To fix this code, just change lengthofstr to: $lengthofstr = $posofend - $lengthoftag; The whole function can be made much simpilar: function readTag($filename,$tagtype) { $filedata = file_get_contents($filename); $tagrealname = '<bttag=' . $tagtype . '>'; $tagdata = substr(stristr($filedata, $tagrealname),strlen($tagrealname)); return substr($tagdata,0,strpos($tagdata,'</bttag>')); } Hope that helps, Nathan "Bas" <> wrote in message"> > I have found that this script doesn't work: > > read_tag.php > > --- > <?php > > function readTag($filename, $tagtype, $debug = 0) { > $filedata = file_get_contents($filename); > $tagrealname = "<bttag="; > $tagrealname .= $tagtype; > $tagrealname .= ">"; > > $tagdata = stristr($filedata, $tagrealname); > $posofend = strpos($tagdata, "</bttag>"); > $length = strlen($tagdata); > $lengthoftag = strlen($tagrealname); > $lengthofend = strlen("</bttag>"); > $lengthofstr = $length - $posofend - $lengthoftag; > $returndata = substr($tagdata, $lengthoftag, $lengthofstr); > if ($debug == 1) { > echo "<br>Length = " . $length; > echo "<br>Of Tag = " . $lengthoftag; > echo "<br>Of Str = " . $lengthofstr; > echo "<br>Of End = " . $posofend; > echo "<br>TagData:<br>" . $tagdata; > } > return $returndata; > } > ?> > > <HTML> > <BODY> > <h1>Test readTag-functie</h1> > <?php echo readTag("test.tag", "bassie", 1); ?> > </body> > </html> > > --- > And with this, it needs the file 'test.tag' > --- > <bttag=bassie> > I am myself!! > </bttag> > <bttag=test> > This is a test!!! > </bttag> > <bttag=welcome> > Welcome!!! > </bttag> > <bttag=close> > Closing!!! > </bttag> > --- > The first parameter of the readTag function is the filename of the tag file. > The second is the tag to search for an the third is the debug mode. > > The error is that if i load this, the readTag function returns everything > except for the Closing!!! > > What's wrong? -- PHP Windows Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: