Hi, does anyone know how to handle file and directory paths on a IIS 5.0 server? Problem is that the server has multi-domain and each domain has an associated 'root' dir below e:\webspaces. So if one uses relative path strings, an opendir() for example will fail. One has to use "e:\\webspaces\\root_of_domain_1\\images\\" to access the /images folder of the configured domain 1. I'm sure there are functions and env vars to accomplish this, but I'm quite new to PHP and didn't find them yet. Problem is (I didn't describe it in my former post) that I'm unable to set a global document root that is valid for all domains and subdomains. I guess the webserver would assemble the path by itself, uniquely for each domain, to get the desired result. Practical example: On one domain, they mix up FrontPage and PHP. Since FrontPage doesn't like PHP, they construct one part of the web using FrontPage (and its features like so-called 'designs' - which aren't more than stylesheets - and common borders - which are simply files in a hidden directory '_borders'), and the other part using PHP. To combine both of them and to make them look almost the same, they could include a header and a footer. Header file/section looks like: <?php echo "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='_themes/mytheme.css'>"; include "./_borders/top.htm"; ?> Footer looks similar except for the filename (which is 'bottom.htm' here). When included in a .php file at their 'root' level, it works well. But if they use a subdir like /scripts, it won't. And changing the include file from ./borders/top.htm to /borders/top.htm, PHP puts the complete physical path to the left of the filename. But this is not relative to their root :- ( To recall: Their root level is (physically mapped): e:\\webspaces\\root_of_domain_1 Hope this has been clear enough to show my problem. Thanks in advance! - Michael -- PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php