Assuming a record length of 100 characters and i want to read approximately the last 5 records, here is the code: ------code----- <html> <body> <?php $nchars = -500; $handle = fopen ("access.log", "r"); if(!$handle){ echo(" problem opening the users file for read..."); exit(); } echo("<h4>Last n records read in last 500 characters:</h4>"); echo("<hr>"); fseek($handle , $nchars, SEEK_END); // $buf = fgets($handle, 100); // will read till a newline inclusive. // ignore this record. I might be in the middle of it. $icount = 0; while (!feof ($handle)) { $buf = fgets($handle, 100); echo ("$buf <br />"); $icount ++; } fclose ($handle); echo(" <h4>Number of records in last 500 characters is: $icount</h4>"); ?> </body> </html> ----end code---- good luck. Ahmad --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing