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- How to get a ring tone during incoming/outgoing call usng pjsip-python binding, svalbard colaco
- Question about Media Flow,
comments at freecle.com
- presence doesn't work consistently, w zl
- Register Credentials,
Joseph Maiquez
- CPU is up to 10% after pjsua_set_snd_dev(),
Alexei Kuznetsov
- Licensing / Royalties very interesting question for Symbian,
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
- Unsupported transport,
Peter Cai
- Ack for Re-INVITE and event.,
cedric leveque
- Two questions - multiple calls and sound device access,
Martin Fiala
- Call-ID,
Mike Wixon
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Call-ID, Mike Wixon
- pjsua_get_snd_dev() always returns -1, Alexei Kuznetsov
- "Insufficient memory" in playsine, feng_tian
- playsine test failed on arm-linux platform., feng_tian
- AUDIO Problem,
emanuele bottegoni
- pjnath and multiple TURN servers, Lars Ramchter
- Stateful proxy with SIP over TCP: Get signal SIGPIPE on send(), Helmut Wolf
- Unable to hear voice,
sandeep dk
- Is Possible to write a Register Server using PJSUA python module?, Peter Cai
- Problems when running pj-sua on arm-linux platform,
- send multiple stun request, katjusha KATJUSHA
- Media Candidate for Video, Subramanian Swaminathan
- Can we used Intel IPP to add video on PJSIP?,
johnson elangbam
- Sound port volume,
Florian Hackenberger
- g729 codec,
S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
- Symbian_ua_gui unable to use APS on E71,
Bharat Yadav
sending own RTP packet when using PJSUA,
make an outbound with a caller id i specify,
When we need call pjsip_tx_data_dec_ref func when pjsip_inv_send_msg fail, Gang Liu
pj_stun_session_send_msg() retransmissions, katjusha KATJUSHA
question about make call out,
Lewis Liu
what might have gone wrong??, ganesh bhogaraju
Diversion header,
Bernie B
about setopt on symbian, Rodrigo Vega
Could any one please suggest.me ....,
ganesh bhogaraju
Which library does include pjsua-wince for sockets??, Rodrigo Vega
no result for making call,
Lewis Liu
DTMF Issue in Symbian,
S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
PJSUA and mic issue,
Juan Salvador Castejón Garrido
ptime information set in a codec is not automatically added in the SDP offer,
Javier Rodriguez
SSRC retrieval,
Minh Nguyen
When did the PJ project start?,
Rodrigo Vega
Proposed patch for new callback in sip_inv module: on_rx_reinvite,
Ruud Klaver
linking error,
johnson elangbam
register fail because of "Proxy Authentication Required",
Lewis Liu
program in sip message start line, Lawrence
Create an INVITE request based on content of a text file.,
cedric leveque
bug in xml.c, Johan Lantz
pjsua_var.acc[acc_id].display, McAuther
PJSIP 0.8 : Wrong NAT type detected,
Transport Adapter Sample,
if_enum_by_af bug, McAuther
Pjsua - 2nd incoming call gives different state result when in manual answer.,
Emmanuel Paunan
g729 - symbian port,
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
simple p2p connection,
Chris Bick
SDP offer/answer incomplete, ending the ses,
Anyone knows if TLS is available for PJSIP wince core?, CalvIA IA
why portaudio,
w zl
how to integrate video on pjsip,
johnson elangbam
Joseph Maiquez
- <Possible follow-ups>
- License, pureroot
Using TLS support for SRTP for PJSUA-lib,
Compile error in pjproject-1.0.tar.bz2,
Ramesh D
use of dual transport endpoint (TCP+UDP),
Javier Rodriguez
symbian sound issue with PJSIP stack,
route Prack like Invite.,
cedric leveque
Signal Processing : Compressor / limiter,
Grégory BLANC
Adding Contact on 183 response.,
cedric leveque
what really does --use-ice in pjsua,
Lucas Rosa Galêgo
ice-mismatch bug, w zl
G723 Pjsip Symbian problen in encoding,
Samiul Aftad Chowdhury
pjsip Digest, Vol 14, Issue 26, w zl
ICE-MISMATCH error, w zl
Regarding pjproject symbian UI design edit problem, Rawshan Iajdani
Problem receiving reINVITE, Pedro Gonçalves
PJSUA: Memory Leaks,
Massimiliano Montevecchi
No sound on windows mobile 6,
John Mervin
Using SRTP on PJSUA through Asterisk Server,
Check account registration status,
Alexei Kuznetsov
pjmedia-test-arm-apple-darwin9 doesn't compile, samuel.vinson
Problem with call,
Guillermo Orozco
Application name symbian OS, S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
The rate of Recording and Playing,
Fan-Cheng Wu ?梵?
arm-apple-darwin9 build errors, Eric Chamberlain
Playing wav file,
Murilo Ito
Add video,
Tiago Rés
Problem with call.,
Guillermo Orozco
Problem qith call., Guillermo Orozco
Porting to PSP (PSPSDK toolchain),
Fábio Pedrosa
R: Degradation of Speech Quality, Massimiliano Montevecchi
Change from sound output from loud speaker to normal ear speakers on HTC devices,
PocketPJ app,
Problem to call with pjsip on some network,
need help to setup PJSUA,
w zl
Video media channel update,
P.Muge Ersoy
Error in Sample Rate,
emanuele bottegoni
PJSIP continuously waiting for call,
PJSIP with Apache Server, friends friends
speex codec,
Gergely Juhász
Audio routing Api, S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
PJNATH/ICE on multihomed hosts,
Guido Fischer
Conference Ports,
Hubert Langevin
ready to use symbian port + gui ?,
Nils Jansen
SIP Stack HA,
Gang Liu
PJSUA: conference ports disconnect after some minutes,
"Stefan Gächter"
Build Error Mac OSX in pjmedia/wav_writer.c in function 'flush_buffer' : 'BYTES_PER_SAMPLE' undeclared,
Craig Lewiston
pjsip over http, Lucas Rosa Galêgo
Bind PJSUA to a specific interface,
Massimiliano Montevecchi
R: pjsip Digest, Vol 13, Issue 109, Massimiliano Montevecchi
Does PJSUA application manage RTP interruption?,
Massimiliano Montevecchi
How to Build Tcl Extension,
Patrick Collins
about pj_sockaddr_init,
Cross compiling pjsip for iPhone ARM (samuel.vinson),
w zl
Invalid SIP dialog after several calls,
Nuno Costa
Cross compiling pjsip for iPhone ARM,
Compile problem,
Benny Prijono
USB Sound Card Problem,
Rafael Crooke Vilela
always returns PJ_SUCCESS even if sip server is down,
Joseph Maiquez
Version 1.0-rc4 is released,
Benny Prijono
What if I want to enable ipp using mingw under windows?,
ZRTP integration on PJSIP, CalvIA IA
Test post Pls Ignore, CalvIA IA
pjsua_process_msg_data() same header type add,
Tomáš Valenta
Build issue of PJSIP in Visual Studio,
Tomáš Valenta
Cancel call transfer,
Tomáš Valenta
Runtime error in pjsip dll,
johnson elangbam
PJSUA with Flex and PyAMF,
friends friends
pjsip1.0 rc3: compilation problem with visual studio 6.0,
Massimiliano Montevecchi
Error in sock_bsd.c 1.0 rc3,
Tomáš Valenta
what SIP server and SIP client shall I use to test PJSIP,
w zl
Version 1.0-rc3 is released,
Benny Prijono
Qos and Pjsip python,
Christian Holzberger
Default candidate selection in ice_strans.c,
Stephen D. Strowes
Call Waiting in pjsip,
Kristina Arik
test, how to post message.,
leo wang
PJSIP GUI Design, vignesh nayak
memory corruption in conf bridge?,
Anshuman S. Rawat
Failure: calling pjlib from unknown/external thread,
problem of micro,
Modify 'From:' header for making a call,
Bernie B
music on hold server using pre-encoded audio,
Andrew Radke
Help when calling pjsua_destroy function,
Joseph Maiquez
Create Video media stream,
P.Muge Ersoy
epoll in Linux,
Mark Webster
Comfort noise in speex (or any other codec?),
Ruud Klaver
Degradation of Speech Quality,
Massimiliano Montevecchi
Tone generator refactoring and performance analysis, Benny Prijono
Enum Support, nimrod cohen
Backgroung noise disturbance in intell ipp g729 with pjsip,
johnson elangbam
Rtp Multicast send/receive switching,
g729 for Symbian OS,
S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
Managing PRACK With 100Rel API.,
cedric leveque
Request URI in INVITE when using proxy,
Filippo Zangheri
Assert on timer,
Nuno Costa
Internal phone speaker issue on Windows Mobile device,
oneneno at gmx.net
Cross compiling PJSIP for iPhone ARM on Mac 10.5.5,
Crash on handling incoming call (invite no sdp),
Amit Sharma
P.Muge Ersoy
Network bind addresses and setting the Via: field,
Mark Webster
Parse/edit SDP information with PJSUA functions,
mario.vitale at fifthplay.com
Duvide about proxy,
Lucas Rosa Galêgo
ZRTP in pjsip,
on_tsx_state_changed - Adding header.,
cedric leveque
master_port.c:143: pjmedia_master_port_stop: Assertion `m && m->clock' failed.,
Niclas Bengtsson
One way Audio on WM6 emulator,
simple UA and transmit data.,
cedric leveque
symbian_ua_gui is crashing,
Problem answering when with multiple registers,
Lucas Rosa Galêgo
pjsip_parse_uri fails to parse a URI with unknown parameters,
"Javier Rodríguez (Genaker)"
Joseph Maiquez
Set codec priority for AMR and AMR-WB,
Markus Fischer
Videotron : 403 Forbidden,
Samuel Vinson
How many milliseconds supports de jitter buffer for G.711 (PCMA) codec???,
Rodrigo Vega
Samuel Vinson
how to integrate g729 in pjsip,
johnson elangbam
symbian_audio_aps.lib not found,
Kristina Arik
pjsip_transport_destroy return E_BUSY,
yeffri z
SIP ringback,
Florian Hackenberger
How to answer with 100 Trying when receiving a reINVITE?,
Pedro Gonçalves
Inquiry to Desktop Phone provider using PJSIP (and available on the list), Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
Problem faced after SIP setup,
Sharad Vasista
pjsip-perf memory size,
Gang Liu
SDP in multipart MIME in invite module,
Ruud Klaver
Sound problem in symbian,
Deepak Sebastian
2 EndPoint in same main,
cedric leveque
PJSIP on Blackberry,
Vijayaraghavan Duraisamy
100rel module sending PRACK to wrong request URI during parallel forking,
Ruud Klaver
pjsip and Visual Studio 2008,
"Javier Rodríguez (Genaker)"
Assertion on reregistration,
Salahuddin Ahmed
unable to open sound device - pjsua,
nimrod cohen
ICE Invite with problem (ICE-MISMATCH),
Pedro Gonçalves
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