PHP for Windows
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- recommendations - php/mysql discussion board / forum,
Croskerry, Dan
- extensions, Shmuel
- PEAR and PHP 4.3.3 installer,
- Help with COM,
Ethan Nelson
- help!,
Patrick Roane
- Speeding up PHP?,
George Pitcher
- call function by flash button, Rinku Shivnani
- Access Violation at 00020400.. any solutions, chinwah
- Access Violation at 00020400.. any solutions?, chinwah
- Check box value for PHP,
Rinku Shivnani
- Problems with TCP/IP and PHP,
Robert Duda
- Run php file every day?,
- MySQL service won't start,
Roderick Martin
- Error connecting to MySQL Database,
Yosvel Reyes
- Problems: PHP + IngresII on Windows,
teste teste
- ADSI??, Pc Technics, Inc.
- Question,
Alejandro C. Garrammone
- Displaying errors,
Asendorf, John
- urgent : alter table modify,
Rinku Shivnani
- PHP & JavaScript,
- PHP and Server 2003,
Joe Crawford Jr.
- How to unset $_POST variable?, William Cheung
- Form not posting with to many characters, Tim . Pesanka
- Age from birthdate?,
- ftok() for shmop on windows?, Eliot Shepard
- RE: RES: mssql_connect() - Unable to connect to server,
Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
- error mysql_num_rows(), sdogos elias
- mssql_connect() - Unable to connect to server,
Felipe Nascimento
- size for background image,
Rinku Shivnani
- background image,
Rinku Shivnani
- Register Globals,
- Re: Re: can not get variable value from HTML form, joe
- Re: Problem with $GLOBALS, joe
- SID in LDAP, Gísli
- Mail with Word attachment,
George Pitcher
- Include and require,
Rinku Shivnani
- @ symbol,
Alan McDonald
- ADSI - PHP, Pc Technics, Inc.
- ADSI with PHP, Pc Technics, Inc.
- IDE's,
Alan McDonald
- Includes Q,
Alan McDonald
- PDF creation on the fly.,
- PHP 5 And Apache2.0.47,
tim sawyers
- (ANNOUNCE) codeSECURE 1.0 released - - Protecting PHP code, John Black
- Check mail format,
- failed to open stream: HTTP,
- $_POST in MySQL query issue...,
Adam Reiswig
- Error calling php_info,
Yosvel Reyes
- Problem in eregi,
- Require Session example,
Rinku Shivnani
- PHP 4.3.3 and Apache 2.01 and $PHP_AUTH_USER, PHPFAN
- PHP on PocketPC, Ragnar_7
- Running a php script as a service,
Nicholls, David
- Re: Absolute and Relative directory, Michael Kochendoerfer
- PHP not rendering for some reason, Trystano
- Help needed on PHP+IIS+filesys, Michael Kochendoerfer
- Apache cannot display PHP page, Feris
- MySQL Security,
Rahman Haqparast
- Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromgif(),
Guus Bil
- Re: Subject: selecting and updating fields, Neil Smth
- PHP uninstall/reinstall,
Benjamin Howarth
- Fast template engines,
- passing variables, Peter Gerwing
- To compile PHP under VC .NET (VC 7) or not ?, Emmanuel Tatto
- I can't make a 'read_tag.php' file,
- php with MS Acces,
- include_path problem, Muhammad Imran
- PWS exec(), system(), shell_exec(), Yingyuan D Hsu
- handling SQL dot notation in PHP,
Herhuth, Ron
- preg_match function, Omar
- timeout?,
- nuSoap timings, George Pitcher
- php 4.3.x and IIS 6,
Ken F
- PDF library,
Victor Costa
- Does Jpgraph support IIS5,
S F Alim
- PHP Graph,
Rinku Shivnani
- php - iis6 mail problems?,
- PHP Connection to OLAP, Blake Skullerud
- HTML Printing problem.,
php coder
- Form question,
Gerardo Rojas
- Error 404 problem,
Rahman Haqparast
- Win XP, Apache1.3.28, php 4.3.3; php files won't run,
Occ Shop
- Session Managment,
- Problem with special characters, ojje johansson
Paulo Nunes
- Problem with my PHPNuke Site,
Charlie Brewer
- Getting MAC & NetBIOS Name from PHP?, Snuffy2
- timeout question,
David Coleman
- Help me out with Session problem,
Kamran fff
- 'extends' problem (Classes),
- IRC,
Paulo Nunes
- Extends problem (classes), Trystano
- Every 1008th character is missing???,
- Characters missingin mail source???,
- forms question,
Gareth Thomas
- newbie problem,
Peter Gerwing
- Session prob,
- Session Problem,
- Shortcut, Charles P. Killmer
- Mysql Purge script,
- weird random parse errors on PHP 4.1.x / Win2k,
Francesco . Marsan
- RE: [PHP] Getting PHP to work under IIS 6.0,
Jay Blanchard
- php_tidy.dll ?,
Ignatius Reilly
- Getting PHP to work under IIS 6.0, Joseph Tate
- PHP script handling chunk transfer, Lin Shen
- custom library, Mike Corredera
- Re: PHP and XML, Harpreet
- MySQL security hole - how to fix??,
Roderick Martin
- Send Email with an attachment,
- Strange error,
Charlie Brewer
- Q on TZ on Win 2k,
- Path string manipulation, Gerardo Rojas
- File contents type, Pavel Szalbot
- Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195],
Morten Gulbrandsen
- XML->HTML using XSLT, Thijs Koerselman
- TimeZone and DST on windows..., jsWalter
