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Long audio delay on receiving end,
Johan Lantz
With the same codec, the sound quality é worst on PC than MAC,
Rafael Maia
stun example for pjnath, anass kartit
Ring Tone, nitu dhanurved
problems at compiling pjproject-1.0.1 by pjsip,
Hanedan Temiz
Pjsip on S60 Second Edition,
manoj at ascenttelecom.com
error on APS in the lastest SVN trunk version,
Kevin Gong
Joseph Maiquez
Ringback, Gang Liu
Sending Video with pjsip,
Rafael Maia
Wiki link to Checking the echo cancellation effectiveness? not working,
Erik van der Zalm
DTMF question,
manoj at ascenttelecom.com
The audio output device's problem on Symbian S60,
Kevin Gong
No Auth on Invite,
Samuel Vinson
Status, branching, dash, roadmap, et cetera,
Benny Prijono
PJSIP lost RTP packages, Peter Cai
PJSIP System.AccessViolationException, Joseph Maiquez
The sound is completely bad,
Andrey Brokanov
The sound is completely bad, Andrey Brokanov
Improvment proposal for IM without message body,
Johan Lantz
Porting requirements for OS functionality to run only PJMEDIA_SESSION instance,
Jan Sebesta
one question about PjSIP for Symbian with OpenC on PjSipStack-Developers and VAS,
Pai Peng
E51 device reboot when APS is active,
S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
PJSIP on Visual C++,
Joseph Maiquez
Ring tone(yet not solved),
nitu dhanurved
Pjsip and Blackberry, Samuel Vinson
Build Problem in VC Express 8, comments at freecle.com
Normal Call clearning,
Mukesh Srivastav
Solving nat for requests,
SRTP on linux,
waleed hassn
APS Loudspeaker Voice,
manoj at ascenttelecom.com
Updating uport and dport from within wav eof callback,
cross compiling pj,
G729 with APS, Bharat Yadav
pjmedia parameters, anass kartit
Sending my own audio frames,
Rafael Maia
Compiling PJSIP with Intel Performance Primitaves 6 (IPP) on Ubuntu 8.04,
Michael Toop
PJSIP file transfer, John Poseidon
pjsip_endpt_create_request_from_hdr and Call-ID parameters = NULL.,
cedric leveque
Is it possible to perform two calls at the same time with PJsua?,
Aldo Marsilio
Md. Nasir Uddin wants to chat, Md. Nasir Uddin
G729 codec With APS in PJSIP, Md. Nasir Uddin
using PJSIP in other application, Joseph Maiquez
enable srtp, mohamed hassan
Intel Performance Primitives (IPP) Working with Current Release 6.01, Michael Toop
Has anyone successfully ported APS as Audio-InOut for PjSIP under Symbian?, Pai Peng
continue click my program can lead to romote user sound with clutter, why?, tanger
continue click my program can lead to romote user sound with clitter, why?, tanger
Using TURN/STUN on cellular network, Michael Wilson
which appropriate emplacement in pj library ?,
waleed hassn
pjsip Digest, Vol 17, Issue 3, Kevin Gong
Modification to siprtp.c example, anass kartit
Any Solution for PjSIP APS implementation ?,
Linking Problem in VS2008, anass kartit
how to add ring tone?,
nitu dhanurved
pjsip 1.0 release, maybe clerical error, Gang Liu
Conferencing incoming RTP streams, Deven Parekh
Echo Cancellation in PjSIP,
media port issue: Assertion output_buf_len ... failed,
symbian S60 3rd system panic E32USER-CBase 46 error occurred in pjsua_destroy(),
Kevin Gong
Xcode and PJSIP,
C R McClenaghan
PjSIP max_call Count,
also APS issue on S60 on N95,
Kevin Gong
How to PJSIP reload config.,
Wanlop Runsiyangkul
When to use pjsip_dlg_add_usage, mayamatakeshi
TLS Issue,
manoj manoj
APS Probelm still exists Need Help how to resolve it, Krishna Radha
Conference Call Using PjSIP.,
C# Wrapper for PJMedia and STUN, anass kartit
Struggling With APS, Krishna Radha
Incoming SIP requests, John Poseidon
help needed with APS issue,
Krishna Radha
Checking received NOTIFY requests,
John Poseidon
<Possible follow-ups>
Checking received NOTIFY requests, samuel.vinson
pjsua problem(make call)?, nitu dhanurved
How to handle router external IP address changes?, Alexei Kuznetsov
Conference Call Using PjSIP, Srivatsan
Issue using APS in PjSIP for Symbain, Srivatsan
E32USER-CBase 46 error occurred in pjsua_destroy(), Kevin Gong
Heap corruption in "pjmedia/pasound.c" thread,
Paulo Sousa
RTP for Windows Mobile not working with NAT, anass kartit
lib.conf_disconnect( ) does'nt free the sound device...(Sound device comes as busy), svalbard colaco
Limit to the length of a body ? May be a bug.,
cedric leveque
SRTP support on symbian, waleed hassn
access to data, mohamed hassan
compilation error of PJSIP after installing Windows (SDK) for Windows Server 2008,
johnson elangbam
audio route path, waleed hassn
how to make call with pjsua (200line sample project) ?, nitu dhanurved
How to control packet bursts from sound card to reduce jitter?,
Jacob Holmgaard
SDP negotiation has failed,
Mohit Kumar
Why the callback function "on_incoming_call" is not called,
Kevin Gong
how pjsip handle multipart/mixed body?,
Gang Liu
cfg1.id =pj_str("sip:"SIP_USER"@"SIP_DOMAIN); how to pass value for adding account id?, nitu dhanurved
Installation issues, Matthias Hardt
using STUN wrapper, anass kartit
Bug in rtcp.c ?,
Guido Fischer
PJSUA applicatoin does not close sound automatically,
Alexei Kuznetsov
SRTP in pjsip. I have a question., Wanlop Runsiyangkul
add video using VLC, johnson elangbam
How track stateless requests, Johan Lantz
Implementing RIL for windows mobile device,
John Mervin
remove debug message during run time,
Anitha Suresh
STUN host list in pjsua, Marcin 'Malcom' Malich
PjMedia Problem: no recorded data (frames) sent through RTP, Pai Peng
[pjlib] EINTR errno status in pj_ioqueue_poll() in ioqueue_epoll.c, Simon Chen
Docs for using STUN in pjsip, anass kartit
Receiving MESSAGEs,
Adam Linford
python pjsua and rtp problem, michael.ricordeau
RTP Nat traversal problem using STUN ? for Windows Mobile in .NET, anass kartit
no RTP packets by using APS,
Pai Peng
PJSIP library listens on a different host IP,
svalbard colaco
Thread problem,
Gang Liu
Using pjsip TURN code on Symbian,
Michael Wilson
Link pjsip in Xcode for iPhone SDK project, Scott Williamson
bind error, nitu dhanurved
pj_pool suggestion,
Johan Lantz
Regarding Symbian APS, Krishna Radha
Using PJSIP as basis for uaCSTA, Alan Bond
error while using pjsip in xcode,
George Stylianakis
What do you think about Rich Internet Telephony applications?,
Perry Ismangil
wav player and callback function, Ramesh D
pjsip_100rel_init_module(g_endpt);(what is this),
nitu dhanurved
Error while compile the latest version, Tom Smith
Adding video using VLC,
johnson elangbam
timer problem?, nitu dhanurved
About transparent B2BUA and parallel forking,
Iñaki Baz Castillo
how to register in server and make a call ? (with simpleua code),
nitu dhanurved
Segfault when calling pjmedia_transport_srtp_create() with pjmedia_srtp_setting * set to NULL,
Ruud Klaver
small error in pjsip-apps/src/samples/simpleua.c, Henning Westerholt
Some questions before starting a b2bua project,
Saúl Ibarra
pjsip-ua reinvite, Gang Liu
Missing JACK Output, Esben Stien
errors while using pjsip in iphone sdk,
George Stylianakis
import pjsip libraries in xcode,
George Stylianakis
PKI Client, mohamed hassan
Subscription Example, Trey Long
Client PKI,
mohamed hassan
SIP SIMPLE client release, Adrian Georgescu
Some header files in third_party dir conflict with other packages, Overwrite or not overwrite?, Yun Liu
How to stop the retransmission of a request, Michael Bradley Jr
PJSUA fails to play sound using APS on Symbian OS v9.2, S60 3rd Ed. FP1,
ltquang at tma.com.vn
PJSUA crashs when destroy and re-initialize on Symbian, ltquang at tma.com.vn
Problem with sound port, Pedro Gonçalves
PJSUA: Media features and remotely closing application,
Sebastian Mellmann
A wav file for streamutil.c,
cedric leveque
Register failed because of 301 - Moved Permanently,
Deepak Sebastian
What is the best way to get the number of incoming calls?,
Alexei Kuznetsov
What is the best way to get the number of incoming calls?, Nanang Izzuddin
To developers: Is there a Library Dependencies List for pjsip?, Yun Liu
Support for Session refresh (RFC 4028),
Prokash Sinha
