Re: a Directory Crawler

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ooops, you need to change the

"$this->recurseDirectory(getcwd().'/'.$file, getcwd(), $files)"

to just plain

"recurseDirectory(getcwd().'/'.$file, getcwd(), $files)"

from inside the function if you're not planning on using this function from
within a class...

sorry about that only spotted it after I posted.

"Sek-Mun Wong" <> wrote in message">
> Ron,
> I've got a function that does it for directories, and I've just quickly
> modified it for you to do what you've stated, you can modify it if there
> a problem.
> try this:
>     $files = recurseDirectory("/home/mydir", null, null);
>     foreach ($files as $i => $filename) {
>         print "procesed $i $filename\n";
>     }
> ----
>     function recurseDirectory($currentdir, $startdir=NULL, $files=array())
> ----
>     {
>         chdir ($currentdir);
>         // remember where we started from
>         if (!$startdir) {
>             $startdir = $currentdir;
>         }
>         $d = opendir (".");
>         //list the files in the dir
>         while ($file = readdir ($d)) {
>             if ($file != ".." && $file != ".") {
>                 if (is_dir ($file)) {
>                 // If $file is a directory take a look inside
>                     $files = $this->recurseDirectory(getcwd().'/'.$file,
> getcwd(), $files);
>                     //$files[] = $file; // add this if you want to output
> dir name
>                 }
>                 else {
>                 // If $ file is not a directory then add it to our output
> array
>                     $files[] = $file;
>                     if (strstr($file,".schema")) { // or u can use
> preg_match if more comfortable
>                         // fopen file etc etc, insert your code here
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>         closedir ($d);
>         chdir ($startdir);
>         return $files;
>     }
> "Ron Herhuth" <> wrote in message
> 4e0c01c38122$76b60f60$">news:4e0c01c38122$76b60f60$
> I'm stuck.
> I have been attempting to put together a script with little tidbits I've
> found in the manual but I'm unable to figure out how to do this.
> Basically I have a directory structure on my server that runs many levels
> deep and wide.  In the directories there are several files with the
> extension name ".schema"  I would like to have my script go through and
> open each of these files (they are text files) and add the contents to a
> variable which I will then store in a database.  I know how to display the
> contents of a directory, as well as open and read text files...and write
> to a database.  The problem I'm having is building the component that
> traverses the directory structure pulling back all the files.  I can make
> it read a single directory at a time but I'm at a loss to tell it how to
> navigate through the directories.
> This app is not for anything malicious, but I need a dynamic archive of
> all the schemas and if I get brave I want to write an extraction tool to
> extract the SQL queries from the schemas and catagorize them for future
> use.
> Thanks,
> Ron

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