- How is it supposed to work - absolute path includes, Karl Widde
- Can't start php under Apache after Load Module php4apache.dll,
Morten Gulbrandsen
- RE: php 4.3.3 on apache 2.0.47/solved, manon
- Betr: XML->HTML using PHP,
Thijs Koerselman
- AW: form vars missing..., Sven Schnitzke
- imagecreate () query, George Pitcher
- Connect to a FTP server in a IFRAME, Dean Hayes
- PHP Web Services,
Pearson, Gregory
- php 4.3.3 on apache 2.0.47,
- form vars missing...,
- Matching arrays to build tables (Solved), Mike Quinn
- RE: SQL query problem - SOLVED, George Pitcher
- Matching arrays to build tables,
Mike Quinn
- Array matching to build table, Mike Quinn
- Problem: URL Encoded Parameters,
The Hub
- File Ext,
Dean Hayes
- overwrite a single line of text, Gerardo Rojas
- Testing Email Mpdules on Win2000, Arijit Chaudhuri
- page cannot be displayed error,
- PATH_INFO, Aron(Amix)
- php_execute_script, Anonymus Crux
- newbie question: using image function with php,
- problems with fopen, Rob Hermann
- Any way to override use of TEMP folder for Windows function 'tmpfile()'., Paul Menard
- Writing to a file,
Gerardo Rojas
- Upgrading problems, Brad Harriger
- Looping problem,
Gerardo Rojas
- RE: [PHP] Re: PHP PDF Support..., Jay Blanchard
- Time validation - urgent, karthikeyan
- PHP PDF Support...,
Brian M McGarvie
- Refresh php section,
- MySQL Help,
Dean Hayes
- PHP Printing problems, Madeleine D.
- The Scope of the Microsoft e-mails, Marlene Burckhalter
- Re: Last Critical Upgrade,
Cesar Cordovez
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Re: Last Critical Upgrade, Dean Hayes
- RE: Re: Last Critical Upgrade, Svensson, B.A.T. (HKG)
Passing params to COM object, Herhuth, Ron
AW: a Directory Crawler, Sven Schnitzke
Imap with ssl not working, Nick P
Accessing Outlook via COM object,
Herhuth, Ron
php 4.3.3 and apache 2.0.47 ..... all mucked up,
toby z
RE Serverside includes, Greg Whitehead
upgrade imap dll problem,
Gareth Thomas
array math..., Bobo Wieland
LDAP extension hanging Apache,
Problem with 2 buttons,
William Cheung
a Directory Crawler,
Herhuth, Ron
R: [PHP-WIN] Re: R: [PHP-WIN] Re: R: [PHP-WIN] PHP randomly is no t parsing a valid script,
Francesco . Marsan
R: R: [PHP-WIN] Re: R: [PHP-WIN] Re: R: [PHP-WIN] PHP randomly is no t parsing a valid script,
Francesco . Marsan
R: [PHP-WIN] Re: R: [PHP-WIN] PHP randomly is not parsing a valid script,
Francesco . Marsan
R: [PHP-WIN] PHP randomly is not parsing a valid script,
Francesco . Marsan
PHP randomly is not parsing a valid script,
MySQL question,
Auto load data, ascll
Automatic load .php page,
Keep posted data,
AW: php, excel - release problem, Sven Schnitzke
php, excel - release problem, Grzegorz Godlewski
Using PHP to compile uploaded sourcecode with cygwins gcc?, DvDmanDT
Auto Refresh,
Slashdot:: PHP usage in the Enterprise - results, Alexandru COSTIN
Connection to MS SQL Server,
Gerardo Rojas
Newbie with a unique problem: PWS and Win98SE, Shadowyng
RE: [PHP] PHP Apache (GLOBALS) question,
Jay Blanchard
PHP Apache (GLOBALS) question,
Frank Tudor
MAPI and PHP, Herhuth, Ron
Warning messages,
Problem with $PHP_SELF and possibly some others,
Luís Sousa
Connection times out from PHP to MySQL, David Kafrissen
Quick Question,
Ben Wheeler
PHP and PDF,
Paulo Nunes
PHP and MYSQL don't shake hands, Frank Tudor
shmop & windows, Sek-Mun Wong
Stop Verisign DNS Abuse, Rodney Green
passthru(), system(), exec(),
Retrieving Database Table Names,
Herhuth, Ron
generate img with fonts...,
Bobo Wieland
environment variables, Omar
I need help with fopen(), Rob Hermann
SSL Handshake and PHP, Dave Fazio
PHP, CGI error please help, nabil
Problem in Win32api.c,
Fabian Cenedese
globals on globals off (ACK!!),
Frank Tudor
ADO Connection problems, Joe Mack
php 4.3.3 / 4.1. - variable problem,
Wolfgang Schneider
session and cookie, Exiang
install remote desktop from php, Comex
calling a php script,
Gerardo Rojas
clearing cache ......,
toby z
Windows 200 Ming installation, Ahmad Khashan
4.3.2 -> 4.3.3, Dieter Lunn
Date question?,
Debug Build,
Vladimir Hum
Problems with mssql_connect,
Nicola Romita
setting directory permission, Exiang
getting download resume to work, Scott Dotson
Array problem,
John Ellingsworth
RE: excel tables to mysql tables, chris . neale
PHP -> ODBC -> Remote Access,
Phantom Help, S F Alim
free windows editor with ftp?,
Chris L
How to display part of a text field record in the browser with PHP?, Marlene Burckhalter
Getting a pdf to open in Acrobat,
George Pitcher
mysql+php query,
Extracting images from active directory using php,
Simon Taylor
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