Call transfer - call replaced,
Sasa Coh
pjmedia recording from conference bridge,
Johan Lantz
Assertion failure when calling pjsip_endpt_destroy(), Ruud Klaver
Call Problem,
Joseph Maiquez
Can some one tell me how to catch a "INFO" message with pjsua API?,
Peter Cai
Pjsip and openmoko, Rémy Lefevre
pjsip 1.0 built using iPhone SDK 2.1 on Leopard, Scott Williamson
Problems building py-pjsua in VC8, comments at freecle.com
ERROR when building py_pjsua.c on VC8, comments at freecle.com
2nd incoming call, S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
two questions,
S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
We need a "b" line in SDP,
Peter Cai
Best Way to interface GUI to PJSUA ?,
comments at freecle.com
how to register in server? (with simpleua code),
nitu dhanurved
problem with sample program ?(pj_caching_pool_init(&cp,&pj_pool_factory_default_policy,0); ), nitu dhanurved
Generate SDP Packets with video,
piyumali pathirage
pjsip_endpt_send_request_stateless and Route.,
cedric leveque
problem with sample program ? (status = pjsua_acc_add(&cfg, PJ_TRUE, &acc_id); ),
problem with sample program ? (status = pjsua_acc_add(&cfg, PJ_TRUE, &acc_id); ), nitu dhanurved
About: Ticket #672 Option to add custom parameters in the account Contact URI, Johan Lantz
Get the old_request, humingcheng
PJSIP - JAVA, John Poseidon
Adding Video,
P.Muge Ersoy
Audio(wav file) low volume,
Ramesh D
Add SDP video processing,
piyumali pathirage
Specify codec list,
Lúcio Corrêa
compiling PJSIP for mac OS 10.5.5 with iphone 2.1 official sdk, George Stylianakis
Developing a SIP client with video supported,
Hasini Gunasinghe
using pjsua in automated mode for monitoring?,
Klaus Darilion
Transfer fail.,
Wanlop Runsiyangkul
Possibly deadlock in pjsua_call_get_info, Samuel Vinson
problem with sdp negociator,
pierrick grasland
How to put the call on Hold,
Sachin Murgunde
Scripting with pjsua,
Cristian Livadaru
audio recording for symbian,
S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
Hoe to run PJSUA,
piyumali pathirage
How to run PJSUA, piyumali pathirage
cross compile program, Gergely Juhász
Md. Nasir Uddin
Fwd: The results of your email commands,
nitu dhanurved
Concurrent calls, Lúcio Corrêa
Windows Mobile,
Wagner Popov dos Santos
how to adjust the request time,
zhang zhilong
pjsip as a dll? how to convert, nitu dhanurved
Invalid sample rate,
<Possible follow-ups>
Invalid sample rate, Nylz PJSIP_ML
Invalid sample rate, Nylz PJSIP_ML
Error in initiating a call, Hasini Gunasinghe
Query regarding the RFCs,
Sandeep Mailk
Understanding simple_pjsua.c,
piyumali pathirage
inband dtmf detection,
compile 1.0 for iphone/arm,
w zl
2 stream in one session, P.Muge Ersoy
Might a bug in with TCP transport. Wrong contact port.,
Peter Cai
simple example, waleed hassn
How to catch incomming ReINVITE with event when using INVITE Session module ?,
cedric leveque
PJSUA Error after calling own number,
Using iPhone's codec,
Stop and resume pjmedia with pjsua functions,
ranlib error while compilation for ARM, samuel.vinson
pj_simple_mutex is not simple?, Johan Lantz
play tone,
waleed hassn
Calls being mixed :S,
João César
pjsip and C++ MFC,
piyumali pathirage
How to declare OS macros,
piyumali pathirage
Subject: Compiling pjsip for iPhone 2.1, w zl
ranlib error while compilation for ARM, Igor Kokorin
conference support for symbian port,
How to catch audio packets before codecs?,
Javier Fileiv
Compiling pjsip for iPhone 2.1, Igor Kokorin
Errors in the PJSUA,
piyumali pathirage
pjsip-python binding fails to disconnect playing the wav file using lib..conf_disconnect(), svalbard colaco
Maximum chat message length, Joseph Maiquez
How to send message to URI containing "#",
Peter Cai
problem with mic on windows mobile,
Steven Beck
Execution flow of PJSIP,
Md. Nasir Uddin
Access last RX message from on_call_status_changed when receiving INVITE, Johan Lantz
RTCp-XR Computting MOS-LQ, sachindeshpande at aol.in
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