Re: Can start php under Apache after Load Module php4apache.dll

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Hi Morton,

Remove or exit(); on the mysql_select_db("sampdb"); and that should work for


Michael Quinn

"Morten Gulbrandsen" <> escribió en el mensaje">

I did, and now I can restart Apache.

Here is my simplest PHP script.

<?php echo $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; ?>

And the output is

Can't ask for more than that!

I hacked a small script in order to connect to MySQL,

containing these lines.

<title>a simple example</title>
<body bgcolor="white">
<p>Welcome to the very first MySQL database.</p>
# USHL home page
$conn_id = @mysql_connect ("localhost", "sampadm", "secret")
    or exit ();
mysql_select_db ("sampdb")
    or exit ();
$result_id = mysql_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM member")
    or exit ();
if ($row = mysql_fetch_row ($result_id))
    print ("<p>The League currently has " . $row[0] . " members.</p>");
mysql_free_result ($result_id);

Unfortunately I did not get anything else than the HTML paragraph.

However, if I run this query from the command prompt,

C:\mysql\bin>mysql -h localhost  -u sampadm -psecret sampdb
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 408 to server version: 4.1.0-alpha-max-debug

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> select count(*) from member;
| count(*) |
|      102 |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)


I Do get a result, but not from php + apache, only from the command prompt.

So it seems to me that PHP and Apache is living well under Windows,

but I can't get the  MySQL  database to communicate with them.

What can I do, please?

Is this the right place for MySQL + php questions?

Yours sincerely

Morten Gulbrandsen

"Manon" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Try this: put a copy of the php4ts.dll in your php\sapi folder

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Morten Gulbrandsen []
Verzonden: dinsdag 30 september 2003 18:04
Onderwerp: Can't start php under Apache after Load Module php4apache.dll

Hello Programmers

I try to run a service.

Apache 1.28 (win32) under  win2000

And gets this error:

Microsoft Management Console
Der Dienst "Apache" auf "Lokalen Computer"
konnte nicht gestartet werden.
Der Dienst hat keinen Fehler zurückgegeben.

Es kann sich um einen internen Windows-Fehler oder
einen internen Dienstfehler handeln.

Setzen Sie sich mit Ihrem Systemadministrator in Verbindung, falls das
Problem weiterhin besteht.

Apache wird gestartet.
Apache konnte nicht gestartet werden.

Der Dienst hat keinen Fehler gemeldet.

>From my edited  httpd.conf file:

LoadModule php4_module    "c:\temp\php-4.3.3-Win32\sapi\php4apache.dll"
AddModule   mod_php4.c
AddType     application/x-httpd-php .php

However Apache did start and run smoothly before I attempted to append
the directives in httpd.conf.

How can I run
php version 4.3.3
Apache version 1.3.28
MySQL server version: 4.1.0-alpha-max-debug

   successfully under
Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]

Please ?

Yours Sincerely

Morten Gulbrandsen

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