\sapi\ I've added LoadModule php4_module d:/PHP/sapi/php4apache.dll AddType application/x-httpd-php .php to httpd.conf and apache doesn't complain at startup... So what is wrong? thanks! .bobo -- PHP Windows Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: